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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


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I have to disagree you one that one. Totally worth £30.


But as long as you buy it eventually I guess you'll find out for yourself :p


Oh don't worry, I enjoyed XIII-2 a lot but I don't think it's £35 material, especially when XIII-2 dropped to £10 really quickly. I think as well when they're selling a story spread over three parts that the full asking price for each is a bit much.

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I kinda stopped playing this. The whole time mechanic is stressing me out. I feel like i'm being rushed all the time and I can't go off the beaten path to do side-quests and stuff.


I'll probably go back to it in a few months.


I was stressed too in the beginning. But a couple of days and a few sidequests later and I found myself with more time than I knew what to do with. After doing every sidequest and every canvas quest, I still had several days left. So I started exterminate enemies and defeating Last Ones. After that, I still had two whole day left that I just had to sleep through because there was nothing left to do.


So you will feel stressed and thinking you're running out of time in the beginning, but seriously, there's actually more than enough time to all kinds of exploring off the beaten path and all that. I at least never ran out of time. You're actually meant to do sidequest, that's how you earn more days(and stats)


After initially stressing me out, I found the time mechanic quite fun actually. Especially when I started earning days rather than losing. Too bad you feel that you were rushed, did you play long, no offence? I think I had four days left on the clock when I started doing enough sidequest to basically halt the countdown.

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To be honest I havn't been playing very long at all. I played through the prologue and the first chapter but then somewhere through the second chapter I just droped it.


I'll give it a play tomorrow and see how I feel. I guess you're right, once I start adding days to the clock instead of losing them I'm sure I'll get into it alot more.

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