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The Peepsville Mafia

The Peeps

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Dannyboy - Your power would stop anyone from reaching your target but I decided to let Aqui1a's power get through because of its positive benefits. He would give sweets to a player each night to boost them so I had him leave a package for Yvonne to use the next night.


Nintendohnut and Yvonne were exempt from any protecting (they could target your targets) because they were info gatherers and only worked with reports, not actual people.


If you targeted yourself, you would not be informed of anyone targeting you because you would be locked in your office for the night and your team would prevent people getting to you. You were not roleblocked in the final night because you protected yourself.


Nintendohnut - You were something of a dumb cop as half of the mafia appeared good to you. Tales appeared good for the whole game, ReZ appeared good to you because he was the chief of police. Cube appeared good once becoming mayor.


Your in-game son was Rummy and in the event of your death or lynching he would become an alignment cop (and if you'd already cleared mafia in the thread I may have given a slight hint that he might need to re-check them). If he had been killed by the mafia, you would have been able to see through them all (again, possibly with a hint if you'd already targeted some).


EEVIL - Yvonne had protection for a lot of the game. He was probably the most forthcoming person and pretty much everyone except you and Rummy seemed to think he was good :p you should've taken your roleblocking elsewhere!


I wish the game had been able to go on for another night phase as I think certain people were beginning to put things together but the mafia were all still alive and Cube had a double vote which meant they could reach 5 (even though ReZ was inactive and unlikely to vote) but the town could only reach 4.


If I had made another day phase and ReZ hadn't posted, he would've been modkilled and majority would lower to 4 with both the mafia and town able to reach 4 (if no one was lynched) and with a nightkill, the mafia would gain majority anyway.


I think this was a very good game but I'm a bit disappointed that some things weren't picked up on by the town. I gave a lot of information out in PMs but people didn't like to share them. I think I prefer info-heavy PMs and write-ups only outlining the kill. I'm really impressed with the way most people played too so thanks everyone for making it so good!


Originally I had planned for Jimbob to have Tales' role and vice versa but I got the names mixed up somehow when sending out PMs lol. Might've been a different game altogether. Jimbob was the town's answer to Cube and would've got a double vote and 'do anything' power if elected mayor. Everyone was told who they support and it was either Cube or Jimbob.


Full role info etc to come later.

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Dannyboy - Your power would stop anyone from reaching your target but I decided to let Aqui1a's power get through because of its positive benefits. He would give sweets to a player each night to boost them so I had him leave a package for Yvonne to use the next night.


Nintendohnut and Yvonne were exempt from any protecting (they could target your targets) because they were info gatherers and only worked with reports, not actual people.


If you targeted yourself, you would not be informed of anyone targeting you because you would be locked in your office for the night and your team would prevent people getting to you. You were not roleblocked in the final night because you protected yourself.


Well, those are fair points, but they're a bit hard to work with when they directly contradict what my role PM says. Fair enough, but a bit annoying.


@Nintendohnut, my apologies for falsely accusing you, but look at it from my perspective - a silent player (who is backing up someone you heavily suspect of being mafia) claims to have done something which everything you know suggests neither could have nor did happen. What was I supposed to think? :heh:

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I can see how you'd be annoyed but I said no one could reach your target and it was only Aqui1a that actually did reach your target (though not really as he only left behind a package). Yvonne and Nintendohnut did all of their work through reports, never coming in to contact with protected targets, which Nintendohnut did mention although he wasn't certain.

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I can see how you'd be annoyed but I said no one could reach your target and it was only Aqui1a that actually did reach your target (though not really as he only left behind a package). Yvonne and Nintendohnut did all of their work through reports, never coming in to contact with protected targets, which Nintendohnut did mention although he wasn't certain.


I know, I know. In the end it comes down to semantics.

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Wait, so I was an investigator but would've only gotten an evil result on one of the four mafiosos?


Also, why did I support Cube for mayor when he was mafia? Why would you put it in the town's roles that they should elect a mafia member? I know you said 'you don't have to follow it' etc, but when it's in your original role PM it's natural to go along with it.


From my point of view now, my power was 1) to help clear two/three out of four mafiosos as good and 2) to help elect one of the four mafiosos and give him an extra power. Do you see what I mean?


I actually really enjoyed the game, and couldn't understand how I'd been so unlucky so far. Finding out it would've been difficult for me to actually help the town ruins the whole thing a little bit for me :( That said, it was good fun. I do enjoy convincing people they're totally wrong about things, it usually only happens when I'm a member of the mafia, so it was nice to be able to do it as a townie, working with the information I had and trying to convince people. This time I was actually telling the truth :p

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That said, it was good fun. I do enjoy convincing people they're totally wrong about things, it usually only happens when I'm a member of the mafia, so it was nice to be able to do it as a townie, working with the information I had and trying to convince people. This time I was actually telling the truth :p


Well, is it really any surprise I was suspicious of you? You always play extremely well as a mafioso, shaping the most intricate lies! :p

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You supported Dominic Gentry because he had bought out the police force and bribed the Chief of Police. I said that election suggestions were character based.


I've been playing around with alignment investigation in my recent games so I'm sorry you weren't the mafia finder you thought you'd be :p I think I needed more development between you and Rummy, maybe linking you up would've been best. The best scenario for the town would've been if you had died really.


Part of a countermeasure to that was giving Yvonne bucketloads of information which would've damaged the mafia greatly had people paid more attention to their characters like I wanted. At the start a few people did but it seemed to become less important to the town. People are always asking for powers but in this game I wanted the characters themselves to be as important.

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People are always asking for powers but in this game I wanted the characters themselves to be as important.


Which I think was a problem, seeing as we're accustomed specifically to NOT take the characters into consideration, and particularly not in a neutral-flavoured game like this one.


I loved the flavour, though. You have a talent for writing excellent flavour.

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On the last night I had a sudden realisation that at least one of the people who were vying for the mayorship was probably a mafioso who killed him to steal the position. It was between investigating Cube and Tales, but in the end I went for Tales. Nice to know, at least, that during the game I did actually target two of the mafiosos. It's just a shame that my power would've actually helped to clear them rather than finding them. Looking at it that way it would've actually been better had I just not targeted anyone - Rez probably would've been lynched.


TBH It's pretty unfair Rez won despite posting, what, three times or something? I'm sure he's busy IRL and that's fine, but he didn't talk for two days and still won! I didn't talk much but when you warned people about inactivity I bucked up and posted loads.


D'awwww I'm just being bitter :p

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I was planning on modkilling ReZ but honestly I forgot about it for one phase and then it was too late. If I'd killed him in the night it would've been unfair on the mafia really as I'd not given a proper warning. If I'd killed him in the day like I was planning to it still wouldn't have changed the outcome as the mafia still would've been able to reach majority.


I think we can all forgive ReZ though considering he's never missed a mafia and is normally one of the most active people :p not to mention the amount he's created for us all.


Like I said, I'm really pleased with the way people played in this and it's a shame the town were beaten as easily as they were. I do think there was good balance though but the potential for the town to do well was probably too hidden. I'll probably be sticking to this style from now on though so whenever my next game is, pay special attention to flavour/characters/any info I give ;)

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As you're going to post them at some point, I may as well post some of it:




Dominic Gentry – Owner of the Grand Opera House and chief conductor. You are a kind and classy gentleman on the face of things but you have a dark agenda. With the death of Mayor Peeps, your plan to assume control of the town is underway. You have a double vote as you are an influential member of the town and in the running to be elected Mayor. You can direct any player to another of your choice.


You have been elected Mayor. You now have a double vote - including elections. You may also choose any power you like to perform at night. You can only do each action once but it can be anything.

Variations are allowed e.g. you can be a tracker and then a reverse tracker but you may not be either of those more than once.




James Rockwell – Chief of police. You have been bribed into covering up the murder of Mayor Peeps in order to secure Dominic Gentry as town Mayor. The two of you have struck a deal to overfund the police department when he is elected. You have two contacts in the town who report their info to you (I will PM you their results but they will be not be aware of you).




Henry Dunelm - Florist – You are part of Dominic Gentry’s campaign for Mayor of Peepsville. Your extensive studies of plant life have given you vast knowledge of various scents and as such you can prepare certain bouquets that will force your targets into a deep sleep. They will be roleblocked for the night along with anyone who targets them. On odd numbered nights you can poison a player who will be unable to complete their action the following night followed by death the night after.





Walter Taunton – You are the owner of the town theatre and head of the dramatic society. You have been blackmailed into supporting Dominic Gentry’s campaign. Your acting talent allows you to take on the appearance of anyone you like. Name a player to become them for the night, info gatherers will get the information of that player instead of you. You may take on someone’s appearance and still perform a night kill. You appear good even on death.
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Still seems just from the mafia roles that there was a bit of an imbalance. When I was mayor I had no choice of what to do was just given the opportunity to track who I protected, and no double vote. The mafia had a player who received all info the town received from their cops by the looks of it, and players that appeared good.

Like I said before, I never trusted Cube (and as such never elected him) and I regret not having enough time to stop the rest of the town being so silly, I ignored the "supporting" thing straight away and just put myself up for election :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I completely forgot about this...





Dominic Gentry – Owner of the Grand Opera House and chief conductor. You are a kind and classy gentleman on the face of things but you have a dark agenda. With the death of Mayor Peeps, your plan to assume control of the town is underway. You have a double vote as you are an influential member of the town and in the running to be elected Mayor. You can direct any player to another of your choice.



James Rockwell – Chief of police. You have been bribed into covering up the murder of Mayor Peeps in order to secure Dominic Gentry as town Mayor. The two of you have struck a deal to overfund the police department when he is elected. You have two contacts in the town who report their info to you (I will PM you their results but they will be not be aware of you).



Henry Dunelm - Florist – You are part of Dominic Gentry’s campaign for Mayor of Peepsville. Your extensive studies of plant life have given you vast knowledge of various scents and as such you can prepare certain bouquets that will force your targets into a deep sleep. They will be roleblocked for the night along with anyone who targets them. On odd numbered nights you can poison a player who will be unable to complete their action the following night followed by death the night after.



Walter Taunton – You are the owner of the town theatre and head of the dramatic society. You have been blackmailed into supporting Dominic Gentry’s campaign. Your acting talent allows you to take on the appearance of anyone you like. Name a player to become them for the night, info gatherers will get the information of that player instead of you. You may take on someone’s appearance and still perform a night kill. You appear good even on death.

I had originally intended Jimbob to take this role but I mixed the names up lol. There were certain mechanics in place for if Tales got lynched that I'll probably bring into a future game :p





Charles Aimes – Owner of the town Arcade – You are a roleblocker. You will distract your targets with your arcade machines until morning. You support Benny Bentley for Mayor.



Arthur Wilson – Police Sergeant. You are sworn to protect the citizens of Peepsville. Each night you will choose a player to lock up in the cells for the night. They will be protected but unable to perform their own night actions. You support Dominic Gentry for Mayor.



George Phillips – Police Officer. You are sworn to protect the citizens of Peepsville. Each night you will set out to discover the alignment of your target. You support Dominic Gentry for Mayor.

As the chief of police was part of the mafia, Nintendohnut would get good results on Cube and ReZ (unless one of them were lynched).



Gregory Phillips – Your father is on the police force and you hope to follow in his footsteps, but first you have to finish your studies. Each night you can practise your detective skills and discover your target’s night ability. You support Benny Bentley for Mayor.

If the mafia had killed Nintendohnut, Rummy would've become an alignment cop and would've got correct results on the mafia (except Tales). If ReZ had directly killed Nintendohnut, Rummy would've instantly outed ReZ as mafia.



Richard Stigley – Fireman – Each night you will protect your target from anyone who tries to physically target them. You support Benny Bentley for Mayor.



Benny Bentley – Retired rock star. Your rocking days are at an end and you have come back to your home town to retire. You are a big celebrity here and as such you can go anywhere you like. You are also in the running to become the next Mayor of Peepsville. Your ‘access all areas’ pass allows you to track any player.



Stephen Weston Teacher – role cop. Peepsville is a small town and you have taught most of the pupils here, watching them grow up has been a great pleasure for you and you feel you know everyone very well. Each night you can target a character and receive their role information – character name and background. You support Dominic Gentry for Mayor.



Edward Burnley – Philanthropist Businessman. You are the richest man in town and you reside in the penthouse suite of the tallest skyscraper in Peepsville. You are somewhat of a recluse as you have become slightly paranoid of losing your vast fortune. Each night you will observe a player through your telescope and discover who has targeted them.

Still pissed off at him dying so early :p he really brought the game to life!



Michael Ottock – Bus driver. Each night you can redirect players away from a target by offering them a lift in your bus. Pick a player and anyone targeting them will be redirected to another player of your choice. If no one targets that player you will take them to their target and fully track them in the process. You support Benny Bentley for Mayor.



Robert Preston – Sweet shop owner. You have the best sweet shop in town, mostly thanks to your own experiments in flavour. You have recently perfected a new flavour enhancer that actually boosts abilities for a short period of time. You will give free samples to a player to boost them for the current night phase. You support Benny Bentley for Mayor



Leonard Tucker – Doctor. You are an all-purpose protector. No one will be able to reach your target. You support Dominic Gentry for Mayor.
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