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The Unfinished Swan (PSN)


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Was about to thread this, looks very interesting! Of course it isn't clear how the mechanics are going to work yet but there's potential for some pretty sweet ideas. I'm thinking detailed vistas and puzzles that punish you for over-painting. The horror aspect has me pumped.

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  • 3 months later...




First video/level is incredible!

I loved how just like reading a book I was envisaging my own surroundings! And at the same time wanting to see what it all actually looked like.


Less convinced by the second level, seems they're mixing the visual style up, but it'll no doubt have it's own charms.

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  • 1 month later...

Played through this the other day and really enjoyed it. It does move away from the simple black on white look. Half way through it does slightly over use one it's different mechanics but there is enough amongst it to make up for it. Some simply awesome moment involving a telescope and really really good ending. Not too long either perfect length for it's simplistic mechanics.

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Finished it 100% yesterday. I think it was too short. So much more could have been done with the game. A few more hours would have been enough. The first level was the best one, the second was ok, didn't like the third level so much. In the end, the game is decent overall.

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Finished it 100% yesterday. I think it was too short. So much more could have been done with the game. A few more hours would have been enough. The first level was the best one, the second was ok, didn't like the third level so much. In the end, the game is decent overall.


See I don't think it could have been longer unless they introduced different mechanics. They wouldn't have held up over a long period of time.

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  • 2 months later...

Played through this today, I thought it was amazing! :D

I didn't expect it to be as good as it was, and I did think I was going to enjoy it, but it surpassed that!


It's just one of those games that is unlike anything else really, a very unique thoroughly entertaining experience.

As much as I thought I would miss the visuals of the opening level I didn't, because the visuals styles that came along and the different gameplay mechanics were all brilliant. The visuals in this game are just stunning!


Was a little bit confused by the story in the end, but its lovely! And the way the endings played out was just really special!

Perfect length I think on reflection, left me wanting more, but everything there is is done really well so that's good.


Highly recommended!!


And what do you know I have Journey to play next!



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