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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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It's a good thing I've watched this vid, actually seeing some of the weapons in action had me thinking of a whole lot of different set-ups. What I enjoyed most about this video was the speed and intensity, it was at a very high level, although I know there were many different clips he put together it still impressed me.

Also I think that was a very nice stage.

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Unless I missed it... does it mention which version they're playing?


The one shown there is the 360 version - which is the same as the Wii U version in regards to content. I think the major difference is the Wii U version (outside the different control schemes) is that the Wii U version displays in 1080p but the other console versions don't.

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The one shown there is the 360 version - which is the same as the Wii U version in regards to content. I think the major difference is the Wii U version (outside the different control schemes) is that the Wii U version displays in 1080p but the other console versions don't.


WiiU 10 - 0 PS360

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WiiU 10 - 0 PS360


Well considering the PS3 versions of Black Ops and MW3 had massive problems with online connectivity and frame rate dips I am definetely hoping that the Wii U version will blow the PS3 version out of the water!


What's more, as the 360 and PS3 versions are out 12-18 days before the Wii U version, we may end up with a day one patch balancing any issues that emerage on the other versions before we've even got ours!

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I wouldnt really take that whole its in 1080p thing seriously at the moment.


So is the Wii U version getting the Nuke town map that the other two versions get if your pre-order?


Why wouldn't I take that seriously? The developers announced it at the Nintendo conference when they demoed the game!


As for Nuke Town - I really hope that fucking map isn't available on the Wii U. I've played that enough on the Wii version to last me a lifetime. In fact that map should be renamed Noob Town as they're the only people who like it!


Check this out for more multiplayer sniper footage.


Well, I didn't see any quick scoping so that's a relief and the dual wielding pistols didn't seem as over powered.


The two things that went a long way toward ruining the MW3 experience was quick scoping and dual weilds. There's also these idiots who spend the entire game running around with a sniper rifle like it's a sub machine gun!


On Youtube there's entire videos full of people pulling off so-called 'trick shots'. For the record - anyone doing this is a complete and utter piece of shit! You spend the entire game doing this and go 1 for 14. You basically screwed your team in order to put up a 30 second clip of you getting a silly head shot whilst not looking down the sights and spinning around jumping off something.

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I thought they only announced it to be in 'Full HD'?


I'm open to the possibility of being wrong on this, but without a number it just sounds like they're bigging up some dynamic framebuffer-esque technology that the PS3 currently uses.


They did say 'Full HD', which generally means 1080p. As the Wii U has 4 times the ram the 360 has, I would expect that pushing this game out in 1080p is something the Wii U would be capable of.


I doubt that Activision would have said this and made a big deal of it if it weren't the case. However, I may be wrong!

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Why wouldn't I take that seriously? The developers announced it at the Nintendo conference when they demoed the game!


As for Nuke Town - I really hope that fucking map isn't available on the Wii U. I've played that enough on the Wii version to last me a lifetime. In fact that map should be renamed Noob Town as they're the only people who like it!


No true. Nuke Town is great fun and no it's not for noobs. It's especially good for Headquarters and Capture The Flag. There's a reason it'll probably be available. It's one of if not the most popular map.

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I'd like Nuketown 2025 to be in there as Nuketown is an alright map, it's just overplayed. Generally speaking I prefer the medium to large size maps as you can approach them with a more tactical edge, but every now and again I do like the full-throttle feel of Nuketown.

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I don't mind Nuke Town once or twice in a night but it only decent on Domination and then only if everyone on your team knows the simplist tactic of taking 2 flags and holding those and keeping the enemy spawn on one side of the map.....hate when you get a random on the team who doesn't understand to not cross the road causing the enemy to spawn behind your position


It's far too small a map for most other modes.

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One thing I would like to point out to the N-E Clan is that with the changes to Domination and how it's a timed game and you swap sides now, at the start of the game the race for Flag B is now more important than ever! You have to capture 2 flags as quickly as possible to get yourselves the edge.

So when we play Domination, we need the majority of our players going straight for Flag B.

Now it's teams of 6, we can leave 2 at the flag we spawn at, take 4 to Flag B. 3 of those 4 jump on the flag and the other takes up a position close by to defend enemy routes to B. With this we'll get an early advantage in the game!



Also, on a side note, with the changes to faster reloading/aim time/steady aim now being attachments, if you've kitted out your gun, once you use it's ammo and swap out for another weapon you'll no longer have those abilities. Don't forget this and so if you want to keep them during the game, don't undervalue the Scavenger Perk. It's probably more valuable than it ever was!

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Scavenger — Replenish ammo and grenades from fallen enemies.


Cold-blooded — Resistance to targeting systems including Dual Band, Target Finder, Sensor Grenades and player-controlled aircraft.


As both of these perks are on the same tier, it's going to be a tough choice for anyone using primary gun fighter!


The amount of people using the millimetre scanner (which can see through walls) and the target finder will be huge. Just imagine... no hackers, but people will still be firing at the wall before you run around it - that's what the millimetre scanner will introduce unless you're using cold blooded!

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Scavenger — Replenish ammo and grenades from fallen enemies.


Cold-blooded — Resistance to targeting systems including Dual Band, Target Finder, Sensor Grenades and player-controlled aircraft.


As both of these perks are on the same tier, it's going to be a tough choice for anyone using primary gun fighter!


The amount of people using the millimetre scanner (which can see through walls) and the target finder will be huge. Just imagine... no hackers, but people will still be firing at the wall before you run around it - that's what the millimetre scanner will introduce unless you're using cold blooded!


For myself I'm rocking Scavenger, I'm confident in my ability to not worry about the Millimetre Scanner, Treyarch have said in and interview that with the Millimetre Scanner they're tuning it in a similar way to Ghost whereupon it works best against players that are stationary so if you're moving (depended on how fast you're moving too) then the highlight of you within the sight won't be as prominent. People used the Heartbeat Sensor in prior games and that didn't bother me. Opposing teams tend not to get aircraft against us either so I'm not worried about that.


But with the Pick 10 system, why not have both! :)



Here's one for you Zechs...


Primary Weapon (Assault Rifle) - Quickdraw, Fast Mag & Suppressor

Primary Gunfighter

Perk 2 Greed

Perk 1: Blind Eye

Perk 2: Cold-Blooded & Scavenger

Perk 3: Engineer


(on a previous post you said you liked the look of Blind Eye & Engineer from their tiers so I included them)

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For myself I'm rocking Scavenger, I'm confident in my ability to not worry about the Millimetre Scanner, Treyarch have said in and interview that with the Millimetre Scanner they're tuning it in a similar way to Ghost whereupon it works best against players that are stationary so if you're moving (depended on how fast you're moving too) then the highlight of you within the sight won't be as prominent. People used the Heartbeat Sensor in prior games and that didn't bother me. Opposing teams tend not to get aircraft against us either so I'm not worried about that.


But with the Pick 10 system, why not have both! :)


The only good thing about the millimetre scanner is you have to be looking down the sights to activate it. My worry is it could be used to 'wall bang' (where an enemy knows your coming and starts shooting the wall before he moves around it, literally giving you no chance).


But all of this is mere conjecture as no one but Treyarch and their play testers knows how any of this will translate in real gameplay. Also, I should imagine the Wii U version will be different to the others as the guns will handle differently depending on the control scheme you use.


For example in the 360 version of MW, no one used the LMGs, but in the Wii version the remote made them deadly and they were very popular. From playing all the COD games on different systems I've found some guns handle better with a pad and some better with a remote, it'll be interesting where that balance lies in this one.

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As posted on a previous page, here are some classes I can see myself using:



Primary Weapon (Assault Rifle) - Quickdraw, Fast Mag & Suppressor

Primary Gunfighter

Perk 3 Greed

Perk 1: Hardline

Perk 2: Scavenger

Perk 3: Dead Silence & Awareness

Point-streak: UAV, Lodestar/Orbital VSAT, Canine Unit



Primary Weapon - Millimetre Scanner & FMJ


Tactical Insertion

Perk 2 Greed

Perk 1: Flak Jacket

Perk 2: Scavenger & Toughness

Perk 3: Tactical Mask

Point-streak: UAV, Guardian, Orbital VSAT (may swap out Guardian for higher streak reward).



Primary Weapon (SMG) - Laser Sight

Tactical Insertion

Perk 1 Greed

Perk 3 Greed

Perk 1: Lightweight & Ghost

Perk 2: Cold Blooded

Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning & Dexterity

Point-streak: UAV


Knife Only:

Combat Knife

Combat Axe

Shock Charge

Perk 1 Greed

Perk 3 Greed

Perk 1: Lightweight & Ghost

Perk 2: Cold-Blooded

Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning & Dead Silence

Point-streak: UAV, Hunter Killer, Orbital VSAT.



How about yourselves guys? Any thoughts about how you may set up?

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Why wouldn't I take that seriously? The developers announced it at the Nintendo conference when they demoed the game!


As for Nuke Town - I really hope that fucking map isn't available on the Wii U. I've played that enough on the Wii version to last me a lifetime. In fact that map should be renamed Noob Town as they're the only people who like it!



Nuke town RAWWWWWKS. Its a fun map.


As for the 1080p they can say what they want, I aint believing shit until the game is out and its been confirmed by a third party.

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I think the best set ups for me would be one of the following 3:


Set Up 1


01 - Primary Weapon - rifle or SMG

02 - Attachment 1 - Steady aim

03 - Attachment 2 - Quickdraw

04 - Attachment 3 - Fast mags, Suppressor or MMS

05 - Pimary Gun Fighter

06 - Bouncing Betty

07 - Sensor Grenade

08 - Perk 1 - Ghost

09 - Perk 2 - Cold blooded or Scavenger

10 - Perk 3 - Engineer


I dropped the secondary weapon and attachment


Set Up 2


01 - Primary Weapon - rifle or SMG

02 - Attachment 1 - Steady aim or Quickdraw

03 - Attachment 2 - Steady aim, Quickdraw, Suppressor, Fast mages or MMS

04 - Bouncing Betty

05 - Sensor Grenade

06 - Perk 1 - Ghost

07 - Perk 2 - Cold blooded

08 - Perk 2 - Scavenger

09 - Perk 3 - Engineer

10 - Greed


I dropped the secondary weapon and attachment


Set Up 3


01 - Primary Weapon - rifle or SMG

02 - Attachment 1 - Steady aim

03 - Attachment 2 - Quickdraw

04 - Attachment 3 - Fast mags, Suppressor or MMS

05 - Pimary Gun Fighter

06 - Perk 1 - Ghost

07 - Perk 2 - Cold blooded

08 - Perk 2 - Scavenger

09 - Perk 3 - Engineer

10 - Greed


I dropped the secondary weapon, attachment and both grenades.

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One thing I would like to point out to the N-E Clan is that with the changes to Domination and how it's a timed game and you swap sides now, at the start of the game the race for Flag B is now more important than ever! You have to capture 2 flags as quickly as possible to get yourselves the edge.


Ok I've not read much on mode details yet... so in Domination it is not first to X ammount of points it is whoever has the most points at the end of the time limit?


And what you mean bout swap sides.... you saying the spawn swaps anyway no matter how far up or back the map you are?:mad:

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Ok I've not read much on mode details yet... so in Domination it is not first to X ammount of points it is whoever has the most points at the end of the time limit?


And what you mean bout swap sides.... you saying the spawn swaps anyway no matter how far up or back the map you are?:mad:


On Domination you get 2 rounds. At the start of the first round where you spawn and the enemies spawn will be swapped over for the start of the second round so that both teams get to play the map from each side. Each round is timed and whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.

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They did say 'Full HD', which generally means 1080p. As the Wii U has 4 times the ram the 360 has, I would expect that pushing this game out in 1080p is something the Wii U would be capable of.


I doubt that Activision would have said this and made a big deal of it if it weren't the case. However, I may be wrong!


As much as it should mean it's 1080p, video game publishers tend to not agree and be very snide about it. It seems that, seeing the lack of court cases regarding false advertising, you're allowed to advertise your product as 'Full HD 1080p' providing there is an instance where it does.


It's a bullshit marketing tactic, but the PS3 and to a bigger extent, the 360, are guilty of having publishers making use of that. I hope for the consumers sake that Black Ops 2 does run in 1080p because it's nothing ground breaking visually, but performance wise they're very keen on maintaining that 60 FPS. The one thing good I can say about the Call of Duty franchise, performance over graphics. How it should be.

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