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Pokémon Dream Radar


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Why do people continually want the old stuff. Why not accept new things. Stop looking at the past, look to the future!


Why do people keep wanting new stuff when the old stuff was freaking awesome? Works both ways. :heh:


Snap was amazing and still is. It was a far better game than most of the Pokemon spin offs that have appeared over the years. The same can be said for the TGC on the Gameboy.

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Why do people keep wanting new stuff when the old stuff was freaking awesome? Works both ways. :heh:


Snap was amazing and still is. It was a far better game than most of the Pokemon spin offs that have appeared over the years. The same can be said for the TGC on the Gameboy.

Pfft. TCG on the GameBoy is horrendous. It's one of the worst Pokémon games I have experienced and I'm dreading the redo of the section for that and for the sequel it's that bad. Heck, I'm looking forward more to doing Pokémon Dash than that.


Nostalgia goggles!

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Why have Pokemon Snap when you can have Pokemon: Dreams and camera's and rainbows and shit?


I'm still hoping that one day they go balls out and make a Pokemon game aimed at an older audience. Who WOULDN'T want a Pokemon game like this?


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Maybe they'll have a magic rainbow beam you can use while shooting/capturing Pokemon :D

Now that you mention it




On the Japanese sites, there's a note under the art saying that a beam won't actually emerge from your 3DS during play. True story.

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On the Japanese sites, there's a note under the art saying that a beam won't actually emerge from your 3DS during play. True story.


OUTRAGE! I wanted that cool looking beam coming out of my 3DS!

It was the whole reason to buy the game!

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