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Project X Zone (Capcom x Sega x Namco Bandai)


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Yep, I never thought I'd live to see the day, but sure enough...

Project X Zone is complete! :o



And it only took almost 52 hours. :laughing:



Yeah, this has got to be the most artificially elongated games I've ever played. :heh:

It literally needed to be like 35-40 hours shorter than what it is.

Don't think it's ever taken me over 5 months to finish a game before, in fact, I know it hasn't. This is the first and surely the last time that'll happen. :hehe:


So why did I endure this super repetitive game right the way through to the end? It sure as hell wasn't for the story! :D No, it was the gameplay. And not the tactical aspect of the gameplay either (which is pretty much non-existent actually :hmm:) but the combat.

The timing system of the combat is really entertaining for some reason. :cool: It was what sold me on PxZ in the first place with the demo and it's what kept me playing all the way to the end. There's just something so satisfying about perfectly timing attacks in order to score critical hits. Such a simple mechanic, but it's really addictive. :smile:


The visuals and music also helped a lot. The pixel art and animation in this game is amazing, even more impressive considering the amount of different characters that are in it. And the soundtrack is sooooooo good. :love:


Anyway, glad to finally clear this game from my backlog. :)

Is anyone else that picked it up at launch still playing?

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Anyway, glad to finally clear this game from my backlog. :)

Is anyone else that picked it up at launch still playing?


I picked it up at launch but it's still sitting on my shelf, unopened. I'm still trying to decide whether I would actually get to grips with the gameplay. Well done indeed though, RedShell!

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The demo is really fun, and I was going to pick it up but had too many games (still do). The main reason though was because I barely knew who half of the characters even were. I wanted to play the games they were in first, I basically made this a huge hassle in my head. I also thought it was going to become one of those "limited print, becomes insanely expensive after a month", but instead has become cheap as chips.

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I'm still trying to decide whether I would actually get to grips with the gameplay.
If you've got to grips with the gameplay in the demo, then you've got to grips with the gameplay.

As characters level up they're able to use more attacks per battle, but the core gameplay stays the same throughout the entire game.


I remember expecting PxZ to be really tactical when I first saw what kind of game it was, but that couldn't be further from the truth. You simply move your characters close to enemies and attack, there's almost no need to play defensively, no need to plan moves ahead of time or create a strategy, it's basically just move > attack > repeat. :heh:


So yeah, there's no way I could've played this game exclusively from start to finish, I would've lost the will to live. :laughing: But it's a pretty good game to dip into now and then while playing other stuff. Especially if like me, you completely ignore the "story" and find the combat system fun. ;)

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If you've got to grips with the gameplay in the demo, then you've got to grips with the gameplay.


That's the problem - I completely failed at the demo and have rarely felt more confused with a game. I think I could learn the timing, but am more confused about special moves - when to use which one, etc, and that's assuming I could remember the button presses. That said, I have devoted so much of my play time this year to Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing and Etrian Odyssey IV (plus a bit of Zelda), I just need to find time to learn Project X Zone's system.


(Bravely Default sits alongside it on my shelf now, also unopened, although not for the same reason.)

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  • 4 years later...

Having nearly finished nabbing the platinum on Valkyria Chronicles ( still need to grind out another 400 kills ) I was looking for my next game to play. I was still in a mood for something Sega related and then I spotted this game sitting on my backlog shelf. Granted, the game isn't strictly a Sega game but it does feature a bunch of their characters. I fired it up yesterday evening and have done a bunch of chapters ( all the prologue stuff and chapters 1-5 ) and i'm REALLY enjoying what i've played so far.

The fan service in the game is absolutely top notch. There have already been a bunch of nods to other series or nods to things that happened in other games. Frank West has had me in stitches a couple of times. Every time a woman appears that has next to no clothes on he asks for a picture and then gets the Erotica rating on his snapshots, just like in Dead Rising. The first time he met a Servbot also gave me a laugh as he turned to it and said "Have we met before? You look familiar." Great stuff. :laughing: 

The music in the game has been amazing. The different renditions of classic gaming songs never fails to get me pumped. I sat and listened to Devils Never Cry for ages when Dante showed up. :D 

So, yeah, really enjoying it so far and I can't wait to see which other characters show up in the game and what kind of special/team up moves they bring to the table.

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32 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I sat and listened to Devils Never Cry for ages when Dante showed up. :D 

Now I have the original stuck in my head. Probably for the next few weeks. :D

Bless me with your gift of lights
Righteous cause on judgment nights
Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed
Feel the freedom like no tomorrow

One of the most important songs of my teenage-video-game-history. The last two minutes are sooooo good.

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44 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

So, yeah, really enjoying it so far and I can't wait to see which other characters show up in the game and what kind of special/team up moves they bring to the table.

Going to be very interesting to see how long that enjoyment lasts for. All I can say is I hope it does and good luck... *Smash TV voice* “You’ll need it!” ;)


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7 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Going to be very interesting to see how long that enjoyment lasts for. All I can say is I hope it does and good luck... *Smash TV voice* “You’ll need it!” ;)


Haha. Yup, it's gonna be fun to see if the game starts to drag for me like it did for you. Hopefully the wacky story and characters will carry me through.

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On 15/05/2018 at 9:00 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

Haha. Yup, it's gonna be fun to see if the game starts to drag for me like it did for you. Hopefully the wacky story and characters will carry me through.

So I see you're playing Pokémon at the moment, am I right in assuming the wacky story and characters didn't help then, or is PxZ just on hold? :hehe:

I actually had the crazy idea of trying to get hold of PxZ 2 the other day! Quickly came to my senses though. :heh:

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31 minutes ago, RedShell said:

So I see you're playing Pokémon at the moment, am I right in assuming the wacky story and characters didn't help then, or is PxZ just on hold? :hehe:

I actually had the crazy idea of trying to get hold of PxZ 2 the other day! Quickly came to my senses though. :heh:

Nah, still playing it. I'm on chapter 17 at the moment. With the chapters taking nearly an hour a piece I tend to do one and then hop to another game, before coming back to this later.

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