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Jet Set Radio XBLA/PSN


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  • 3 weeks later...

So did anyone ever actually pick this up?


I did and I love it. A little shorter remember, but with way more extras than I recalled so I still got around 25 hours out of this. Managed to go back and get Jet ranking on every level, unlock every character and find every graffiti soul. The game still feels pretty fresh, fun and it looks great. The controls leave a little something to be desired but they're not game-wreckingly bad. Anyone else get this?

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Yeah I picked it up on steam and just as you said, it holds up very well. I still have my Dreamcast copy which I had played fairly recently too so the added ability to be able to turn the camera with the right analog stick is a little nice addition.


I like that they added a little extra content to it too, like the mini documentary video with the original development team and some JSRF music.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like it but no where near as much as I thought I was going to. The style, the music and the setting are all great but the controls ruin it for me. Bad controls mixed with a camera which isn't always great have made it really hard to enjoy, which is a shame for something I'd been looking forward to getting for so long.

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