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Standout Games For The Wii


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Good list, Daftada.


Nobody loves Dead Space: Extraction? :(


Blew me away when I played it. Started it off at Ine's place, before I took it home and played it by myself, in complete darkness, with some third-party Wiimote Gun attachment. It was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.


The game itself is great. It's not a "typical" shooter, in that you just blast all you see. In fact, there are a lot of sections where nothing happens. Perfect. THIS is how you create atmosphere, through tension and uncertainty, where you are not aware of what is going to happen next. The graphics and sound were top class and you can tell that the developers were really pushing the system with this one.


The only downside I can possibly think of is that we never saw a sequel of any kind on the Wii. Complete and utter shame, because I wanted more. For what is supposedly a casual console, this and Silent Hill are possibly two of the most chilling experiences you could have on the system.

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Dead Space Extraction was great actually, really great! (though I personally wouldn't rate it as a stand-out)


Played through the entire game in co-op with @Eddage and had a lot of fun with it.

Good story, great voice acting, branching paths/choices were nice additions and it was really interesting how the levels were set out so that you got to see the story all coming together from different characters perspectives!


There were some great interective moments, like fleeing into a room and having to get the door welded shut behind you, where it would then become a safe room. The [co-op] puzzles were a nice addition, and like you say, the 'down-times' in the gameplay added to the experience.


There were frustrating moments with bosses/ammo levels etc... but on the whole it was a good game to playthrough, especially enjoyable in co-op.



Reading these lists are making me want to try other games like Another Code, Disaster, Punch-Out etc... but I just don't have the time/money/too big a backcatalogue anyway.

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Dead Space Extraction was great actually, really great! (thought I personally wouldn't rate it as a stand-out)


Played through the entire game in co-op with @Eddage and had a lot of fun with it.

Good story, great voice acting, branching paths/choices were nice additions and it was really interesting how the levels were set out so that you got to see the story all coming together from different characters perspectives!


There were some great interective moments, like fleeing into a room and having to get the door welded shut behind you, where it would then become a safe room. The [co-op] puzzles were a nice addition, and like you say, the 'down-times' in the gameplay added to the experience.


There were frustrating moments with bosses/ammo levels etc... but on the whole it was a good game to playthrough, especially enjoyable in co-op.



Reading these lists are making me want to try other games like Another Code, Disaster, Punch-Out etc... but I just don't have the time/money/too big a backcatalogue anyway.


I've never touched the co-op. Far more terrifying in singleplayer. ;)

I probably would have had a different opinion if I did try it in co-op.

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I imagine the two experiences would be quite different actually yeah, but both great in their own way. I do love a good co-op experience... it brings a sense of 'fuck yeah, lets do this shit!... BRING IT!!' Where as playing it in single player would be the more scary option!


The waggle glow-stick was also cool!

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I imagine the two experiences would be quite different actually yeah, but both great in their own way. I do love a good co-op experience... it brings a sense of 'fuck yeah, lets do this shit!... BRING IT!!' Where as playing it in single player would be the more scary option!


The waggle glow-stick was also cool!


Hmm, I think a Darksides Chronicles game type of game might work better for Co-op, imo. This doesn't really work as an action game for me.


You mentioned Punchout on your list. Get it. It's brilliant. Quality Nintendo humour and it can be really challenging.

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The game worked brilliantly in co-op I thought... it still has the scare/unknown factor, but you've just got someone alongside you fighting your corner. In practically every section of the game you've got your team/a team-mate around you anyway, so it makes sense.

But the most important thing is to play it!


I played the first Resi shooter Umbrella Chronicles both single and co-op (which I completede it in)... wasn't a fan of it at all, in either. Game was too slow paced and uninteresting in it's gameplay, level design and story. That's something that really sets Extraction apart.

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The game worked brilliantly in co-op I thought... it still has the scare/unknown factor, but you've just got someone alongside you fighting your corner. In practically every section of the game you've got your team/a team-mate around you anyway, so it makes sense.

But the most important thing is to play it!


I played the first Resi shooter Umbrella Chronicles both single and co-op (which I completede it in)... wasn't a fan of it at all, in either. Game was too slow paced and uninteresting in it's gameplay, level design and story. That's something that really sets Extraction apart.


Hmm, I may try it in Co-op at some point. See how it works.

I've not played Umbrella or Darkside fully (played a bit of Umbrella). The problem I have with it is that I don't think the game knows whether it's a light-gun game or a survival horror. Whereas, Extraction knows that it is predominantly a horror game first. I don't even see it as a "light-gun" type of game. It's a horror, in first person.

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I love me some unsung heroes. Thinking about my collection, I think a boy and his blob, Endless Ocean, Epic Mickey, the Wii Pro Evo's and Rabbids Go Home are all worthy a mention. Its been said many a time but the Wii really has amassed top quality, varied, catalogue of titles.


Fragile Dreams has already been mentioned and I'm gonna second it. Sure, its not a perfect title, but what it does, it does it really well and is a very thought provoking experience. Probably up there in the games can be art bracket with Majora's Mask for me. Check it out.

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Hmm, I may try it in Co-op at some point. See how it works.

I've not played Umbrella or Darkside fully (played a bit of Umbrella). The problem I have with it is that I don't think the game knows whether it's a light-gun game or a survival horror. Whereas, Extraction knows that it is predominantly a horror game first. I don't even see it as a "light-gun" type of game. It's a horror, in first person.

Yeah agreed!

I think if you've already played through Extraction in single player, co-op won't seem as good an experience as if co-op had been your first run through. Because it'll probably feel too different/arcadey to you then.


@darksnowman Other than A Boy And His Blob, I've missed out on all those games aswell! Too many!! Would have liked to have played Endless Ocean when it came out.


Hopefully the sequel to Epic Mickey might include some way to play through the first (pre-order bonus/download/included).

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While peole talk about Metroid Prime Trilogy people seems to just talk about what good value it is and how it gives new controls to Prime 1 & 2. You don't hear a lot of love for Prime 3 itself, which I thought was outstanding and even by itself one of the very best games on the Wii.


The 5 most outstanding games on the Wii that I would recommend are:


Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 - Very fun and innovative, great level design.

Skyward Sword - Best use of motion controls, plus usual Zelda greatness.

Donkey Kong Country Returns - Amazing level design, old school gameplay.

Metroid Prime Trilogy - All great games, superb value, new pointer controls.

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I could bang on forever about how amazing the Super Mario Galaxy games are or just how brilliant Smash Bros is but like others have said, it goes without saying pretty much by this point and isn't worth repeating. Them 3 plus Prime Trilogy gives you a top 4 better than most machine's top five will ever be. Not sure what I'd plonk in 5th place though I'm leaning toward Xenoblade right now.


But I think even the other games I would probably heap praise on are no stranger to the people that populate this place.



No More Heroes


Off the wall awesomeness that too me somewhat by surprise. I was only half watching it and the American reviews were positive but to varying degrees. I think it was probably the EDGE review and the GameCentral review that made actually take some serious notice since. And then I thought I'd get it. Held off a couple of weeks as I had just picked up Fire Emblem and by the time I did get round to buying it, it had already seen a price knock.


Genuinely funny story with a wide variety of characters with interesting stories that weave in and out of each others lives even if they don't know it. A bit rough in stills, and even when moving, but once the action kicks off, you won't have time to notice and you'll be having too much fun to care even if you do.


Boss battles with characters that make those from the MGS saga seem perfectly normally is just part and parcel of this bonkers and amusing tale. And all to one seriously kickass soundtrack.


Definitely a better game that it's sequel - both of which are far better games than Madworld.



Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


It looked like we may not get it coming a full 5 months after America, and 13 after Japan, but yeah, definitely worth it. The only way it didn't improve on the original game was with how the supports were handled but other than that, it's Fire Emblem at it's best. Battle scenes were more interesting to watch and much faster too. The game was longer and maps had more variety too. The music is incredible and the best of any western released FE.


There were some balancing issues, namely the overly difficult beginning, a bit of a spike at the end, and some classes that were outranked by others yet that's hardly unique for this game in a series that has always had issues with balancing. The handling of the skills though puts PoR to shame.


I think my biggest complaint if anything is that it is too long since games of this length tend to put me off replaying them. On your first run throug though, you'll cherish every moment.



Sonic Colours


Sonic Unleased HD featured some glorious hedgehog related moments whilst the Wii got saddled with something bearing the same the name, but none of the impressive adrenaline filled rollercoaster spectical that graced it's brethren. In all fairness, even the Werehog sections weren't that bad on the HD one as long as you wren't doing the proper platforming bits but the Wii couldn't get that right either - how it managed to review better is a complete mystery. And given that Sonic and the Secret Rings still holds up as one of the best looking games on the machine, it looked pretty poor by compairson.


Yet, SEGA wanted to make a game that was all running and they deemed it too costly an exercise to do on the HD machines and so they made a new game, for the Wii that replicated the design of the HD game but on the SD machine. And what we got was pretty much what we always wanted.


Lots of running, lots of jumping, lots of Sonic and nothing else. The levels had been trimmed in size to something a bit more friendly but there were more of them and more to do. A fresh new soundtrack full of great tracks gave each world it's own feel and some impressive graphics. Control was spot on for the most part too. Not using wisps tended to be more fun than actually using them but a lot of the time, it was preference and so you at least had a choice and I chose to run.


Perhaps the biggest travetsty of this game is that there was never a Wii version of Generations which I thought was even better - and yet strangely enough, the Sonic Colours levels which were probably the worst in the game. Go figure.



Big points also go to Tatsunoko vs Capcom for being... well... Tatsunoko vs Capcom - a fantastic fighter in it's own right and a perfect compliment to the Street Fighter series on other machines. Very accessibly whilst very deep and just mesmerising to watch when two decent players are up against each other like a good fighting game should be.

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