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Lucas Blood and the Calendar Case: Cupid's Arrow


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To the players that had taken part in Lucas Blood and the Mystery of the Puzzle Killer, this IS a continuation from the story. I know that it has been a long time but I have been going over what to write and what I wanted when I realised that something greater could be in my hands if I used the right kind of imagination. Don't get me wrong, it was fun writing Puzzle Killer and the story I had I was happy with but after Warehouse 13, I was stuck in a place where I couldn't get out as I realised, after the third time, there was a bit of a snag. And so I thought to myself "Would I continue knowing that I dislike it and that I would not want the players to see this and hope they won't notice or do I rewrite everything from Warehouse 13?". I chose the latter.


It had taken a bit of dedication from September onwards and I planned on starting this 'little' addition on the first of January but life got in the way and so, this game will start in February instead. Take note that whoever takes part in this game will need a bit of dedication, imagination and willpower to last the game because, if you have not worked it out by the title, this will be a long but hopefully fun game. I have made Chapter 1 non-interactive for those who want to read it but Chapters 2-12 will be interactive all the way through. I hope the people who play this game will resume their roles (even the dead ones) and I hope you enjoy it!






After the events of Warehouse 13, Blood and Smith did not hear or see anything to do with Puzzle. Two months of happiness. Happiness that nobody else fell into the killer's clutches. Happiness that nobody was dead or hurt. Happiness that the killer realised he could have been caught and so ran away.

December was filled with peace and laughter. Obviously there were a couple of cases that Blood and Smith had to solve but they weren't very challenging, which was always a good thing. Blood's team from the Puzzle case were still studying, watching Blood like a hawk and taking notes as well as reading old files about what was solved and what was unsolved.

After solving the Pandora Fire case, Smith looked a little down. Blood noticed.

"What's with your face? We solved another case!" Blood smiled a little.

"I don't know, I just have this constant bad feeling that something is going to happen. I still haven't fully recovered properly from what happened almost eight weeks ago." Smith replied.

Blood looked at his crime partner and friend with reassurance. "Look, he's gone, Smith. He's not going to come back!"

"And you know that how?" he challenged.

"Because he's smart. If he had any kind of brain, he wouldn't dare, not after last time. He almost got caught!" Blood answered back.

Smith looked down at the ground and recalled the nightmare he went through. He bore scars from the nails being in his hands and feet, still seeing the amount of blood that escaped them, the pain he went through and the claustrophobia that he could do nothing whilst he sat there and watched a young, bright mind die right in front of him.

"You want to talk about it?" Blood asked.

Smith shook his head. "Never"

Blood nodded. He understood clearly what Smith was going through. He couldn't imagine anything worse, having to watch someone die in front of him, frightened for his life that he might be next.

'He'll never be the same again' Blood thought unhappily. It was like he was losing a friend right in front of him. He just had to try and make him better, he just had to!

"So what are you doing for Christmas?" Smith asked.

"I don't exactly do Christmastime. I just sit down with a pint and watch whatever shit is on telly" Blood replied.

"There's some good shows on but I think it would be even better if you spent Christmas with me and my family, the invitation's there if you want it."

Blood smiled. Really, he loved Christmas on his own but right now, he didn't want to upset Smith.

Smith looked at him with hopeful eyes, hoping he wouldn't decline.

"Ah, what the hell. Why not!" Blood grinned.

Smith smiled.

On Christmas Day, they all did what families normally do on Christmas. They gathered around the table to eat Christmas lunch, they opened gifts from each other, they had a little drink and started playing party games and then they sat on the setee and watched a good movie.

"I've seen this before, it's funny" Blood had said.

Smith laughed. "Do you mind seeing it again?"

"Nah, I like it!" Blood replied. His phone started to ring. "Excuse me one moment, will you?" and he got up and went into the kitchen to answer.

"Blood" he said simply.

There wasn't any kind of noise on the other side.

"Hello?" Blood asked.

He heard very heavy breathing.

He looked at his phone's screen: WITHHELD NUMBER.

"Hello, are you in trouble?" he asked.

"No but you will be." the voice said, recovering from heavy breathing. "New year, new rules!" a deep voice said and put the phone down.

Blood heard nothing but a monotone ring. He stared at the phone and looked back to Smith, who smiled.

Blood had two options: Tell Smith or tell him later.

'Screw it!' Blood thought. 'Smith needs a break from all of this shit, I'll make sure I'll tell him in January'.




Blood and Smith went to their rightful desks, hungover and totally regreting drinking so much.

"Never. Again!" complained Smith. "Well, not until next week anyway"

Blood laughed, the phone call still playing on his mind.

Smith may have been hungover but he knew when Blood was worried.

"Okay, what's wrong? You've had a face on you all through last week!" he said.

Blood let out a sigh. On his first day back, he should be settled down.

"Nothing, I'm just a bit hungover" he replied.

"Bullshit, Blood!" called Smith. "I know you're hiding something from me and I won't give up until you tell me what it is!" he replied, teasing him.

Blood let out a sigh.

"I think I got a call from him" Blood told.

Smith just looked at him in horror, it was obvious who Blood was talking about.

"My God, when?" Smith asked.

"Christmas Day" said Blood.

Smith was close to being outrageously mad. "Christmas Day? When we were with my family?! You decided to keep this from me knowing that you were in the same house as my family when that lunatic called? What were you thinking!"

"I was thinking about you and how you needed a break! You needed to relax, all of this anxiety is not good for you! I needed you to take a break from it all, even if it was for an hour, and get that thinking cap back on. Ever since the incident, you've been distant and I wanted you to enjoy yourself!"

Smith nodded. "Of course, I understand that, but you put my family in danger! If he knows your number, what else does he know? Has he been following you? Does he know where you live? Does he know where I live?" he asked in a rushed voice.

Blood raised his hands and grabbed Smith by the shoulder.

"Look, calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down?! Some bastard asked for you in my house! How can I calm down! I want this bastard strung up and dead!" Smith shouted.

"It wasn't like he threatened me!" he retorted.

Smith stopped and looked at Blood. Blood continued.

"It was actually more of a warning. It was like he was challenging me or something. He just said 'new year, new rules' and put the phone down on me. What the heck is that supposed to mean? What has he got planned?"

"I don't know but what I do know is that I don't want to be kidnapped, nailed to the ground on a chair and tortured again!" Smith said, reliving the nightmare again.

"You won't!" Blood replied. "I'll make sure of that, I promise!"

Blood went to his desk, sat on his chair and let out a sigh, welcoming the new year with such sarcastic enthusiasm. He looked on his desk to see a picture of himself and his wife and kids. He and his wife are currently going through a divorce and she has the kids right now. Probably for the best considering he has some kind of maniac killer calling him, he wouldn't like to put Dominic in any kind of trouble.

He wanted, so badly, to make it work with Anna but unfortunately, his job is too risky and time-consuming, they've been feeling distant. Is it really my fault that I wanted a better life for my family? he thought. Is it so bad I wanted Dom to have everything I didn't as a kid?

No, he thought to himself, answering his question, I'm working my ass off trying to earn a living and catching mean bastards that wouldn't give a second thought to harming innocents, I'm doing good!

In frustration, he slammed his fist on the desk and then realised, by his computer, there was an envelope...an envelope addressed to Lucas personally. No address, no stamps...just his name.

He looked around and all he saw were people on their computers, looking like they've had better nights due to the partying and welcoming 2012. He knew he should have instantly notified somebody about the letter but his instincts went the opposite way. He opened the envelope carefully, afraid as to what the message could say.

He took the letter out and carefully unfolded it, as if it would fall apart if he did it too fast:






He re-read the message again and again. Yup, this sounds like the Puzzle Killer alright! he thought.

"The end of the world will mean new blood from above? What does that mean?" he read aloud.

"I don't know but it doesn't make sense" Smith replied to his rhetorical question. Smith must have entered the room without Blood noticing.

"End of the world? New Blood? Is he on about me?" asked Blood.

Smith fell silent, he didn't say a word.

"I don't know about this but I figure that this is some kind of joke" Blood said and threw the paper in the bin.

Smith then turned to Blood and asked "What if it's not about you and what if it's a warning?"

"I'm listening"

"Maybe he wants you to think it's about you but really, it's just a warning" said Smith.

"Warning me from what though?" Blood asked.

"Not warning FROM, warning ABOUT" Smith answered. Blood looked puzzled.

"Okay, 'the start of a year will mean new blood from above'. Instantly, we took the word 'Blood' to mean yourself, right? But what if it's telling us what we're thinking..." Smith said.

"Which would be?"

"Which would be that we think it's the same killer from last year. Killers as sick as Puzzle did it for a reason: recognition, recreation, whatever, but they always left a signature behind. Puzzle's signature was a puzzle. What if this guy liked Puzzle and decided to be even sicker. Even more twisted. What if he sees him as a hero and wants to follow in his footsteps but also wants to be recognised as an individual." Smith replied.

"There's a lot of 'what if's' floating about, Smith"

"I know but you can't help but think" he smiled a weak smile.

Smith does have a point. What if it's just a warning telling us that this is the work of somebody else. And who the hell is Cupid?

Smith turned to Blood. "I don't know about this but all I do know is that it's not going to be easy to find this bitch!"

"So what do we do?"

"I think it's time to get the old team together again." Smith advised.

Blood smiled. "I was just thinking the same thing"




1. Diageo

2. The Peeps

3. Moogleviper

4. Cube

5. Rummy








First come, first serve. Would like to fill this up as fast as possible though. I've been a little late with the game so I understand if nobody wants in.

Edited by Animal
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Actually, it was meant to start on the 1st of February but unfortunately, it was delayed due to trying to perfect the story and, of course, life. However, all I need for the moment is at least four players. I've chopped a little of the second chapter off to make it easier.

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A young girl was walking home with her friend carrying some shopping. They both decided that they wanted to have a girly night-in with some popcorn, some red wine and a romantic comedy, just the two of them.

"You know what, why don't they make any good rom-coms?" one of the girls asked.

"I know right, nowaday all we get is either some stupid, accidental slut who bumps into Mr. Right and they fall in love. BORING!"

"Yeah, or we see three grandmothers and their granddaughter talking about sex and shoes! Eww!"

The one girl laughed. "I know right, it's like 'why even make a sequel?', give me a good horror movie anyday"

"Girl, so why did you rent this?" she asked.

"Because, Vicky, I wasn't exactly in a horror mood. Besides, you know how you get with horror movies. You become all jumpy and weird!"

Vicky shrugged. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

The girl got her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the door. She entered the house and turned the lights on and turned to her friend to help.

"So any luck on the dating side of life?" she asked.

"Nah, I haven't found the right girl yet. The last one I dated seemed a little...weird..." she said. "How about you, any fit guys?"

Her friend laughed. "Ha! Are you joking? The last time I dated, it ended awkwardly. He was a right weirdo!"

"What happened?"

Her friend fell silent.


"So it turns out that I may have accidentally slept with his twin brother...or something..."

Vicky gasped. "You didn't?! You slut!" she laughed.

Rose laughed back. "Hey, it wasn't my fault..."

"Yeah but still, was he any good?"

"I'm not getting into this" Rose teased.

Vicky started to laugh. "Yeah but TWINS?! How is that even possible? How did you get the two confused? Surely his brother would have known?"

Both of them were walking from the kitchen into the living room to sit on the sofa, popcorn bowl in one hand and the DVD in another. Vicky was about to turn the light on.

"So basically, the other brother done the--" and as she turned on the light, she didn't expect what she saw. None of them did.

On Rose's television was an A4 piece of paper with a message on it. A message that was written in capital letters and what looked like blood.

"Who the heck has been here? Is this your idea of a joke, Rose, because it's not funny!" Vicky asked.

"Who the fuck's been in my house!" Rose whispered.




"Play the DVD? What DVD?!" Vicky turned to Rose.

Rose slowly reached for her television remote and her DVD remote. She turned her television on and took a deep breath, then pressed play on the DVD.

What she saw on the screen next was something unbelievable.

She saw a man nailed to a chair who she instantly recognised.

"Oh my God, Hiro!" she exclaimed.

Rose ran to the phone and was about to dial the police when she heard Vicky scream. After hearing her scream, Rose ran back into the room to find out what Vicky was screaming about and saw Hiro puking up white froth.

"What the heck is this?" Vicky sobbed.

"HIRO! HIRO, NO!" was all Rose could say.

After seeing her brother die in front of her, all Rose wanted to do was kill the maniac who did this. She felt angry, hurt and murderous.

She saw something appear on the screen next. A figure. It was all in black but it covered the screen and done something. All of a sudden, it skipped to a new scene. It was a stuffed teddy bear holding something.

"What is that?" Vicky asked.

Rose looked closer and saw it for what it was. "It's holding a heart...an actual heart!" she said.

"What creep done this?" she asked.

"I did" said a deep voice covered in black, holding a metal bar...




February 6th


Smith and Blood were in their office, showing the junior detectives how they should be doing their job, working through the paperwork of the aftermath of a robbery at the time when they recieved the call on Smith's mobile. Smith answered.

"Smith" he answered.

"Long time no see, eh?" the voice replied.

Smith's blood froze, every inch of him standing on the spot, afraid to move. Blood could tell by the look on his face that it wasn't a pleasant call. Smith put it on speakerphone.

"Fucker, where are you?!" he asked loudly. Blood was about to move out of the office until he heard what the voice said next.

"I can see you. Make one wrong move and I'll kill you both right where you are!"

Blood shouted. "I call your bluff" and moved.

The next thing he heard was a tiny thud but it wasn't massive enough to attract attention.

"I'm normally a very good sniper and I don't miss. Take that one as a warning, nobody really gets that often."

Blood did as instructed and froze.

"Where are you?" Smith repeated.

The voice laughed. "The question isn't where am I, it's who am I and who do I have with me. Right now, you're stuck in such a predicament that you can't get out, even if you tried. You and your silly little friend."

"This again, I'm sick of this shit already, just cut to the chase and tell me!" Smith lost it.

"Alright, if you insist. You have until Valentine's Day until Cupid's Arrow shoots two unsuspecting people."

Smith groaned. "For once, can you stop talking in riddles?!"

"Oh but Smith, you do not realise one thing. That wasn't a riddle. You have exactly eight days to find these two people and save them before the arrow strikes. Valentine's Day is the day of love, don't you know? I'd hurry if I were you, time's wasting away." and with that, he disconnected the call.

Smith looked at his phone, perplexed.

"So what happened? What did he say?" Blood asked.

Smith looked confused until it dawned on him what the voice meant.

"I think...I think I've figured it out..." Smith replied.


The question here is: Have you?


What do you do?

A) Blood: "Smith, what do you know?!" (50% chance of success)

B) Blood: "Could it have something to do with me as well?" (Evidence is needed)

C) Detective: Own answer. (First one here who gets the riddle wins a mystery prize)

Edited by Animal
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I'm guessing Vicky and Rose will be the ones who will die?


Can we inspect the bullet/bullet hole, Dazz? We can see where the killer shot from... might give us something... trying to think of things and be useful here lol.


"So what is it, Smith?" asked Blood.

Smith looked at him and thought for a second. "Inspect that warning shot he gave us, that way, we'd know where he shot from"

Blood sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Do you realise how long it would take to find that out? Besides, we still don't know if he's watching, are you really prepared to stick your head out and find out?"

"......no.....what about one of the juniors?" Smith chuckled at his own joke.

Blood shook his head.

"We don't have time for this!" Blood said. "Think Smith, what did he mean?"

Smith looked confused until it dawned on him what the voice meant.

"I think...I think I've figured it out..." Smith replied.


The question here is: Have you?


What do you do?

A) Blood: "Smith, what do you know?!" (50% chance of success)

B) Blood: "Could it have something to do with me as well?" (Evidence is needed)

C) Detective: Own answer. (First one here who gets the riddle wins a mystery prize)

D) Tip: ?????? (Can only be used once every chapter, choose VERY wisely)

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I thought that we needed majority only on the riddle answer. We need it when we are asking about evidence and Smith too? Because the bullet hole thing went through without consensus.


Anyway, I'll go with Cube's thing then. Then if that fails I'll go for A.

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B) Could it be something to do with me?


Remember that note I got last month:


Blood asked Smith what he figured out but then he shook his head. "Never mind, it isn't possible."

Blood suddenly had a brainwave.

"Smith, do you remember the note that I got on Christmas? The one with the two-line riddle?"

Smith nodded.

"What if it's something to do with that?" he questioned.

"What did it say again?" Smith asked.

"He said 'the start of a year will mean new blood from above, which is okay with Cupid, the Angel of Love'."

"But what does that mean?" asked Smith.

Blood stood there staring at the piece of paper in front of him.

"Well, let's try taking the riddle apart. 'The start of a year will mean new blood from above' must mean that this is a new killer, as you've said, but it's the second line that interests me. 'Which is okay with Cupid, the Angel of Love'....'okay with Cupid'?"

"'Which is okay with Cupid, the Angel of Love'...'okay with Cupid'...who's Cupid?" asked Smith.

"It's some kind of flying angel that shoots an arrow in your ass and makes you fall in love or some bullshit, I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day" said Blood.

"Okay so whoever Cupid is, it's okay with him. What is okay with Cupid?"


What is okay with Cupid?

A) "Hmmm, I do have an idea although it may sound stupid..." (own answer needed)

B) "The Hell should I know!"

C) "What could it be? Come on now, THINK!" (hint)

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