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Help with cassette tape recording...?


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A question I thought I may as well pose here as Google is being annoying.


Basically, does anyone know the best way to get my mp3's onto a traditional audio cassette tape? I want to make up literal mixtapes for my car, but am not sure how to...? I know there's recording devices of some kind for other machines like VCRs, record players etc (my dad used them before with me when I was young), but how would get music files transformed magically into a cassette tape?


Would it be easier to burn it to a CD then do it from a CD player? I don't know how to do that either but it sounds easier to do it from CD to tape.



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Would it be easier to burn it to a CD then do it from a CD player? I don't know how to do that either but it sounds easier to do it from CD to tape.


Probably, because i can't think of any other way than this method. Most music softwares out there (inc Media Player) allow you to burn a CD withe various pieces of music

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I’m guessing Paj wants the authentic feel of real cassettes, otherwise he could just use an mp3 player (or the thing you linked).


Paj, do you have an old hi-fi stereo with tapedeck lying around? Do your parents have one? Anyone else? If you can find one, it will probably have a line-in / mic input. You’ll need a [male-to-male 3,5mm stereo cable], perhaps an adapter if your stereo doesn’t take the 3,5mm. Then you simply plug in your mp3 player, hit play on it, and hit rec on your stereo.

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I thought it'd be for that too. Tbh I'd rather I had a cassette deck on my radio so I could use what Moogle suggested and play mp3s! Unfortunately I must burn mp3 CDs as tis cd player only. Swap radios*?



*May have to make sure you put your favourite CD in as they really don't like coming out again. Or you may have to learn to love Asian Dub Foundation instead.

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I own a tape MP3 thing you plug in ya you posted Moogle oh god this sentence has no puncuation


But yeah, I want TAPES to be hipster and authentic. I made a trip to Oxfam music just to get some tapes. I love the feel.


Ok I'll investigate further, thanks for yo sojesjuns people. I feel my dad will know secrets too.

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