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You're a sell-out, maaaaaaaaaaaaan....


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I'll preface what I'm about to say by stating that I know it's idealistic and is a little out of whack with how the world works.


But as musicians, should the number one consideration be how much money they make? I mean if someone is really struggling and they get offered money for an advert, then yeah I can understand it. I would like to think that for some musicians, they know they have enough money and that their main focus would be trying to attain a creative peak or further their artistic and cultural endeavours.


I don't like the idea that the thought process behind some of the music I like went along the lines of: "Here's hoping we make a shitload of money of this". It's much nicer to think this happened: "Here's hoping this song/album will be fucking awesome/our best yet". I understand the two are not mutually exclusive by any means, but to think the creative process involved all of the former sentiment and none of the latter is a bit sad and alienating.


Tangent over :heh:


I understand your point, however, that's not how the world always works.


Often I have this conversation with the people studying with me: they come out with "wouldn't it be nice if everybody just..." or "wouldn't it be nice if we could..." and "wouldnt it be nice if the world was..."


And I always make a point of shouting





At them.


But if it's fine and they want to continue living in Lalaland, then that's fine. Makes more room in the real world for the rest of us.

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As in they did it for the advert, but actually killed a real dog for the advert.


Apparently higher-ups cut it from the advert in production but it was still all shot.


It's kind of hard to get the information as it's now a police investigation?

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Yeah, it seems to depend on what they're selling out on. I mean, if a wonderful advert / whatever is created in the process -- I think it's worth it. The music industry is an extremely competitive market and I understand if, sometimes, it seems the best thing to do is to "sell-out".


Creatively, one's line of thought could be...if we allow this company to use our artistic material for their advert etc. it could turn out more positive. While we may not agree with all they stand for, someone who has never heard of us before might decide to become a great fan due to said advert. Makes sense :hmm:

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