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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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But how does that make sense when we know for a fact he quoted his PMs? Why would he go in and change the name in a quote? He'd have to make a conscious choice to do it.


Though there's something very curious about the fact that the first PM he posted referred to the character's name, yet the second (the one on Yvonne) referred to the player's name. Unless it's a blunder on Jonnas's part, I'm convinced it means something - perhaps it suggests a redirection?


Supergrunch posted his results on Yvonne and it fits Yvonne's role.


Yvonne said Supergrunch is lying and actually targeted Zell.


The info does not fit Zell.


Supergrunch targeted Yvonne.


That's my conclusion. If Yvonne is town then Yvonne is the one who was redirected. The fact that the info fits Yvonne's role suggests to me that Supergrunch was not redirected. It's entirely possible that Supergrunch edited his PM the second time to make it clear he was talking about Yvonne. It's also possible that Jonnas was just inconsistent in his PMs.


No one has actually come out and said Supergrunch's info was not correct on either MadDog/Eenuh or Yvonne.

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Partly because Zell clearly stated that he targeted me to be hit on the back of the head last night. So how did it affect you as well?


Zell - could you just confirm again a few things, please? I just want to be absolutely positive about all my information...


- Are you the one that knocked out Dannyboy the other night, and were caught on CCTV doing so?

- Did you target me ALONE the night before last, or did you target someone else as well?

- Is your power simply to role block someone by knocking them out?


Also, Danny - who did you target last night? And did anything happen to you (as in are you aware of anyone targeting you?)


Thanks to both of you :)


-I assume you mean The Peeps, and yes that was me.

-Yes, I targeted you alone.



And my target last night was Yvonne.

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You guys are going to have to step up your game a bit if you're ever going to catch another mafia player.


What does grunch's info have to do with the truth? The whole thing is made up. It is known I am a tracker, so he wrote a blurb that sounds like a tracker's blurb. He may have even targeted me on a different night to get that info. the FACT is that that night I targeted grunch and it said he targeted zell. fact.


what you should be asking yourselves is why would zell roleblock a known tracker.


vote zell


I'm going to stick my neck out and say Diageo is mafia too.


I trust eddie and heroic a bit more as a result of their more thoughtful reactions. I think nintendohnut is town too.

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Eddie came out of the blue to give evidence that corroborates my story, which likely puts us on the same side. If I'm mafia, you should kill Eddie next.


I have lied as townie plenty, though not in this game (too many new concepts for me to figure out how to bullshit this one). Supergrunch got silenced because of PM quoting. My bet is that he would have come clean given the chance.


I targeted Sprout because it's very easy to play stupid if everyone thinks you're a stupid cop. We already lost two townies from worthless investigators and another bad lynch is going to seal it for the mafia. I was trying to check he was targeting who he said he was.


You all need to figure out what is going on with these investigators, and fast.

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What does grunch's info have to do with the truth? The whole thing is made up. It is known I am a tracker, so he wrote a blurb that sounds like a tracker's blurb. He may have even targeted me on a different night to get that info. the FACT is that that night I targeted grunch and it said he targeted zell. fact.


Shouting FACT all the time isn't gonna change a thing since we have no way of knowing for sure. We only know your facts seem to contradict what a confirmed townie we have no reason to doubt told us. If you're not lying, I'm convinced you were redirected. You never told us why you'd track a confirmed cop, either.


You do, however, bring up a good point about Zell. @Zell, who have you roleblocked so far, and why?

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I targeted Sprout because it's very easy to play stupid if everyone thinks you're a stupid cop. We already lost two townies from worthless investigators and another bad lynch is going to seal it for the mafia. I was trying to check he was targeting who he said he was.


You all need to figure out what is going on with these investigators, and fast.


That's all well and good if we had any reason to doubt Sprout at that point, but the thing is, we hadn't. Only with Supergrunch was his competence thrown into question (if we ignore the initial worries some of us had because of his role).


I must say, your whole attitude seems very unlike you, which only increases my worries.


You don't know for sure, but if you kill me and find me to be town, you should consider it as such.


Obvious we will, but we can't just accept it as undeniable fact yet.

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I'm gonna be rash. I think Nintendohnut is in cahoots with Heroicjanitor. Did someone think before he might be evil a few days ago but let it slide?


Vote: Nintendohnut


Also! I've thought Tales stank from the beginning (we can't target him or something) and during the last court session he was rounding up people to vote for Supergrunch... who turned out being innocent. Should this be read into...?

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I still don't understand why you would track an investigator. What logic says he would lie about who he targets? That and your argument "another bad lynch and it seal it for the mafia" just reeks mafia. 101 Mafia Survial Tactic Section 4: Scare the town from voting by mention the inevitable doom if they lynch you. 1 down and a failed kill and they shouldn't even be close to winning.


Vote Yvonne


Note: I could target tales on night two. So it must be an ability he has to activate, among others.


On night two my PM said that Tales targeted Dannyboy


Correct .

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I would advise against voting on your hunch, it's cost us two players already.


As you say, with supergrunch his competence was called into question. That was the moment I decided to target him.


Sometimes we only have our hunches to vote on, but please note that I haven't actually voted yet as I'm still in doubt.


You've got the order wrong: It wasn't until we'd lynched Supergrunch that his competence was called into question, yet you tracked Sprout the night before. Why? The whole Supergrunch situation hadn't happened at that point - his competence hadn't been thrown into question. So why do you claim that as the reason you targetted him? Perhaps you know something we don't?


Still want to hear from Zell, just so I don't forget it.

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Well I SHOULD be working but this is too damn fun.


I think some people are either stupid or being deliberately stupid. Last night after supergrunch was killed, i targeted sprout, and was roleblocked by zell. No one can prove i lied at any point. Why did zell roleblock a tracker?


night 1, dohnut made me target maddog. he can confirm im a tracker cause he got my pm which said maddog targeted himself. Probably a protector. sorry dog (wait, that's eenuh, isn't it?)


night 2, tales, who targeted dannyboy


night 3, grunch WHO TARGETED ZELL


night 4, roleblocked while looking for sprout.


Find me an inconsistency

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