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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron


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My copy got shipped yesterday so hopefully it will arrive today.


I've been reading some impressions of the game on Gaf and came across this gif. It's a scene in the original animated movie recreated in the game. :D It's only a couple of seconds long but I will spoiler it for those who don't want to see.





Absolute classic! I :heart: High Moon.

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Man, this game is epic. The soundtrack, the cutscenes, the gameplay, the characters, the voices, everything in this game is top notch. I have 2 chapters left but i'm already looking forward to going through the campaign again.


It's such a shame that this game is actually good because I imagine it won't get the sales it deserves. If it was rubbish then you could understand why the sales would be low. High Moon are clearly fans of the franchise and it shows with both this and the original game, War for Cybertron.

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Transformers: Fall of Cybertron - 8.5/10


Another cracker from High Moon studios. The third person shooting combat is great and much more focused than the first game, the vehicle combat is also good.


The game starts off slow which is a weird thing to say considering its not stop in your face action. The second half of the game probably some of the best third person action I've played and if the the first half of the game wasnt let down by some poor stealth sections it would of been a higher score. The last quarter of the game is balls to the wall brilliant, Dinobots for life.


There is a shit tonne of fan service in this game especially from the animated Transformers movie which is just brilliant for a fan like myself and the ending does set it up for a sequel but if they dont do a third its also a great end.


If you'd of told me I'd have two fantastic Batman games and two great Transformers games at the start of this generation of consoles I'd of slapped the fuck out of ya for trying to get my hopes up.

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What did you think of the credits music? BEST.CREDITS.MUSIC.EVER! :)


I played quite a bit of Escalation yesterday and managed to finish up all of the maps. It took a while though due to being teamed up with a bunch of idiots who kept opening doors all over the place and thus making it easier for the enemies to surround us!

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Finally got round to ordering the first game (still really expensive and hard to find) because of the praise these games have been getting from fans. If I enjoy it, I'll be straight back online to order the second game!


Is there multiplayer?


OOOOOOOOOh YES. It's a fantastic part of the game. I find it very dynamic and there is a great horde mode, with all modes taking good advantage of the different class types. Transforming and zipping around the map is the name of the game meaning the tables can turn very quickly.


I spent more time playing this game online than anything else i've owned in the past 5 years or so.

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I caved and bought this today (albeit entirely with nectar points :p) Installed it but not gotten around to playing it yet, definitely going to get into it tomorrow though! How long did the campaign take, @Hero\-of\-Time - and is it worth starting on a harder difficulty?

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I caved and bought this today (albeit entirely with nectar points :p) Installed it but not gotten around to playing it yet, definitely going to get into it tomorrow though! How long did the campaign take, @Hero\-of\-Time - and is it worth starting on a harder difficulty?


It's about 7-8 hours long. It's probably better just playing in normal and then hard difficulty later as you carry all your upgrades over. You will need to play through a couple if times anyway to get enough energon for the upgrades, that is if your bothered about the achievements.

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I also caved and got this (PC version on my MAC running Windows). Been hitting the first few chapters of the campaign and almost wet myself at the end of "Metroplex Heads the Call". That final interactive sequence was brilliant.


I've been hammering the multiplayer as well with my favourite class: Scout. Is it just me or does it seem like the Scout's melee attack has been nerfed? I literally can't play as that class in team death match at all as I get ripped up like paper.


Been having to try to attack from afar and leg it generally but not able to cloaking for long enough to get away and not seeming to be able to lay down the damage hard enough. Going to have to fight my way to level 15 to get the sniper rifle too :/ Conquest on the other hand is perfect for Scout.


It's taking some serious time to get to know the maps as well... they're HUGE!

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I also caved and got this (PC version on my MAC running Windows). Been hitting the first few chapters of the campaign and almost wet myself at the end of "Metroplex Heads the Call". That final interactive sequence was brilliant.


I love that scene. The fact that during the level Prime is moving around inside him while the level is transforming was fantastic.

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