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iPhone 4S October 14 starting at £499


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I'm in the same situation with Vodafone as you, JonSt - I was hoping from a text from my wife all day saying that my phone had arrived, but got nothing. Nothing until 6.15, that is, when Vodafone assured it'd be with me tomorrow. I hope they're right, as I was supposed to be going out tomorrow, so I'll be annoyed if I have to stay at home for nothing!


Mine turned up at about 6:30, I've still never received a dispatch email or text.

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The Vodafone eForums are loltastic at the moment


The Vodafone eForum is always loltastic. It's full of Vodafone apologists telling customers that problems are their own fault and have nothing to do with precious Lord Vodafone, the saviour of all. Must be a nightmare working in the online team these days, having to tip-toe around those plebs who are doing nothing but damage to the Vodafone brand.

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Wow, that sucks guys - I really hope those waiting on orders get theirs tomorrow.


It is a joke.


In fairness to Apple - they said phones ordered from them in the UK would NOT be with customers for launch - just sent out then instead. I think they did it so people would not expect it to arrive and they had themselves covered.


Smart move. Though I expected mine today as I had a UK Mail tracking order so knew it was ready for delivery by the end of day.


Post thoughts if it does arrive of what you think though!

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According to the Parcelforce website, mine's out for delivery now, so things are looking up! How's everyone finding Siri so far?




It sometimes works really well and then othertimes it completely misunderstands me. I do talk quite quickly though. I think it's meant to learn your voice so maybe it'll get better.


It's going to be a god-send in the car, I do so much driving and always get texts. Would be ace to be able to reply to them on the move!

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In fairness Charlie, I couldn't understand you at first either :heh:


I think tapping blue-underlined words and correcting them helps Siri learn your voice.


My main disappointment with Siri is the deep dude-voice we get in the UK o_o

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In fairness Charlie, I couldn't understand you at first either :heh:


Haha, I'm not overly surprised as I tend to talk quite quickly and with the dialect/accent barrier. I use loads of words which I would imagine you've never heard of before, or at least wouldn't know what they mean, I was trying to keep them to a minimum at the meet!

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Mine arrived at noon today - loving it so far, and a big improvement over my 3GS, of course. I've had a lot of fun with Siri, too, although like others have said, it doesn't work all the time. Shame you can't search places in the UK with it yet, too, but I'm sure that'll change over time. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple will sell other voices for Siri in the future, too.

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Been playing around with Siri a bit more today - clever stuff! I've used it to find out the length of some films I've been watching, as well as trying out some of the funny questions that it's pre-programmed to answer ('Tell me a joke.' etc) Something I hadn't seen anyone trying was 'What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?' (Monty Python reference), and it actually told me, using about six different units of measurement, and it also said it's as fast as a professional golf player's maximum swing!

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Is anyone else's battery life absolutely abysmal. My number finally transferred over this afternoon. When I got out from work at 6 it was at either 60 or 70% (to give it the benefit of the doubt I'll say 60).


Full brightness, pretty much everything on, no 3G because I was home and didn'tget it.


It's just died. Very moderate usage, about 3 mins phone call and around 10 texts sent/received. Shocking.

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Is anyone else's battery life absolutely abysmal. My number finally transferred over this afternoon. When I got out from work at 6 it was at either 60 or 70% (to give it the benefit of the doubt I'll say 60).


Full brightness, pretty much everything on, no 3G because I was home and didn'tget it.


It's just died. Very moderate usage, about 3 mins phone call and around 10 texts sent/received. Shocking.


I'm noticing a similar thing, even without much use i'm getting about a day and half of usage before it's panting like an OAP hill climbing.

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I'm noticing a similar thing, even without much use i'm getting about a day and half of usage before it's panting like an OAP hill climbing.


A day and a half? I went from 61% to 3% from 6:30pm (when I turned it on after leaving work) to about 15 minutes ago with hardly using it. My iPhone 4, which is still switched on although has no service because the SIM doesn't work is at 69% and has been on ALL day long and had service until about midday. Wifi is on on the iPhone 4 and was used until it lost its service for the number changing network.

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Yep - I am also noticing that the battery life is not as good.

I say not as good, but it was never great on the 4.


But it lasted longer than my 4S is doing.


Same as JonSt - I am getting around a day and a half - probably less.

Have to charge every night.


And that is just with the odd text, odd call and music being played whilst the phone is locked. So the screen is never on really apart from texting. Brightness full.


Quite annoying.

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It's supposed to have a much better battery life than the 4. Perhaps the improved signal means more time draining battery :p


Tbh, I've noticed it go down a little, but I have it plugged in all day at work so I rarely see my iPhone die.

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Charged mine fully over night. Woke up at 5am and had spotify on for a bit although still plugged in. Turned spotify off and went back to sleep. Woke up this morning, plugged in, and the battery percentage wasn't going higher than 91%. The phone was also boiling.


Going to try setting it up as a new phone as apparently that solves problems for people.

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I'm getting about 50 hours between full charges. That's with Facebook, Twitter, Messages and Music open all the time. As far as usage over that period, a decent amount of texts and maybe 5 hours of listening to music. I've got the screen on auto-brightness.

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Well there must be something wrong with my phone.


4 hours standby since 100% charge and 3 hours usage and down to 34%. Those stats aren't even right though because it was plugged in up until at least 9am, I think around 10am.


Aye, that definitely sounds a little dodgy. Take it back to Apple and get it sorted/replaced.

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I'm still impressed with Siri the more I use it. Today, whilst driving back from work, I discovered the joys of having a hands-free (apart from the touch of the home button) text message conversation. Siri read me incoming messages, and I dictated replies, all without taking my eyes off the road.

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The first time you open Siri by holding home, it is ready to take your command. After that it's only when you touch the on-screen button, or you can set it to work when you bring it to your ear. When Siri asks you a question (eg, Work or Mobile number?) it automatically opens for a response.

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