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PES 2012 is £17.99 on the GAME website and will be released on 4/11/2011 :smile:


For the price, I may actually order it as I was playing PES 2011 on Wii earlier (after trying out the FIFA 12 demo on PS3 :indeed:) and it felt fantastic :yay:

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Sorry to keep bumping this thread, but I have to say I think it's really poor form from Konami that we haven't seen anything of PES 2012 on Wii even though it's supposed to be out in a couple of weeks. No gameplay video demos, no previews, nothing, in spite of the fact that there's already a ton of info out there about the other versions.


This says to me that obviously they don't expect it to sell very many, which means they will have put only the minimal requisite effort into the game to warrant those few sales, which in turn means it will offer nothing new in the gameplay department and will likely just be a kit update for last years edition. Which is a joke in itself as everyone knows PES has only a handful of official kits, rendering this purchase completely redundant for owners of any past edition.


So on that note I'd like to thank Konami for their excellent PES series on the Wii, it really did turn out stonking all told, and I've had a hell of a lot of fun with the game on Wii.


But sadly I won't be buying this one. It would be a total waste of money, no matter how cheaply they sell it. Ah well.


I don't really imagine much of an improvement over PES 2011 either but I'm seeing this as my final football game on the Wii and a send off to a fine series of games that commenced with great anticipation in 2008 :smile:


It'll certainly be better than all versions of FIFA 12..


Still can't believe this isn't coming out on the 3DS. Desperate for an online footy game on that. FIFA doesn't have it and the new pro evo surely will. Wish they didn't release the original and just spent the time getting it ready for now!


As for the Wii version. Haven't bought one in ages. Think the game is incredible but I have no one to play it with (way too complex for someone to drop in)


Yeah, a 3DS version would have been nice but then again they would have made minimal effort and if they'd just added online they would have been slated.


Looking forward to seeing how this ends up. They could at least make it true widescreen and make it look better through component than through VGA cables. I can dream!

Funny how they started off with the full-on innovative motion control system and slowly came back to adding in traditional controls. Says something really.


I hope we see a WiiU launch version with in-play management options on the tablet screen (like changing tactics on the fly or lining up subs or picking penalty shot directions when shooting.) I'd also like to see Master League mode playable on the toilet.

I could then die happy. On the toilet...

Funny how they started off with the full-on innovative motion control system and slowly came back to adding in traditional controls. Says something really..


It has been frustrating, yet understandable, the reluctance of a lot of people to give the wonderful playmaker controls a go :hmm:


Getting a few guys over for a Pro Evo tournament is fantastic but the Wii iterations probably don't provide many of us with that sort of opportunity due to the lack of people who have actually bothered to get to grips with the games. Having said that, playing with traditional controls is fun too :smile:


Ideally, Konami would have significantly improved their orginal vision for PES on Wii over the years but we've been greeted with minor revisions that, although welcome, haven't been enough to take it to the next level.


The best control scheme that I could probably imagine would be a mix of traditional and playmaker styles. You'd have all the intricacies of standard Pro Evo with all the passing and tactical precision of the Wii version with the pointer controls :hehe:


Admittedly, combining the two methods would perhaps lead to even greater complexity for the player but the possibilities of such a control scheme would have the potential to be stunning!


I reckon for £15, I'll probably grab this years - unless its the stinking game K-project foresees! The last one I got was 2009 so there should be some differences, right? If a couple of people here also get it then it'll be worth it for some online mayhem. / nando / and I notched up ~100 matches versus each other in Pro Evo 2008, so if 2012 gets anywhere near that I'll consider it £15 well spent! So if anyone else gets it, all the better. :hehe:

It has been frustrating, yet understandable, the reluctance of a lot of people to give the wonderful playmaker controls a go :hmm:


...Having said that, playing with traditional controls is fun too :smile:


I'm more than happy to play the game either way. I love the Wii playmaker, but I also think with the conventional controller the game is still better than the other consoles' versions. I've been playing it a lot lately with the classic controller and really enjoying it. It feels a little limited I suppose in comparison, but then I do feel the playmaker setup makes the game very easy.


I reckon for £15, I'll probably grab this years - unless its the stinking game K-project foresees! The last one I got was 2009 so there should be some differences, right?


I still think the game will be OK, especially for £15 if you haven't played it since 2009. Yes I would imagine you'll notice a difference. I certainly did with 2011. But for those of us who have one of the last couple of releases, I reckon even £15 will be pushing it frankly. Like I say I'm not hopeful that it will offer much. Konami still haven't released any info about this game, and it's out soon. Speaks volumes imho.




Look at my last posts. That's a person who's clear about not buying something isn't it? There's measured arguments and a clear purpose. I'M NOT BUYING THIS GAME it says. You couldn't be more certain.


Why then, have I still pre-ordered it? I mean, what's wrong with me?


I'm a total no-hoper, that's the truth. The fact is I'm gonna gamble it for £15. I just honestly so totally love PES on the Wii, that I have to see its last hurrah on the console, and just pray that they've put enough extra stuff in there to make me smile when it arrives. I've played the bejesus out of 2011, and yet it still hasn't gotten boring. It rocks, even though I'm old enough to know better. Fingers crossed then, that 2012 is even better still. I'll let you know. Come on Konami. Don't let us down.


Just to make me feel less stoopid, I also pre-ordered the new Zelda. There. That's better.


I'm waiting to see what teams and game modes make the cut before I take the plunge. Would also be nice to see some new editing options available as I spend more time recreating old teams than I do playing!


Still for £15 I'm pretty sure I'll pick it up eventually, and I have a Nintendo fantasy team from my 2010 save file ready to play against y'all :)


£15? People up for online? I'll take some of that, Pro Evo Wii is probably the best football game there is, it has huge problems, I love FIFA in all honesty, but the gameplay to this is something special. Love the control, so satisfying!

£15? People up for online? I'll take some of that, Pro Evo Wii is probably the best football game there is, it has huge problems, I love FIFA in all honesty, but the gameplay to this is something special. Love the control, so satisfying!


It looks like I'm about to make it a hat trick of responses to your football game related posts in the space of only a few minutes :eek:


I need to get my Wii sent away for repair but yes, online will be available if you're around :heh: Send me a PM if you ever fancy a game : peace:

It looks like I'm about to make it a hat trick of responses to your football game related posts in the space of only a few minutes :eek:


I need to get my Wii sent away for repair but yes, online will be available if you're around :heh: Send me a PM if you ever fancy a game : peace:


We're both obsessed with football games!!!


I'm actually quite enjoying FIFA 3DS now too ;)

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