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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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So I read Superman #3 - Was okay. A little more of the same but I am enjoying him using his head a little and it all seems to build up to next issue which I'm looking forward to. I enjoy this because it's wordy. I go through too many comics too quickly and this doesn't have that problem.


Flash #3 - How fucking awesome was this?!


When he vibrated the plane through the bridge, OMFG - rad as fuck.



I love it. I love how his powers have genuine cons when used in the wrong situation. Also, the art. Unnnf to the nth degree. There is so much story in the actual art you have to take it all in. Ace.


Voodoo #3 - Kyle Rayner guest appeared. Was okay. Wasted opportunity, much preferred the first two issues. There was nothing really to this. I am enjoying the series, though. Might drop it when Ron Marz leaves after #6 (I have no idea why they are getting rid of him).


Aquaman #3 - Awesome but felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOO short. I just need more. Maybe they just need to slow the pace down like in the first issue. It's frustrating.


Teen Titans #3 - Enjoyed this a lot. It's fun. Also, I liked Bunker. I like the team. Can't wait until we get a little more Superboy in this since I enjoy reading this as a bi-monthly with Superboy.

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I am so lol behind, today I read Avengers (fine/crap. 20 pages of story for $3.99....fuck the hell off.) Acuna's artwork looks so rushed and less polished than it did on Uncanny X-Force too. Not saying HE necessarily rushed it but the inking and colouring didn't help remotely.


Flash #2 = fucking awesome! Was going to drop it, but this issue was fucking quality.

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Bendis to Leave the Avengers


What started eight (I know, right?) years ago is set to come to an end in 2012. Brian Michael Bendis, longtime architect of Marvel's Avengers line, revealed in an interview with CBR that he'd be wrapping up his many plot threads by the end of the year and moving onto other projects.


"I'm going to wrap up Avengers and New Avengers. At the same time the first storyline of Avengers Assemble will be done," Bendis said. "It's a good time to move on to other things. Before I go, though, I'm ending things big. I'm in countdown mode. You know when you're watching a show like 'Breaking Bad,' and every episode feels like the second to last episode? That's where I'm at. I've been on the Avengers longer than anybody in the history of the book. When you take everything into account, I've written over 200 issues. I'm very, very proud of that, and what we have coming up this summer gives me the opportunity to go out on a high note. I know enough about showbiz to know that's a great time to go."


The writer also discussed his plans for Norman Osborn and H.A.M.M.E.R., Storm's role on the team, and much more in the interview, so head on over to CBR to check it out. In addition to this bombshell, Marvel also announced their 2012 event series, Avengers vs. X-Men. Check out what we know so far.




While I have gotten completely sick of Bendis' writing style for characters in the Avengers books and think its definitely time for him to move on I will say that I enjoyed a lot of the Avengers stories he wrote, especially the early New Avengers stuff that changed things up quite a bit.

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Warner plans more quality DC Comics tie-ins following Batman success


Warner Bros Interactive's Montreal studio is planning a number of new games based DC Comics IP following the success of Rocksteady's two recent Batman titles.


Speaking in an interview with Canadian Business, studio head Martin Carrier explained that the new Montreal hub is focussed on various DC projects, none of which have yet been announced.


He went on to offer assurance that whatever it does produce will take inspiration from Rocksteady's sterling work.

"We realise how good a job Rocksteady did with Arkham Asylum," he said.


"They changed people's perceptions and that's why we're not satisfied anymore with sub-par superhero games. Now, it's like they should be better than all the other games."


His colleague Reid Schneider added that the studio was under no pressure to tie games into movie releases. Instead, quality will be the key.


"No, we're not going in that direction. It's really about make the game what it needs to be and forget the movies," he promised.


Schneider argued that the age of the quick, cheap movie tie-ins has passed.


"We can't speak for everyone, but if you just look at the market, the number of those and the money they're bringing in is dwindling. Those days where publishers could do stuff like that and make money from it, it's just not the same.


"There's a real stratification of games where only the really high-quality games with mass market appeal are making money. That whole middle layer, where there were movie games or cash-ins-that market is gone."


Give Eurogamer's Batman: Arkham City review a read for a better idea of what Schneider and Carrier have to live up to.




Games staring The Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman, please. Now. And a Hellblazer one.


This is awesome to hear. DC really need to push characters other than Batman and Supes (OMG and NOT Green Lantern).

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