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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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So what did you guys make of Uncanny X-Men 1? Seemed pretty strong for me- really like the pitch of Cyclops' team as part super team part 'nuclear deterrent'. That said, I do wish they'd have destroyed Utopia in Schism. Just don't like the place and I'd much prefer them to be in San Francisco proper.


X Men 20 was good too, although I still don't think the book totally stands on its own (feels like it should be called 'not uncanny' or something) the actual story is good and I like the cast.

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Yeah, fair enough. I just absolutely love Year One so this was pretty interesting. I think it'd be a bit crap if you hadn't read Year One but if you have it's a little different. I like that era of Bruce working out how to go about being Batman. The urgency of not blowing his cover and such. Plus, at least in the film, it's more Gordon who's the main character.

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So Green Lantern #3 was really really awesome. Definitely the best since the relaunch, back to the quality of the pre-launch. And it had....oh god....a hint at the future which is SO COOL and major intruigigigng.


Marvel Point One was good - introduced a couple of characters that seem really cool.


Also read the last two issues of Avengers Academy - absolutely awesome. Complete and utter mega win.




The Boys volume 9 ! Havn't read yet but cannot wait.


Aaahhhh New Avengers was awesome, but it was hella packed with obscure characters. Not sure who a couple of the new Dark Avengers even are....some due to ambiguity and some due to (who are blah).


Love....the "Hawkeye" guy though...I didn't know that


Hawkeye had a brother.

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I have read a lot today.


Fear Itself 7.2 = Shit. I'm sorry but $3.99 and the story was explained in the one sheet teaser poster they released of "Tanarus".


Aquaman #2 = Great. Was short, but I like the shit. Etc. Mera. Hawt. Blah. Priwtty.


Avenging Spider-Man #1 = Free digital copy is GOOD news, at least makes the price point a bit more worthy. It seems like a bit of a shame that it wasn't inked. Or if it was it was inked with pencil. But....yeah bit strange. High price point and shortcuts. Story was good though, I really like Zeb Wells.


Green Lantern New Guardians #2 = I really liked it. The end was win!


Red Lanterns #3 = Absolutely awesome, one of my favourite DC titles, its just completely awesome and the slow building London storyline I LOVE and assume it is leading up to the first human Red Lantern which is going to be sick. Bleez...is completely and utterly winnified and I have no shame in saying that she is sexy as hell. All covered in blood. Yes.


Battle Scars #1 = I am intrigued. Good stuff.

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Green Lantern #3 was awesome. I love it.


Superboy #3 was also pretty cool. I love how his powers work. They've really given him an edge. Also, beefing up his telekinesis is great. Also live the dynamic between Red, Rose and Superboy and NOWHERE and their involvement with the Tenn Titans, too.


Deathstroke #3 was okay. Better than 2. I really need to drop this but there's something I quite like about Slade.


Resurrection Man #3 was awesome. In my mind it's grouped with Animal Man and Swamp Thing but it's more action orientated.


Batman and Robin #3 was also ace. Although it felt a little short.


Oh yeah, and The Incredible Hulk was a load of crap.


Also, back to GL #3, it was fantastic. Considering I was actually getting bored of the Lantern-verse (granted never really getting that into it) it's my most anticipated book next month. Probably because I love Sinestro. I kind of worry that if the focus shifts back to Hal I'll get bored again. Hal bores me so bloody much.

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I don't think you need to worry too much about a shift back to Hal. Everyone loves Sinestro and I think he'll be the centre of attention for at least a while longer yet. Even when it eventually goes back to him, I think the mythos and supporting cast are so great that it will still be interesting.


It was a damn great issue though, and of the quality that it was at before the relaunch, just took a few issues to get back into its stride.


Hulk #2 has 11 artists. Lol. And the second arc (Issue 4) is drawn by a different artist. This is fucking precisely why I fucking hate Marvel.


"Amazing new book! Amazing new creative team!" *changes after first arc.


Recent books that come to mind;



Wolverine and the X-Men

Captain America

PREDICTION The Avenging Spider-Man.

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I need to pick up Avenging Spiderman because the art looks so slick. Where does Avenging fit in to the whole Marvel-verse?


Batwoman #3 was good. It's definitely has the most stunning art of any comic. Maybe a little slow this month, though.


Batgirl #3 was excellent. Best Batgirl yet, just a whole host of different things going on. Nightwing complemented her perfectly. Didn't feel forced. Babs feels real. Her character has a weight to her. Love her.

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I guess the hints were always there, but Frank Miller is a massive cunt.


Pretty amazing coming from the guy who wrote YEAR ONE.




He's not getting another penny from me.


Some choice reactions.


Gary Erskine - Frank Miller is encouraging the Occupy movement to enlist 'for the real thing'? Maybe he should show them by example then? Will Eisner did.


Ron Perazza - Thinking back on it, Frank Miller's writing is filled with the glorification of right wing militant politics. Shame his reality is the same.


PJ Holden - Man, Frank Miller is really working that right wing loon persona.Move over Colbert, Miller's bringing crazy to a whole new level!


Jeff Parker - I guess Frank Miller now relates everything to the War on Terror even though that's not what Occupy is about.


Kieron Gillen - Crikey. That's quite the blog post.


Jamie McKelvie - I'm pretty sure Frank Miller will soon become too crazy to be able to type, and then we won't have to read his bullshit anymore.


John Layman - I bet Frank Miller wouldn't talk shit about World of Warcraft if he knew how uber my blood elf warlock Jamesbucket is!


Cully Hamner: I think Frank Miller saw them filming the giant fight scene for Dark Knight Rises in NY & confused it for #OWS. No wonder he was pissed...!


Erik Larsen - Dear Frank Miller what those on Occupy Wall Street want is simple--for the rich to pay their fare share of taxes. Is that so wrong?


Gail Simone: Frankmillerink.com is a great link if you like absolute bullshit.


Tim Seeley: Frank Miller is what happens when fear overrides rational thought. Anything he doesn't understand is evil & full of rapists.


Pia Guerra: Frank Miller wants Occupiers to enlist for the "real thing". You mean like this guy?


Joe Keatinge: Come on, guys, let's focus on what's important: what does Frank Miller think of Red Hulk?


Joe Hill: I just don't expect that from a guy who wrote YEAR ONE, the best cape comic ever: a work of careful thought, psychological nuance, beauty.


Gail Simone, ever the wordsmith. Love her.

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The more I learn about Frank Miller, the more I realise that, to him, Sin City is not black comedy. It's the wish fulfilment power fantasy of a very, very disturbing man. He leaves a sour taste on the tongue like few can. His attitudes towards women and other races are particularly disturbing and cast even his best work in a profoundly unsettling light that makes it hard to justify reading them. Year One is amazing, but should I buy it knowing who wrote it?

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