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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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I thought Voodoo was excellent.


Christ, really?


In what way? I mean it wasn't worst written of the new 52, but was utterly banal, we all knew what was coming/that she 'wasn't normal'.


THEN add in the general air of shitty treatment solo heroines have been getting in the New 52 and it's URGH. I'll read the next one as TBF, this setting seemed to only be for this issue.


But yeah, no.

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Christ, really?


In what way? I mean it wasn't worst written of the new 52, but was utterly banal, we all knew what was coming/that she 'wasn't normal'.


THEN add in the general air of shitty treatment solo heroines have been getting in the New 52 and it's URGH. I'll read the next one as TBF, this setting seemed to only be for this issue.


But yeah, no.


I had no idea what was coming, so that was an awesome surprise. I loved the art and the framing in general (the tripple panel with the reflection in the sunglasses was beautiful;



the whole viewer being voyeuristic watching the voyeur (the cop) while Voodoo is also watching the voyeur). So I thought the pacing was excellent, a slow burn (most the comic being a long drawn out seductive dance, it was like she was casting a spell; you could empathise with the soldiers revealing their secrets - refreshing considering how most/all comics assume there needs to be action) and then a shock ending, was pretty horrific.


Even when she transforms, the shadow she casts looks like she's dancing.



The colouring was also pretty stunning. The lighting was bang on, and there was a general seedy/moody miasma.


I don't see any shitty treatment with regards to her being a heroine, though.


The more I think about it the more stunning it is. One of my favorite books of the relaunch. It was hardly banal. I'm kind of surprised you didn't like it. It's easily one of the more nuanced books. Probably much better than it had any right to be.

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My new DC pull list


Justice League

Action comics

Animal Man

Swamp Thing


Baman and Robin



Demon Knights

Justice League Dark

Green Lantern


Teen Titans

DCU Presents

Blue Beetle

Wonder Woman



The Flash


(possibly GLC and GLNG)


DC has sold me, I'm getting more from them than before and will continue to do so.


What about everyone else?

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Invincible TPB #15 cover




Coloured by Rauch. Hmmm. May we have lost FCO to Batman on a more permanent basis? Make me very sad if so. He suits Invincible SO much better.


DC has sold me, I'm getting more from them than before and will continue to do so.


What about everyone else?


Fucking amazing




Justice League

Action Comics


Really Great


Red Lanterns

Animal Man

Green Lantern Corps*

Green Lantern*

Green Lantern New Guardians

Storm Watch


Will See How They Pan Out



Swamp Thing

The Flash


Havn't yet read, but will do soon; Wonder Woman, Resurrection Man, Super Girl. Think thats it. After all I have read so far I would definitely say Aquaman is the best. A++ on all main aspects (story, script, action, artwork, colouring etc)





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My pull list at the moment is,


Suicide Squad - 5/5

Voodoo - 5/5

Batman - 5/5

Justice League - 4.5/5

Justice League Dark - 4/5

DC Universe Presents - 3/5

Wonder Woman - 5/5

Supergirl - 5/5

Batman and Robin - 3/5

Superboy - 4.5/5

Men of War 4/5

Action Comics - 2/5

Animal Man - 5/5

Batgirl - 4.5/5

Swamp Thing - 5/5

Storm Watch - 4/5

Death Stroke 4/5

Resurrection Man 5/5

Batwoman 5/5


And going to read these tomorrow but I know I'm going to stick with them.


The Flash


Teen Titans


I'm on the fence with,

Red Lanterns

Green Lantern

Detective Comics


The only thing making me want Green Lantern is Sinestro. I freaking hate Hal.



....so that's quite a few. I suspect a few more will get dropped fairly soon. And Men of War will probably get cancelled.

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I really really liked

Wonder Woman

Resurrection Man

Animal Man

Swamp Thing



Justice League Dark




I will also keep reading as I enjoyed to varying extents

Birds of Prey




Justice League


Some I may delve into in the future/out of morbid curiosity/willing to be proven wrong/just not too interested

Demon Knights


Teen Titans


Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men

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so Ultimate Spider-Man #2 was fucking great again. I'm really enjoying the nods to Bagley's old panel compositions too. There was one coffee splutteringly weird panel of bendis-speak but I can forgive it in an otherwise great issue. He had another dig at forum trolls too which I enjoyed / hated.

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Just read,


Batman: The Dark Knight #1 - WTF was this shit? It was awful. There were one or two single splash pages which were awesome but otherwise it was horrendous. What did everyone else think? Did I just miss a trick with this?


Superman #1 - Excellent. Felt like a pretty full story for a single issue, too. Great stuff. Better than the super clumsy Action Comics.


The Flash #1 - Uuuuunnnnfffff!! This book looks so freaking gorgeous. It felt a little sparse in terms of story compared to Superman but that's cool, can't wait to read more.


Teen Titans #1 - This felt more like a complement to Superboy, tbh. I did enjoy it but it was lacking a certain something. Although I suspect that's because of the team introductions making the whole thing seem shorter.


Aquaman #1 - THIS FAAAACE!!!





I take everything I said back. I want to be Aquaman. Seriously, if I could have any superpower it would be to have Aquaman’s range of facial expressions.


It was super funny and legit and then suddenly amazingly poignant.

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Superman #1 - Excellent. Felt like a pretty full story for a single issue, too. Great stuff. Better than the super clumsy Action Comics.


Wait like 3 more issues and see how both series are then. :awesome:


I enjoyed Superman as I felt like I was getting so much at once, but it was really incredibly standard.

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Yeah, standard is a pretty apt description. I liked that they brought the Daily Planet up to date and how Lois Lane was depicted. I called it excellent because it was pretty wordy and to my mind not enough comics are. Does anyone else share this view?


I was looking back at Batman Year One (because it kind of seemed to me that Wonder Woman went with a very similar tone in terms of art) and it is so dense. I was about 20 pages in before I realised I'd only picked it up to glance at. Off topics, it's so freaking good.


My God I hope Action Comics improves. After Supergods (you like drugs WE GET IT) and now this Morrison feels more and more like a hack. He talks the talk but only occasionally walks the walk.


Here are the DC releases for the upcoming month.



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I still feel you should actually read his prolonged comic runs though. Since that's like...his best work...everyone knows...reading Supergods before his own work is a bit random.


ALSO Comics being wordy is often a sign of shiteness. Like Chris Claremont. An outdated writing style. However old George Perez is, he wasn't shit in Superman, which was nice. I assumed I'd be dealing with old-fashioned shit exposition, but I didn't. I actually like all I've read from him. He's relatively succinct for an old writer.

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I still feel you should actually read his prolonged comic runs though. Since that's like...his best work...everyone knows...reading Supergods before his own work is a bit random.


ALSO Comics being wordy is often a sign of shiteness. Like Chris Claremont. An outdated writing style. However old George Perez is, he wasn't shit in Superman, which was nice. I assumed I'd be dealing with old-fashioned shit exposition, but I didn't. I actually like all I've read from him. He's relatively succinct for an old writer.


Isn't that a bit of a generalisation? Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Batman and even Suicide Squad were all on the wordier side and were all pretty stunning.


I'm not really judging Morrison in terms of what he's done. It's impossible for me to have a general opinion of someone who is all over the place. As far as I can tell he's all over the place in terms of quality so I'll judge him on a per-project basis. I love Arkham Asylum, his run on Batman and Robin is excellent by all accounts. Action Comics is drivel.


My opinion of him as a person is separate and comes from that assessment of inconsistency and the bullshit that consists of his book. He takes credit for EVERYTHING!! Morrison got Millar his original jobs. Morrison co-wrote Millar's earliest and better work. Millar's take on Thor and The Hulk were Morrison's idea. He helped 'inspire' Coraline. He calls Ellis' The Authority his JLA meets his Invisibles meets Kingdom Come. Planetary was built on Flex Mentallo, Civil War on Zenith.


...Oh and he also wrote an unused screen play that was basically Batman Begins.


The guys is a Grade A cunt.


Also, he talks about all the transcendental ideas. These beautiful epiphanies. He thinks these are original thoughts but really they are the ramblings or a fairly smart but poorly read man. Read some social theory. Read some philosophy. Read some neorealism or postmodernist writing. His head would probably explode if he read Italo Calvino.


But I do judge him separately from his work. Like I said, I love Arkham Asylum and Batman Inc was incredibly enjoyable (bar issue 8 which was visually offensive and ill thought out, imo). Just because Action Comics is lame doesn't mean the next thing he writes won't stun me.


Honestly, I'm surprised no one pointed out how much of a dick he sounds like in Supergods. But then I've been told that he genuinely loves himself in real life so they might of. And while I think he's an utter tool he'd probably be a lot of fun to hang out with.


TL;DR, I am neither predisposed to liking or disliking what he does. If it's good I shall rejoice.

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Oh well 'wordy' to me brings to mind tonnes of awful yellow boxes and needless thought bubbles. Sorry. Not just things that have slightly more words than the current average. :)


Fair enough. I didn't have an opinion of him as a person while reading the book, he is who he is, I didn't find myself looking up to him or anything, nor being bothered. He's probably right in a lot of the 'it stemmed from my ideas' to a certain degree. He is one of the most important and influential comic book writer of the last 2 decades. I'm over it if he's lying/taking too much credit. *shrug*


You should read one of his acclaimed runs though. (this will be a disclaimer on any post I make to anyone who hasn't from now on :D) Other than B+R.


[i still don't understand the opinion that AC was lame after one issue released, amongst a heap of absolute shit that came out the same month under the same umbrella, but it's fine. I wasn't stunned by it.]

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His Lex Luther killed it for me. So uninspiring and unimaginative. He should have made him Randian, he is a very Rand like figure after all. It would have made him a sympathetic figure. Instead he is just a megalomaniac (apparently a sociopathic train crashing one *I'm rolling my eyes*). It's too black and white. Superman stands for social justice. Lex is a capitalist monster. It could have been about the right to social justice; is it right that Superman take responsibility for all the wrongs or is Lex's idea that such a figure, who's actions are effortless, undermines us, never letting us reach our true potential?


Do you get what I mean? I'm not sure if I'm making sense.


And I have so much venom for it because this was such a massive opportunity (and why from there I've decided to rip it to pieces. I guess I'm angry). In the end we were left with an homage laden heap of meh.


I love talking about this stuff with you. We have different opinions but I like that you like.


I'm still a little surprised you didn't like Voodoo. :D

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Action Comics Lex could be similar to New X-Men's Magneto, where he wrote the character really annoyingly/badly on purpose. (But then, he had like 3 lines of dialogue, I'm not even sure he's badly written..)


I was thinking about Magneto in New X-Men. It feels really weirdly done, considering every other character in the series feels really solid and explored, and Magneto should be the one character that's easy to write well / give the readers an interesting perspective with.


It's almost like he wanted the readers to wish Magneto had stayed dead, and Xorn was a new stand-alone character; as one of the New Brotherhood says: "I preferred Magneto when he was dead."

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Invincible #83


Awesome obviously. Not at all crazy about the colourist, however of course the story was very solid with a couple of unexpected developments. I am looking forward to both the space issues and the post space issues that seem to promise some great developments.


Action Comics #2


Still think this is fucking awesome. Some great scenes in general, some nice developments and a couple of very cool items/questions raised./ Artwork is amazing and it has a load of extra content. Still one of the best.


Red Lanterns #2


Loved it! Still suffered a tiny tiny bit from "feels like a one shot" like issue one, however I almost like the short snappy story bits to lead into an arc, and it did examine some really interesting stuff and the ending will lead into following issues. Awesome.


The Walking Dead #87


Fricking cracking issue.

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