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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Well, after more poor issues of Batman, Superman and Justice League, I'm thinking about giving up on them and not carrying on reading them. After what seemed like it'd start brilliantly with Rebirth, they've just totally fallen off the shelf. Really poor!

The Flash has been good though!


Marvel on the other hand are knocking it out of the park. Spider-Man (both PP and MM) have been great, Iron Man has too and Civil War II has been fooking awesome! The interconnection between all the comics has been outstanding.

The last issue of Iron Man was absolutely brilliant, so well done.


Marvel are on a completely different level to DC!

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  • 1 month later...

@kav82 What it might be worth doing is going back and reading some of the older DC tpbs, see what it was like before the nu52 stuff. I'd be happy to recommend some of my favourites. I expect people like @ReZourceman and @Daft would have some as well from before nu52.




Here's some:


General DC History:

Crisis on Infinite Earths

Identity Crisis

Infinite Crisis

Final Crisis

Blackest Night


Elseworld/Multiverse Stories:

Kingdom Come

DC: New Frontier Vol.1 & 2


Justice League:

JLA Vol.1


Teen Titans:

A Kid's Tale


Green Lantern:

Green Lantern Rebirth


Green Arrow:

Green Arrow: Year One



Superman - Secret Origins

Superman For All Seasons



Superman/Batman - Public Enemies



The Killing Joke

Long Halloween

Dark Knight Returns

Year One



Batgirl Rising


Birds of Prey:

Birds of Prey - Of Like Minds

Edited by Happenstance
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  • 1 month later...

Seems that I'm missing a couple in the Crisis-series. I only have Crisis on Infinite Earths and Identity Crisis lying around, waiting to be read. :)


For Christmas I got Green Arrow Deluxe by Jeff Lemire. It looks really good so looking forward to reading it! I have, however, some backlog I need to get through first - started by reading Shadowland (this one: http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Shadowland) the other day and it was weird. It started out good but finished way too quick and I have NO idea how that particular album fits into the general Shadowland-story and how the other album I've got lying around fits into it. It got a bit too supernatural as well - if that's possible in super heroes comic books.

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Decided to try and start using Comixology again (I probably say this every few months). Had to rearrange my physical comic collection again due to lack of room. Decided to take advantage of their Marvel collection sale to start.





I'm actually considering selling my entire physical collection but it just makes me a bit sad :(


Also ended up getting a couple of extras from the DC sale:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I aborted Shadowland: Street Heroes for now, may return to it but for now, it went back to the shelf without being read, unfortunately. Instead, I started reading Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire. Holy! That is actually really good! The story and twists are nice and I partly expect some of the stuff to make it to the Arrow TV-series. Can definitely recommend it if you find it.

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  • 3 months later...

Batman #21 is so great. This whole Flashpoint-New52-Rebirth-Button story has been so exciting. The way Forever Evil got pulled into Darkseid War and then into this. That it's pulling so many threads from everywhere is amazing, along with the little touches like Reverse Flash's appearance back in the first issue of Rebirth Flash, the call-back to Before Watchmen, the hand of creation, etc.


It feels like I can see a lot of the pieces of a bigger picture but I can't quite see how they connect, not just yet. But they're slowly coming together.


I've never been so excited by a story.

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Weirdly I've basically just kept up with the Supes books. Superman, Action Comics (I've fallen a little behind on both but I'll catch up soon) and Super Sons which I think is a blast. The art is really lovely. Jon and Damian are super cute together, they're like a pair of squabbling brothers.

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Weirdly I've basically just kept up with the Supes books. Superman, Action Comics (I've fallen a little behind on both but I'll catch up soon) and Super Sons which I think is a blast. The art is really lovely. Jon and Damian are super cute together, they're like a pair of squabbling brothers.


Did you ever read the stuff pre-nu52 with Damian and Stephanie Batgirl? That always had a nice sibling feel to it as well.

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I've not been reading DC comics for a little while now, but I did read Batman Rebirth #21... that's more like it!


Might have to catch up a bit and get back into it a little more.


So, I've been think a lot about this issue.


The hockey game is meant to reflect the fight between Batman and Thwane.


So is the referee Dr Manhattan in this fight? He's nowhere to be seen. He's not stopping the fight. He's complicit in the fight.


The commentator says "We're all just trying to have fun out here. I mean, is this fun?" as one of the players is being gratuitously beaten to death. One of the themes about Rebirth is about reinstating hope and joy into the universe, so is the commentator meant to reflect us, the readers?


Except Dr Manhattan (or whoever) does step into the fight between Batman and Thawne. Although maybe not intentionally, since Thawne picks up the Button and gets pulled somewhere else. Maybe Dr Manhattan didn't intend to step in and his transportation was an accident.


Another thing, Thawne returns and literally no one escapes Dr Manhattan in one piece. Which makes me think Thawne stood a chance of escaping. And then it starts to click a little. Manhattan gets rid of Wally West (and thus his kids). He de-ages and sends Jay Garrick to Earth 2. With Thawne the only person in the history of comics to escape (at least partially) intact from Manhattan, that makes me think that Manhattan is targeting speedsters, and that speedsters will be a problem for him.



I've got to read this issue again. It was so dope.


Edit: Also, holy shit there's more, Trinity #8







Edited by Daft
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Interesting to see the stuff happening with Superman at the moment.


Personally I would have been happier if pre-new 52 Superman had been the one to stick around but I think I'm just happy for any Superman other than the new 52 version. He was probably the worst thing about the new continuity. A character which is supposed to be all about hope just became an angsty little bitch.


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I didn't like Flash 21 at all. Thought it was really week. I don't think Howard Porter is suited to the story and

Joshua Williamson uses waaaaaaaaaay too many thought boxes and exposition. Batman 21 was just in a whole different league.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone reading Secret Empire? The end of issue 2 was very much "huh... wha?!".


I love the way Marvel handles their comics, all intertwining brilliantly and setting up these mega events!

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