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Colors! 3D - THE DS homebrew application comes to the eStore


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How do you follow people or search for pictures in the game?! I want to see these in the game but don't know how. I want to follow everyone from NEurope but it doesn't' seem possible. I hope I'm being reatarded and not the game.

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This is a problem i never noticed, the only thing i can think of is to add someones as a favourite then go into my favourites and then choose the user name at the top. Failing that you could log in online via PC and add a favourite/like, and then search via your favourites on th 3DS and click user name etc.




at the moment one of REDSHELLS pieces is on this weeks favourite, if we track that down and comment on it, we could find each others pieces via tapping their name on the comments and adding one of their pieces to favourite.


I've commented on Redshells so you can find me via that way, my user name is Calv



Ok this one I like.

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Pikachuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :bouncy:


But... Pikachu's boring! The gallery is flooded with Pikachus (many of which are traced, and of ones that aren't, there are a lot that I could never do as well as anyway!).


I'd rather do something less common, like this:




I also started one of Scizor last night, but it was way too difficult for me. Could have looked good with the claw coming out at you, though.

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Very cool. icon14.gif

What happened to the "OF" in the title, though? :heh:


Im not sure??? Im perhaps I accidentaly deleted it whilst drawing, I never noticed until you pointed it out, i might re upload it with the change.

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But... Pikachu's boring!




The gallery is flooded with Pikachus
That's true actually.

Got quite a few in my favourites. :hehe:


I'm not up-to-date with the recent Pokemon types (didn't play black/white)... are there any new cute ones? ::shrug: Well, that aren't boring or common. :heh:

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See the last two I've drawn for some cute new ones. There's also Emolga, a flying squirrel thing, which is this gen's Pikachu-Pichu-Plusle/Minun-Pachurisu clone.

And shame on you for not playing Black and White! I hope you'll play Black and White 2, at least?

Anyway, RedShell, check your 3DS letterbox from something from me!

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How are you adding these to favourites reds hell?


Not being blue to search or follow people is a huge misstep? This could be like onstage am but for drawings :) I don't really draw, but I love looking t pictures and seeing how people draw them, but the fact I can't find one on here and go look for it is just insane!

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How are you adding these to favourites reds hell?
What the hell!? :heh:


Anyway, to add a painting to your favourites, just click "like it" on the Colors! website or in the app itself.


But unless you're using the website, it's not possible (well, not easy) to search for specific users/paintings.

Once you have liked a painting though (in-app or on the website), you can always access it again from your favourites, so you can get to the artist's gallery like that.


Not exactly an ideal system I know, but that's the way it works. ::shrug:


Here are some direct gallery links for N-E peeps (that have posted art on here):











Sorry if I missed anyone. Post your gallery link and I'll add it to the list. :)


By the way dazzybee, make sure to uncheck the "Hide 18+ paintings" in your account on the Colors! website (don't think you can do this on the app either :hmm:) otherwise you'll be missing out on a lot of art in the gallery. ;)

Edited by RedShell
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Okay, went for the cute factor with this one, in an attempt to get some likes (not worked yet, I have to say.. :hmm:). Have to say, it's the one I'm most proud of so far! :D




Aw man, one of my lowest number of likes! :cry: That's the last time I take your picture requests, @RedShell. ;)

Edited by Mike
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@Mike, I left a comment on your new painting, with a request... ;)


Coincidentally, I happened to be in the middle of a cat picture when you posted that:




I think I'm over-complicating things for myself at the moment, and the result isn't as good as I'd wanted. I'll have to try something simpler next time, I think. That is, unless Mario Tennis Open arrives and distracts me from Colors..

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