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IGN: Mario Games Haven't Evolved


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To be fair to Nintendo, they're sticking to the business model that works for them. I see their modern sidescrollers as "bridge" games (even though they may be very difficult), whereas downloadable games on true consoles/handhelds veer more towards being for the keen gamer, and that's the way I like it.


Smartphones have got such an inherent net connection that the massive userbase will find it natural to download the "apps". With "real" games machines, though, it is only the more dedicated gamer who will take an interest in the downloadable content. Therefore we get sprite-based labours of love like Shantae and Contra.


A "labour of love" version of Mario would probably be based on Super Mario World, but be greatly enhanced. Nintendo, however, quite understandably want the best chance of success, so they make it 2.5D and a retail product. It's a little bit of a shame, but it works for them at the moment.

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Sometimes not even that. Sometimes it's cut just so they can earn extra money off of it


Don't forgot a lot of games now have so many bugs when they come out, with a reply of 'hurr durr just wait for next update' and these are obvious bugs that should have been fixed before release. It may not annoy some people but to me it's a pain in the ass, no way some of the modern games of today would have gotten away with that type of shit a few years back. (Thinks back when when you buy a game you buy the whole game)

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(Thinks back when when you buy a game you buy the whole game)


You were never a PC gamer, were you? ;)


With MS' and Sony's (successful) attempt at turning consoles into the poor man's gaming PCs, they also suffer from what has been common in PC-land. :heh:

Edited by Burny
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Online gameplay is great. Motion controls when used effectively and at the right time are great. DLC when used effectively is great. HD graphics when used in the right way are great.


However, you don't need all of these to have a great game. This article is first class horseshit. You don't need online play in something like Super Mario Galaxy. It doesn't need DLC. Why shoe-horn something into the game when it simply isn't needed.


It could be great when used "effectively and at the right time" :bowdown:


No game would suffer if this were the case, but there seems to be a general consensus of what online capabilities should be used to 'enhance' a game.

In my opinion, developers haven't even scratched the surface of online modes in games; there's still so much that could be done.


I'm still waiting for the day that NINTENDO implements online modes in their own, unique NINTENDO-esque way; which, I hope, would surely be a step forward:)

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I'm still waiting for the day that NINTENDO implements online modes in their own, unique NINTENDO-esque way; which, I hope, would surely be a step forward:)


They're getting there, eventually:


Behold the Massive M...err...Singleplayer Online Game?


Actually the idea might be great in some games. Never played it, but I think Demon Souls had something similar (scribbling warnings onto walls was it?). That idea could be extended in more ways. Seeing where other players built things, beat enemies etc. might make single player games more lively without the need to turn them into MMOs.


For things like Mario Kart I'd just like to have no "Nintendo-esque" experiments, but well implemented communication features and convenient ways to play with friends. And if Nintendo is going to release another New Super Mario Brothers-game with multiplayer, making it online would actually be great.

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So you guys would be totally against any online/leaderboard additions in Mario Galaxy? You wouldn't enjoy racing your friend's ghost on one of the speed-run levels?


I'm not against it but I know I would never bother using such a feature. I have only ever once uploaded a score on Sin and Punishment and that is a score attack style game. Never even thought to try and do it for Sonic Colours too even though they feature there as well. DKCR features a time attack mode and I think I've tried 3 levels in total.


The Galaxy games have a finite number of coins per level (not sure about the star bits as some levels have them shooting from the sky but I've never hung around to see if they stop completely) so you are just coming down to time really. And whilst Galaxy 2 does record times for all the stars you collect (does the first?), not just the timed ones, I still never have the desire to try and go any faster than I need/want to.

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It doesn't have to be a case of uploading your times, it could be an 'always-on' opt-in feature. You could start a meteor level and, in a similar way to how Luigi is sometimes there to swap out with, perhaps you could see a transparent Mario, and when you talk to them it says "Hi! I'm (username), I currently have the best time for this star on your friends list! You want a race?"

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