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Im in hell at the moment in my single player trying to get as much hellstone as i can and also killing voodoo demons as they drop the demon scythe magic book which is apparently really good for the wall of flesh


Never did manage to find a Demon Scythe but I do now have full Molten armour along with a Molten Fury Sword, Phoenix Blaster gun and a Thorn Chakram as backup so I think im ready for the Wall of Flesh now.

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Ive just finished doing a bit more upgrading and finally found a shadow key for the chests in hell. When the server is back up I'll make a chest specifically for all the weapons I found today so if anyone needs to upgrade then just take what you want. I'll also put my old shadow armour in the armour chest.


Was meant to post saying it was up. Password is 3pass3.


I'm shattered so I'm gonna continue/having a nap.


  Happenstance said:
Ive just finished doing a bit more upgrading and finally found a shadow key for the chests in hell. When the server is back up I'll make a chest specifically for all the weapons I found today so if anyone needs to upgrade then just take what you want. I'll also put my old shadow armour in the armour chest.


Which chest you gonna be popping your stuff in? I'm still rocking the trying to stick with stuff from this world, but I'm easy with that too(plus I might change my mind when I see it all :p).

  Rummy said:
Which chest you gonna be popping your stuff in? I'm still rocking the trying to stick with stuff from this world, but I'm easy with that too(plus I might change my mind when I see it all :p).


The group of 9 chests to the right of my house, middle of the top row has the new stuff.


I'm confused why I sometimes can craft items and sometimes they don't show on the chart. I'm trying to make a potion for example I have bottles, mushrooms and gel. It comes up when I talking to that guy and click crafting but it when I click on it I get the message saying "required bottles" or something

  nightwolf said:
Tonight? Sorry I was a bit AWOL yesterday, things have been a bit rough the past day or so.


Happs and Ville totally outvoted me and we hardmoded last night. It's all a bit mental! Happs and Ville have setup some brick protection around town though, so your house should be ok.


  flameboy said:
I'm confused why I sometimes can craft items and sometimes they don't show on the chart. I'm trying to make a potion for example I have bottles, mushrooms and gel. It comes up when I talking to that guy and click crafting but it when I click on it I get the message saying "required bottles" or something


You mean the guide? What he does is you show him an item, and he tells you what you can make. He's not terribly well designed though, and sometimes it isn't clear WHERE you have to craft it(at furnace, anvil, alchemy station etc).


Stick an empty bottle on top of a table(or preferably your workbench), and it becomes both a workbench and an alchemy station, at which you can now make potions.

  Rummy said:
Happs and Ville totally outvoted me and we hardmoded last night. It's all a bit mental! Happs and Ville have setup some brick protection around town though, so your house should be ok.




You mean the guide? What he does is you show him an item, and he tells you what you can make. He's not terribly well designed though, and sometimes it isn't clear WHERE you have to craft it(at furnace, anvil, alchemy station etc).


Stick an empty bottle on top of a table(or preferably your workbench), and it becomes both a workbench and an alchemy station, at which you can now make potions.


OK thanks! That really isn't clear! I wish he also showed you the environment an item can be created in.

  nightwolf said:
Tonight? Sorry I was a bit AWOL yesterday, things have been a bit rough the past day or so.


Rummy ended up convincing me and Ville to do the Wall of Flesh early so we're now in hard mode. I think all of us would like to do it a couple of times though to get more loot and we've got more than enough Voodoo dolls so we can still do it again tonight if you want.

  Happenstance said:
Rummy ended up convincing me and Ville to do the Wall of Flesh early so we're now in hard mode. I think all of us would like to do it a couple of times though to get more loot and we've got more than enough Voodoo dolls so we can still do it again tonight if you want.


Haha, I knew this'd happen! I did want to wait for you @nightwolf, but it was a decision of three and I decided to go along with it too. Wasn't sure if you'd be around today either, and I'm gonna be rather absent for next few evenings/days as it is.


  flameboy said:
OK thanks! That really isn't clear! I wish he also showed you the environment an item can be created in.


Iirc correctly there's the item/stations 'required' shown in the bottom corner area, sort of what's highlighted by this quickly googled image(tho this isn't at all representative of my point). It doesn't appear immediately/remain, I think it's a fade through from different text...if any of this makes sense.




EDIT:World's up now folks. I started hosting it mildy differently from yesterday but I don't think anything's affected(just an autoconfig/setup).

Posted (edited)

Its no big chuck - I'm really not bothered :). Unfortunately work comes first and I don't get out til gone 5. So won't be about ever during the week until after then.


edit: Just logged in - wow you lot have been busy...! I just checked the common chests, so many pretties!

Edited by nightwolf
  nightwolf said:
Its no big chuck - I'm really not bothered :). Unfortunately work comes first and I don't get out til gone 5. So won't be about ever during the week until after then.


edit: Just logged in - wow you lot have been busy...! I just checked the common chests, so many pretties!


Yeah I'm fairly same workwise and don't get the world up til after 5. I should consider going a bit earlier so I can leave earlier lol. As for the goodies think a lot of it was Happs and Ville's done a bit - Villes possibly holding a Vilethorn(ohoho) for you that we nabbed from an orb yesterday as I remember you said you wanted one - hoping he stuck it in one of the chests.


I'm heading on for a bit now, as I'll be out tomorrow(will put world up tho) and popping out friday. I'll be on some of saturday and little of sunday, but I'm happy to do some more weekend hosting.


Might have to seriously contemplate heading down to hell to get me some hellfire armour, shadow just ain't cutting it!



Btw on that note - how are people feeling about bringing non-hardmode stuff(or even hardmode stuff) into the world? Cos to get some bits it might be tons easier for me to go and do it on a diff world.


@Rummy I threw the vilethorn back at you, don't have it. And yes, you should def get a better armour!


For getting stuff from other worlds...I'm not against that. For example the Anklet of Wind would be a lot easier to get in a non-hardmode jungle, which we don't have anymore. Same with the horseshoes, our world doesn't have any more of those!


I tried some of the bosses last night. Did 4 or 5 Walls, easy as hell. Everyone can have an pwnhammer now, put them in the boxes. Then summoned one hardmode boss, and after that another one spawned spontaneously! They sure could take a beating...


I don't know how many super chests there are in the dungeon still, at least one ice and one jungle, maybe one hallow too. You might wanna find a key to either one, as they each have some kind of super weapon in there, like the one I found in the corruption chest. Too bad the dungeon is fucking crazy now, hard to explore without proper gear...


Also, seems the hardmode jungle has a dungeon and a few bosses there too now! It's endgame content tho, so gonna take a while still...


Ahh...then I've no bloody clue where I put it, damn. Maybe in one of the chests. As for an Anklet, I know there's at least one somewhere(or should be) unless it's been nabbed already - def got one in my very early jungle adventures.


As for the world, it is up right now. I'm due at the pub in an hour so I probs won't be on at all this evening, but the world should be up until 2AMish.


They really need to move their update schedule back or forward an hour -.-


Sorry, didn't get the world up today. Had a few things happen, gonna throw it up now for a bit, it'll be up til 2AMish and I should hopefully have it up tomorrow and wednesday too....thursday I'm unsure atm and friday shall let you know.

  flameboy said:
Dammit after I literally just paid full price!!!! (well 2 weeks ago)


I know man, sucks megaballs! I've just bought another copy and left it in my inv for later giftage to someone though(possibly someone in particular). How are you finding it so far? What you been getting up to?


Also for @Happenstance @Ville and @nightwolf(though I know you work) I've already got the world up and I'm leaving it up all day. I'm not around this evening at all, so rather than forget I thought I'd just stick it up now. I haven't been on much recently, though I know Ville's been having quite a few adventures - had I not had a couple impromptu things nor been so knackered I'd have been joining you man!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Was an update today that adds some halloween stuff, possibly changes a few other things, adds some random items(poss time limited with halloween).


Despite what you'd expect, I'm still quite addicted to this. I know Ville did a lot with the world, espesh clearing out the dungeon chests, but this week I've been trying to fight/farm souls(temple traps make this awesome for AFK/half arsed attention in diff places) as well as doing some minor bits on an easymode small world of my own. Planning to use the souls to then summon big bosses to then kill them to get their souls to then make stuff with...if that makes sense.


I still run the world as server when I play, but obv not hosting it as much as before - I'm happy to if folks are still interested and also I'm contemplating a little later creating some new worlds and just basically blitzing through those if people fancy. Not 100% I'll do this yet, though.


EDIT: Some enemies are in costume too! Bunny slimes...and slime bunnies, lol.

Edited by Rummy
  nightwolf said:
@Rummy I'd love to play, but you guys got so far ahead of me that I pretty much insta-die when I log on, I kinda got a bit disheartened and stopped playing :(


Yeahh, I did worry about this happening(also why I wanted us all to be fresh). With some of us having more playtime it gets difficult to not get way ahead! There's lots of stuff we've found etc, but at the same time that's taking away half the fun of playing if you've already got stuff to be handed to you!

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