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That has reminded me! I was just about to start playing Gow3 Beta but i think i shall watch Ep 20.


Thoughts to come once i have watched it!


Now watched: Yeah i thought it was very meh to be honest. Not what i was expecting since all we have left is a 2 hour finale now!


It was nice to see him wear glasses again though, and it was nice in a way that Lana was briefly brought up



I agree with the ending comment, we have been there and done that before!!! :hmm:


Hope the finale is amazing!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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I'm so fucking pumped for this finale. I just hope it doesnt turn out like the dream I had about it last night, clark spent half hour of the finale watching an anime about a talking cat and Darkseid was wearing a white jack and was sporting a ginger wig.


Yeah thats right my dreams can be a little fudged up from time to time.

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I'm downloading it right now.




I loved it. So many moments that I enjoyed, it was a great way to end the Smallville series. I had some problems with it but most of that is down the budget problems a show like this has and the end (not the actual ending) felt a little abrupt but you might see what I mean.

Edited by bryanee
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That finale seemed to sum up Smallville as a whole for me, some great moments but also some really annoying ones


I see Tom Wellings complaints about not wanting to wear the suit actually came to something. At no point during that finale did he wear the suit, it was all either face shots or CGI!


No mention of Superman!


Really dodgy way to get rid of Apokalips. Are we supposed to assume he pushed it out of the orbit? It seemed for the entire episode that he would have to remove the omega symbol from everyone by appearing in public and inspiring them like he did Oliver but then apparently planets are pretty easy to get rid of anyway.


I expected a bit more action, especially when taking out Darkseid Luthor and his minions. Theyve been built up all season but apparently can be taken out stupidly easily.


Why would Clark call Lois, Miss Lane in the future? It makes sense in Superman comics but this is Smallville and its pretty common knowledge in the Daily Planet that they dated and were engaged.


Nice to see Jimmy at the end, I think it was a mistake though to bring back Aaron Ashmore, he looked way too old.


Ive gotta admit I did get sad with the Jonathon bits, especially the moment at the wedding when hes sitting next to Martha and just looks at her.


I probably will talk later about more of the stuff I did actually like, as it was for the most part good. Im just a bit annoyed at the moment, mostly over the whole costume debacle.


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Fuck. Ten fucking years and they end it like that. I've been watching this since around the time I started secondary school. I was really, really looking forward to the ending.


It fucking sucked. I have never been more disappointed in anything in my life. What a joke. What an embarrassment. And I have put up with a lot from Smallville, for years and years defended it, knowing it had weak points and plot holes but pushing through anyway.


Fucking CGI suit?? For that final shot, they could've spent $20 knocking up a half decent pair of threads. I could've made a better last shot myself. You never got to see the character, he never spoke, he defeats the big bad by invisibly shoving it to one side. No mention of "Superman" except in some stupid inexplicable future-jump.





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I enjoyed the finale, in parts they got it so right HOWEVER some bits even i think i could have made it better.


If they wanted to do the first half which mainly consisting of the wedding then that should have been a seperate episode with a cliffhanger for that which would lead into the 2 hour finale, expanding the second half of the current one. It just felt rushed as it got nearer the end.


The build up was great and i was thinking the same as Happentence that they were building it up that he would have to reveal himself to the world to bring people back to the light like he did Oliver.


The fact they had been displaying the Returns suit i had feared we would not get a 'proper one' as obviously the that suit was made for Routh, not Welling, i accepted that part and thought it still looked resonably cool considering i know they would be restricted with all that budget crap. The final scene on the roof with the Superman music i thought was cool as well and felt they did that right.



They should have covered him revealing himself to the world imo, example below.


Once he got the suit i felt they should have had Lois use that camera but on a live feed or something to address the world, that a savior is here, the one we know as the blur is a man... but not just any man... a SUPERMAN and then he is on camera giving some massive uplifting speech on how to kick the Darkness in the arse to remove the symbols and get rid of the planet.


It was shit how there was no proper smackdown type fight with Darkseid but even if they covered the essence of darkness and bringing people back to the light with my above example (or something better) i could have accepted that within this Smallbille story since it is meant to be the start of Superman but a message from Darksied stating that he would return bla bla bla.


The scene with Clark and Lex was great and after the speech from Lex i accepted that Lex would know his secret in this version of 'Superman' but we know he would never reveal his ID as would lose the fun (like toyman) but then they go and wipe his memory which i thought was a bit extreme and out of place!



I would write more but i will leave you to read that essay and reply if you wish so i can carry talking more shit! ha.

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If they had just cut out the tess/lex scene altogether and had a real suit for the final shot, it would've saved the whole damn thing for me. But the suit in that shirt-rip at the end was CG. Why? I could buy a better looking Superman t-shirt from primark. Nobody says Superman, he doesn't appear as a beacon of hope for the people of Metropolis the way they've been hinting at for the last couple of seasons.


And the mutual emnity established between Clark and Lex was brilliant! Why ruin a unique setup with wiping Lex's memory? And with a smudge of magic black stuff on his cheek? Then to kill off Tess, and she never even gets a mention from another character.


I know it's dramatic, and I apologise for my earlier (slightly inebriated) outcry, but after ten years I feel like the finale left a huge hole in my chest.

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Hm okay, first time I watched it I had convinced myself that very last shot was a CG suit, but now I realise it isn't. That's the only real redemption I've managed to salvage... The lighting and colours are just so awful that it looks CG - with that ultra-deep and solid blue.

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At the moment there seem to be two schools of thought on the suit problem. Either it was like I originally thought and Welling just refused to wear it or Warner Bros actually didnt want any close ups or proper shots due to the Man of Steel movie being made. The second one is certainly possible given what we know of them not allowing Bruce Wayne to appear.


One thing I do want to say about Smallville is that despite it usually falling at the last hurdle when it comes to the more epic or out there storylines, at least they tried to do them. No other Superman tv show or even movie has been as adventurous as Smallville was and I think thats what the movies have always been missing for me. They always seem to just play it safe and go a more grounded route in his stories.


Ive gotta say, I think John Schneider was brilliant in this episode. Every scene with him seemed to have me close to man tears!


Anyway, heres a few screenshots from the episode:














Oh yeah I recommend everyone read this:




Its Greg Beeman (second hour director) talking on his blog about the finale. Its a pretty good read.

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There were 4 suits then. One in the ice box, that one in the screenshot above (clearly different, S is thicker and doesn't have the texture), the one he wore in the final shot (S has totally different thickness and blue hue is too strong) and the CGI. I would've preferred one quite tacky suit.


Most of those screenshots are cut and pastes of Superman Returns footage. And John Schneider... it was great to have him there but everything he said was just another repeated cliche, nothing new, kept repeating himself. Nowhere near as moving as half the lines he had as a regular, not even as good as his lines from the beginning of the season.


It's just... kind of hearbreaking. It wasn't the worst thing ever, some of the plot got to me but I could've put up with it all for 2 seconds of real footage of "Superman". I guess it gets to me because that's it, I know there'll never be any kind of improvement or rectification because it's all over now, and there'll probably never be any closure because the team has disbanded and Welling was always so reclusive.


Edit: Looking at that shirt rip I think I know what really bothers me about it. Why is it a Superman-Returns kind of maroon colour? Why not bright red, like the cape we saw in CG?


I've been watching Smallville for 10 years and I didn't really like Returns. I would've been happier if that film and the next one had never happened, and Smallville had the freedom to make its own Superman.


Excuse the 10 second botch job, am on my laptop and had to download GIMP which I've never even used before:



Edited by Shorty
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What probably bothered me the most was how he was flying all of a sudden. They hinted at him trying to fly for so long and then Jor'El talks to him and it's suddenly second nature.


I didn't like how they handled the appearance of John Schneider, he seemed more like a ghost or almost physical being but I had the impression he should be more of an "active" memory.


All the other stuff that annoyed me has been said already so I'm not going to repeat that.



In their defence I think it could have ended a lot worse. Sure it wasn't everything they had hinted at but going by Smallville standards I think it was a solid ending.

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What probably bothered me the most was how he was flying all of a sudden. They hinted at him trying to fly for so long and then Jor'El talks to him and it's suddenly second nature.


I didn't like how they handled the appearance of John Schneider, he seemed more like a ghost or almost physical being but I had the impression he should be more of an "active" memory.


All the other stuff that annoyed me has been said already so I'm not going to repeat that.



In their defence I think it could have ended a lot worse. Sure it wasn't everything they had hinted at but going by Smallville standards I think it was a solid ending.


I read an awesome explanation of that scene where he learns to fly:


The best part? Clark, in mid-air, undergoes a five minute flashback sequence that finally inspires him to fly. Five minutes of nothing but clips of Clark being awesome.


That's what sparked flight. Not a death. Not a perilous situation. A highlight reel of Clark being Clark. It's almost as if someone showed him a YouTube collection of all of his best moments, and he suddenly realizes, "Wait a second. I'm awesome."




As for no proper explanation for Jonathon Kent being there, that didnt actually bother me. I just didnt feel it needed one. He was just a spirit who was there when his son needed him.


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I agree with the comments made above over the last several posts.


In short if they had just:


  • Lex didn't lose his memory
  • a scene with clark revealing himself to the world in suit to inspire people towards light
  • An epic fight would have been nice but even if they just did my bullet point above with no fight i would have been happy



Some guys reaction (his voice) to final scenes of Finale, crazy chap!



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