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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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Well he isn't lying about his power's name!

Thanks Dannyboy. Fairly sure we can trust you, though you could be being honest about your power name and not about its effect.

Shall we try this 3/4 of the votes thing then?

Although it'd be a bit risky, with majority as 6, 3/4 of the vote is 5 which is dangerously close to majority and i'm guessing ReZ needs to get on to post it before the mafia puts on the 6th vote?

Whose posts did you analyse last night???


My most suspicious people for being the last(or maybe there are two more?) mafia member are Nintendohnut and Sméagol as I don't know a lot about them.

Maybe Eenuh too, because it's not implausible that the mafia have a protector.

And i've still got a slight niggle over what went wrong with my investigation on Tales but then he did put a double vote on Ellmeister.

Might go analyse voting patterns, see if it reveals anything.

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Well, my power is there to protect me against being voted off on wrong suspicions, but I'd love to make it through a mafia as a townie without actually having been the target of suspicion. :heh: To be completely honest I think I have proven myself to the town by now, and it's pretty risky to test it at this point. There are presumably two or three scumnags left, and they could easily coordinate a quick strike against me.


I analysed Sméagol on page 17 with 40 p.p.p. and got above 90%.


I don't have anyone I'm particularly suspicious of at the moment - just a lot of uncertainty. Eenuh still bothers me, chairdriver is awfully quiet (plus Gyarados is always suspicious), and Tales with his 20-30% lies and migraine-inducing mind also rubs me the wrong way.

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MadDog was Lugia right? Any ideas as to what happend to him? He was attacked, but he doesn't look protected. The egg is somewhere else.


I guess we can assume the attacker hasn't appeared elsewhere in the write up, normally the killer has to give up his night power unless he can for some reason attack twice in one night. 6 Pokemon appear in the write up. Remove those and we are left with four people who must eplain what they were doing. Yellow and orange is me, Moltres. Majestic is MadDog. Someone with notes has to get the rest.


I wouln't suggest testing Dannyboy's power. I suspect we have to find the two mafias on the first try or we lose.

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No need to test Dannyboy's power, I investigated him and he's good.


I agree with mr-paul... Nintendohnut, Sméagol and Eenuh are the most suspicious at the moment. I think we may be able to clear Eenuh fully now that Ellmeister has been caught though? Both claimed to enhance/protect others. So that leaves Nintendohnut and Sméagol.


I have minor suspicions about Tales but I keep falling back on Jonnas also having a double vote... they wouldn't have two mafia double voters.

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I guess we can assume the attacker hasn't appeared elsewhere in the write up, normally the killer has to give up his night power unless he can for some reason attack twice in one night. 6 Pokemon appear in the write up. Remove those and we are left with four people who must eplain what they were doing. Yellow and orange is me, Moltres. Majestic is MadDog. Someone with notes has to get the rest.


I wouln't suggest testing Dannyboy's power. I suspect we have to find the two mafias on the first try or we lose.


Couldn't the attacker still appear in the write-up, but without it being apparent that he or she was the attacker?

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I think this is the write-up with names replacing colours.

Sméagol and Nintendohnut, what did you do????


I'm quite worried about this ticking thing now...


The sun fell into the horizon once again.


A Dannyboy lay out a rug on the floor. Outside its door a Diageo appeared. a Peeps walked away, as around the back a mr-paulPokemon was just arriving.


a large Tales circled the skies but saw very little.


Across town the silver hatch glistened in the moon night. Once again blips and bleeps could be heard from inside. A Eenuh was twitching inside when the powerful security door swung open. It turned around but saw nothing.


A giant chairdriver blasted a powerful energy that engulfed its target.


A large majestic MadDog was lighting up the skies. Concentrating into one blast it gathered energy but instantly the lights went out and the Pokemon found itself falling towards the ground. It looked around feverishly but didn't see its attacker.


As the sun rose it reflected off the large steel structure, now glowing an intense and vivid purple....






Current Players (10);

Sméagol, Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Tales, The Peeps.


Majority is 6


Day Nine deadline is 21:00PM GMT on 29th March



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A majestic MadDog and a giant chairdriver are my faves!


Just been through Sméagol's posts, he hasn't voted for anyone since he replaced Mcoy.

And he claims to have a "passive" power. I reckon he's mafia.

I'd also like to know who chair roleblocked and who Eenuh protected, then i'm sure we'll have a pretty full picture of what happened.

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Don't know how many times I have to say this.... I DON'T APPEAR IN THE WRITE UPS EVER as it's part of my power.


If we lynch smeagol today PLEASE can someone investigate me tonight? Preferably the peeps as he's the only one can actually prove once and for all whether I'm good or bad. I'm just so sick of being accused having been proven to be telling truth on two occasions. Seriously, it's getting ridiculous. I've explained my power and I've explained everything that people have asked, and yet everyone still suspects me. I literally don't understand!


Still suspect Eenuh just because I don't like to let things like that go :) also, chair reeks of something dodgy to me. Still, as my power doesn't get my info this is all based on guesses.


No doubt this post will somehow make me look evil, not sure how but I'm sure it will.


Will vote btw when smeagol's had a chance to speak. Aren't we really close to majority now, with tales' double vote? Or are we already there?

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Also, Nintendohnut, why didn't you specifically say "I am town" on the post you asked to be analysed by Dannyboy. Seems like you were trying your best to give away information about your power to make you appear good but not enough so a lie would be detected.

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While Sméagol hasn't said much, he hasn't really done anything suspicious, either. I fear we'd just be wasting a day on an inactive townie with the mafia laughing their heads off, especially since I find there are other and far more suspicious characters - Tales being one of them.


Having looked at it again, I've become quite suspicious of him. He has outright lied to us, he hurt me when I analysed him, there was something about a passive power that he didn't reveal, and he's generally been secretive and a overall suspicious in his behaviour. Looking back, we've never really followed up on this stuff because other things were more important, but with so few people left I'm starting to suspect he's one of the final mafiosos.


Vote: Tales

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Fair enough, to be honest I thought I had. In fact, I did, didn't I? I'm pretty sure. If not I will make a single post on the next page that Dannyboy can analyse and then the peeps doesn't need to target me. Right? I don't mind, I just really want to be confirmed as town once and for all. So what would people rather I did? Have the Peeps investigate me or post a single post saying "I am town" (or a message of a construction that people are happy with) on the next page for Dannyboy to analyse? I don't care, I just really want people off my back!

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