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Droppin' vagina panties all over the place.


This is just...I mean it sounds like they're just spontaneously dropping 'em like some collectable items. "Hey, you dropped some vag panties again!" xD



Yeah this is probably the best video on YouTube.


I'd just like to point out also that the fridge video is the best thing made. Like, in the world.




Guys...there's only one (1) thing I can say to that...


Turn the "transcribe audio" (cc) function on.




Edited by Ville
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Charlie McDonnell is among my least favourite people on the planet, probably second only to Bill O'Reilly. I wish to smother is smug face with a sandpaper pillow.

But he's a Doctor Who fan! I thought you people all hung out together. :sad:

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Oh, I get it. You and he don't share the same favorite Doctor. That makes sense.


Ha ha not quite.


His love of Doctor Who is actually the one thing I don't dislike about him (although I hate how he spread his gurning punch-bag of a face on those behind-the-scenes videos they did for the Christmas special).


I just despise how he's tricked people into thinking he's in any way talented / likable. But this subject is not something I expect to change people's opinions on, and my opinion is very unlikely to change so... let's agree to disagree. :P

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