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Dance Dance Revolution


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Everybody knows what it is. Some people may know it as Dancing Stage and others may know it as Dance Dance Revolution (or DDR for short). Even though the UK version is Dancing Stage, I much prefer Dance Dance Revolution (and yes, there's a major difference, there's more songs and they're harder than ours).


DDR is basically...



You may have seen them in arcades but you can get them for consoles such as PS1, PS2, XBOX, XBOX 360, WII and PC (which is called Stepmania, kind of like DDR but users around the world create their own stepcharts to popular songs, it's kinda cool). It's also, apparently, been recognised as a sport in some countries, which I think is awesome as I can now officially say I'm good at at least one sport, lol.


The longest DDR marathon is 13+ hours, which is in the Guinness Book of World Records. One day, I may attempt to beat this as I honestly do think I can but that's besides the point.


So why am I making this thread seeing as I am sure that nobody here plays it? Well, I want to try and get you guys to play it. It's fantastic for weight loss and stamina and it's a lot of fun too as well as very challenging. DDR has played a major part in my life and I thank it for me keeping fit and losing weight. I didn't play it for a while and the pounds were back on and I realised that it was because I stopped playing it. I want you guys to try it out once or even better, buy a dance pad and game and play it. If I were to recommend a DDR game to you, I would probably say DDR Supernova or DDR Extreme for the PS2, those two are quite awesome with a great selection of songs both easy and challenging. If you want to start lightly, I recommend Mario Mix for the Gamecube (can be played on the Wii too) or DDR Hottest Party, they're quite light and will ease you into DDR quite well. If you have a 360, then you can only get DDR Universe 1, 2 and 3. I only have the first and that's decent but the story mode confuses me a little somewhat.


I probably haven't sold it to you but I really, honestly recommend it as there's a lot of different things to DDR than meets the eye (the difficulties, the competitions, the playing styles, etc).

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I have a USB dance pad for the XBOX 360. You can connect it to the PC but you have to find the drivers for it and such. I used to love Stepmania but unfortunately, Flash Flash Revolution is down and so I can't download the songs anymore. I have DDR:UK though and I still have the LazyTown song collection, haha. 'Tis quite awesome, I'd like to attempt to connect it to the PC.


You can get USB dance mats pretty cheap now. It's been ages since I've spoken to someone who plays DDR since the Birmingham Team had quit, which was about three years ago. For some foolish reason, I stopped playing when the team died. It's a shame that happened though, we were pretty great. There were YouTube videos up of me and a friend of mine on DDR in StarCity with a crowd watching us but he's taken it down now. I'd like to get into doing Doubles again, I used to be able to perfect Afronova on Difficult. My songs are Afronova, Captain Jack, Butterfly, Love Shine and A by DJ Amuro on Expert. Probably wouldn't be able to do them now but I'm starting DDR tomorrow so I'll tell everybody if I can or can't do them still, haha.


Bloody hell mate, it's the year 2010 and we're on a video game forum. I think it's safe to assume we all know what Dance Dance Revolution is. No need for the Wikipedia entry.


I wanted to make an introduction and I wanted people to try and get into it more than playing it when visiting the arcades or something because it's a great thing to get into. Hence why I was talking about how it can do good for weight loss and stamina. Also, it was only the first paragraph I introduced it, the other paragraph was about how it did me good and what I would recommend people would play if they weren't very good or if they were used to it. Just passing the word through, is all! :D

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I remember seeing a guy have a fit/do awesome on DDR at The Light in Leeds. Was both awesome and sad at the same time.


a 13-hour marathon of DDR?! DUDE! This is an insane feat of athletics. I don't think I could even run on the spot for 10 minutes. Maybe two.

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My cousin bought us the dance mat along with the original Dance Dance Revolution game and Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix ages ago. I was never any good...I used to play with the controller sometimes *shame* Even now, I avoid the DDR machines in arcades and watch my friends at it instead, although Para Para Paradise is way more entertaining to watch.

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I remember seeing a guy have a fit/do awesome on DDR at The Light in Leeds. Was both awesome and sad at the same time.


a 13-hour marathon of DDR?! DUDE! This is an insane feat of athletics. I don't think I could even run on the spot for 10 minutes. Maybe two.


I don't know why but I think I can beat it. Back in my DDR days, my best marathon was 7 hours and even then, I think I could have carried on. I can't remember clearly why I stopped. It's weird because it's like it gets a hold of me and I just get on with it and do it and not think of anything but the songs and the arrows and nothing else. I can't really describe the sensation it has over me. I know it probably sounds really weird but I can't really find another way to describe it.


With marathons, you get a 5 minute break every hour or so or something. I can't remember what I read in the Guinness Book of World Records but I'm sure it was something like that. As I said, it builds up a heck of a lot of stamina. I just regret I stopped doing it so much.

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I dislike the flimsy/foldable dancemats you get with copies of these sorts of games. Actively make you not want to play.


Arcade is the only way to go. SOLID playforms, bars = yes. You can concentrate on being great.


I've only played arcade-style like...twice in my life though. But the feel isn't there in the home versions. (or the one my sis had for the Xbox years ago)

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I dislike the flimsy/foldable dancemats you get with copies of these sorts of games. Actively make you not want to play.


Arcade is the only way to go. SOLID playforms, bars = yes. You can concentrate on being great.


I've only played arcade-style like...twice in my life though. But the feel isn't there in the home versions. (or the one my sis had for the Xbox years ago)


Sounds like you need...



They're pretty great. I want one but they're quite pricey but I suppose that's the price you pay if you want quality, right?

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I love DDR but it has to be the acrade version. It's the feeling of being on the dancing stage, and thats something you don't get when using a mat, which normally tends to slip while playing as well.


I'm no where near as good as those hardcore people you see dancing. I normally stick to 4-5 foot songs.


MY Fav songs I always dance to (just for fun, not to better myself)


Love you like a fool

Can't stop falling in love (Speed Mix)


Healing Vision


exotic Ethnic

La Senorita

End of the Century



I used to always dance on the one at Broadway Plaza in Birmingham (Fun times)

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:) I play!


I sold my dancemat and games in 2004 for pokemon =/ and recently bought a couple cheap dancemats and games preowned in GAME cause they wernt shifting, then I picked up Dance Stage Euromix and Party cheap on amazon........the dance mat is for dance UK and I dont think it works propperly...is there anywhere I can get a cheap dancemat online? Even thinking about the HARD ones.....

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I love DDR but it has to be the acrade version. It's the feeling of being on the dancing stage, and thats something you don't get when using a mat, which normally tends to slip while playing as well.


I'm no where near as good as those hardcore people you see dancing. I normally stick to 4-5 foot songs.


MY Fav songs I always dance to (just for fun, not to better myself)


Love you like a fool

Can't stop falling in love (Speed Mix)


Healing Vision


exotic Ethnic

La Senorita

End of the Century



I used to always dance on the one at Broadway Plaza in Birmingham (Fun times)


YES! I like that stage although the stage I go on is in Starcity (Euromix 2). I get what you mean about the feeling of being on the stage, it's pretty awesome. Sometimes I used to attract crowd when I did doubles, which was a pretty weird feeling in itself because sometimes they'd video me. I'm normally on the top of every leaderboard on every DDR machine I go on and I believe I'm still #1 or #2 in StarCity and I haven't played it in a couple of years or so.


Great song list, love La Senorita and End of the Century but my top three favourites would have to be Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix), Xepher and DoLL.


Surely this player is using arrow keys (providing it's real)?


I'm thinking it's a fake, can anybody REALLY move their hands THAT fast???


:) I play!


I sold my dancemat and games in 2004 for pokemon =/ and recently bought a couple cheap dancemats and games preowned in GAME cause they wernt shifting, then I picked up Dance Stage Euromix and Party cheap on amazon........the dance mat is for dance UK and I dont think it works propperly...is there anywhere I can get a cheap dancemat online? Even thinking about the HARD ones.....


Woohoo! :yay:


What was the pre-owned game you bought? Your best bet is either the car boots (which is where I always got mine and 9/10, they'd last a long time considering I was on it almost everyday) or eBay or Cash Converters/Exchange (which is where I got my latest two two weeks ago).




I really recommend this one. I bought one from the car boot about six years ago and it still works to this day. If you're thinking about getting the metal ones, the one in the video I provided seem to be a popular choice and they're pretty cool too because I think it comes with a bar (not sure if they're sold separately...I doubt it though).

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I'm thinking it's a fake, can anybody REALLY move their hands THAT fast???


Well, I have seen people with pretty fast hand reflexes, but the speed in that video is bordering on believability. And unless you have superhuman reflexes, I don't think anyone's capable of dancing that fast!


Maybe you should give Michael Flatley a call and start making major bucks!


Incidentally, riverdance, and especially the music of Michael Flatley's shows composed by Ronan Hardiman, is my favourite genre on StepMania.

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  • 5 months later...

Eh I stumbled upon this site, and I was bored so I figured I would clear up some stuff.


The video you posted is on Auto Play (please note the big Auto Play at the bottom of the screen). On the other hand this song is not impossible at all, I have passed it as have many others on Stepmania. People have actually gone on to play the song on 1.3x Rate where the song is actually sped up 1.3x faster.


search on youtube dossar 960 bpm 1.3


In terms of the fastest on feet, that would probably be MadMatt currently, this is probably his most impressive feat, but you should check out his channel for more. His footspeed compilation videos are very impressive.


Seach Mad Matt Extratone Pirates, or search Mad Matt Footspeed


apparently I can't post youtube links until 15 posts...oh well.

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