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Thundercats - NOT THE FILM


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As long as this doesn't get cancelled! I think cartoons these days tend to get lesser viewing figures with online/catchup/slightly illegitimate ways, then they get cancelled! Wolverine and the X-Men was an awesome new cartoon, but it died after like what...a series or two? Hope that doesn't happen with this too :(

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it will do


Tv executives still use old ratings systems and don't take into account online viewing, they are so far behind its unbelievable, don't get me started on America's 20th century relic of the Neilson ratings system only takes into account houses they've assigned as neilson raters?! :nono:

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Loved these and preferred it to the originals....which I was obsessed with.

The story has been pretty good with some real memorable episodes. Also, Snarf doesn't annoy.


M fav episode has been the Song of the Petlars episode. Stunning concept of time, written perfectly. The "song" is beautiful too.


See it here:


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