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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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My favourites are











Just because I think they're successful designs.


Although coming up are some of my favourites. Got an awesome set, just can't decide whether to make them Grass / Dark or Poison / Dark. They look like rotten fruit-zombies.

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Is Poigeon spelt wrong?


It's a poison penguin so I would've thought it would be Poiguin? At the moment it seems to be confused as to whether it's a penguin or a pigeon.



Edit: Forget you posted that list of how you came up with the names - but that just confirms that he is a poison penguin named after a poison pigeon...

Edited by Eddage
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Some poison types for you!





deviantART: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/056-Jekyllig-057-Gineehyde-201509702



Pokémon Testing was long since outlawed until Jekyllig was discovered. Not only do they actively adore the attention of being experimented on, they do not feel any pain and cannot suffer status effects. This would make them incredibly formidable battle Pokémon, but they tend to be weak and rather stupid.



Gineehyde is the result of a Jekyllig which has been experimented on one too many times. They carry out “top up†chemicals to give them boosts throughout battle and they often poison Pokémon which come into contact with them.


Their original eager spirit is now replaced by a menacing and mischievous side. They often break into shops at night to steal ingredients for more chemicals.





deviantART: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/058-Rototo-060-Scrumbie-201509883



Rotato starts life as a Grass Pokémon but waits until it has rotted and become moldy before journeying out of its nest. It then develops the Poison type.


Rotato smell awful. When many gather together in one spot, the smell can remain there for over a year.



Tombie is a rotten Grass Pokémon. Its skin is very squishy and oozes when touched. Bug Pokémon are often found inside its head, eating its brain. Therefore, in the wild, they don’t often last long and can be found as just a crumbled husk if left alone.



Scrumbie is a huge rotting Pokémon. Trainers with Scrumbies often get sick so need constant checkups.


Scrumbie’s attack “Maggot Rain†involves it leaping into the air and opening up its head and pouring maggots onto the opponent’s team. It causes one to three Pokémon in the opponent’s party to become poisoned (including the Pokémon being used).

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Thanks guys. At least you guys are nice. I've got a bunch of hate on my blog though.


I hate to say it. But your style of drawing is actually so shitty.

Very few of the pokemon you draw are quite fitting, but the rest of them all look like poorly designed parody pokemon that are mocking the series. Please pay attention to how pokemon are actually drawn/designed before you make poorly laughable finished products.


Time and Space verisons? Really? You know Diagla and Palkia exist right? And your professor looks lake a cracked up indian.


Bit unnecessary.

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Man, that guinea pig and the rotten tomato are awesome. Though I think maybe the basic form should be pure grass type, starting life as a healthy tomato, and then move into grass/poison for the first evolution.


Also, please don't change Poigeon's name, I like to read it in a French accent.

It's just, it's such a good name, and guys like Charmander and Psyduck aren't actually a salamander or a duck, either, so it shouldn't matter.

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Man, that guinea pig and the rotten tomato are awesome. Though I think maybe the basic form should be pure grass type, starting life as a healthy tomato, and then move into grass/poison for the first evolution.


Also, please don't change Poigeon's name, I like to read it in a French accent.

It's just, it's such a good name, and guys like Charmander and Psyduck aren't actually a salamander or a duck, either, so it shouldn't matter.


OMG. It sounds amazing in French.




Now people are sending me messages on the blog about Prof. Redwood being a pedophile and/or rapist.

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I enjoy both Poison ones. I dislike the idea of "Maggot Rain" since it feels out of place and bringing maggots into Pokemon without them being Pokemon feels jarring. That's really just the name of the attack though that irks me.


Like the idea of the attack though. Could be too good. But I'm over it.


Have there been any fruit/vegetable pokemon (in the official games...)? Would be stun.

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Jekyll and Hyde Pokémon?! Utter genius! :D


The rotten Pokémon are jarring, but only because they convey so well what they're intended to. The Rotato starting off as a plain Grass type might not be a bad idea, but that's a detail.


Oh, and the haters are obviously just jealous. It always baffles me why people will go out of their way to criticise something on the internet. Why? If I don't like art, I don't go into a museum and start hatin' on all the exhibits.

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Oh, and the haters are obviously just jealous. It always baffles me why people will go out of their way to criticise something on the internet. Why? If I don't like art, I don't go into a museum and start hatin' on all the exhibits.


You should totally just walk into a museum and unzip your trousers piss all over a rembrandt and shout "YOU CALL THAT A POKEMON!?!"


and then casually walk out like a Cerebrilla. :p

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I like it. There is a Mexican Wrestler in Black and White though, who is also orange so they seem kind of similar.


I think a Mexican Wrestler who wields incredibly hot chillies would be a good route (Fighting/Poison) and make him distinctively different (looks wise) to (Tepig's evolutionary chain).

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