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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"

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  Hamishmash said:
His name is Gargle, and his evolution is Grotesk.


I'm guessing that's a reference to a gargoyle and a grotesque?


If so surely you'd want them to be the other way round so the evolution can be rock/water.


These guys are Dragon / Rock... a type combo that's not been done yet!




dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/83-Gargle-84-Grotesk-209337929

GARGLE: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/gargle

GROTESK: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/grotesk



Stealing its first pot / jug is a rite of passage for young Gargles. Once they’ve acquired their container, they stand on tall buildings and gather rain water in it. They often boil this water to use the SCALD attack. Sometimes they fly above cities pouring water on people, then hide amongst gargoyles when the victim looks up in anger.


Their pots are called “familiars” and if they are broken or lost, Gargles often end their moving life, and live the rest of it frozen still as a statue on churches and other buildings.



When a Gargle evolves into a Grotesk, they lose the pot and instead store water inside themselves. They are said to be able to sit still for centuries, watching cities. It is unsure if they are watching over them in benevolent ways or not, but some say they defend the buildings they lurk in from robbers and other mischief. Grotesk tend to look down on Gargle and their antics.




dA: http://Spune.deviantart.com/art/085-Armeon-209630100

BLOG: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/post/5678293913/if-you-give-eevee-the-heros-gauntlet-it-will


If you give Eevee the Hero’s Gauntlet, it will evolve into an Armeon.


Armeon has two skeletons, an internal and an external. Both are made of incredibly tough metal. It’s internal organs have never been seen, as these skeletons make it impenetrable.


It trains by swimming up rivers. This is also how it keeps its armour shining.




dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/086-Bansheon-209630318

BLOG: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/post/5678482447/if-you-give-eevee-a-villains-bracelet-it-will


If you give Eevee a Villain’s Bracelet, it will evolve into Bansheon.


Nobody knows if Eevee is still alive with it evolves into Bansheon. The flames around Bansheon’s head billows with the sound of moaning souls. When they run across the night, this moaning is said to cause anyone that hears to collapse into an intense, weeping sadness.


Bansheon sometimes stand in the middle of the road to stop cars on dark nights. Little do the drivers know, if they had continued, they would have crashed, or fallen off a cliff.


I kind of agree.




BLOG: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/wimple

dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/087-Wimple-209908433


Wimple is a worshipper of the Legendary Pokémon, Ghizero. They believe it to be the true master of Earth and are preparing his arrival.


Wimple look down on Scapula who worship Ghozeon. The differences between the two biologically are minute. They are even descended from the same common ancestor. And in fact, their dedication to their beliefs are also almost identical. But both are stubborn and can only see the small differences.




BLOG: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/scapula

dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/088-Scapula-209908553


Scapula is a worshipper of the Legendary Pokémon, Ghozeon. They believe it to be the true master of Earth and are preparing his arrival.


Scapula and Wimple both claim the same ruins to be the landing place of their Legendary Pokémon. This has caused several Scapula / Wimple wars. They are ruthless warriors, yet claim to care more about peace and love. However this seems to only be peace and love for their own kinds.

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