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Rodea: The Sky Soldier


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*Rodea: The Sky Soldier - Wii U/Wii/3DS version differences detailed


Wii U


- press “A” button to jump midair

- press again in midair to hover

- use the left stick to move the cursor and fly towards that point by pressing “A”

- use the right stick to move the camera

- Rodea requires Gravity Energy fly

- this energy is represented by a ring shaped meter around the cursor

- replenish this energy by landing or by kicking footholds in the air or walls

- you can also get energy by securing an item called Graviton or by destroying blue minerals

- 100 Gravitons gets you an extra life

- when all energy is used, you can still fly for a short time

- if you fall without ground below you, you die

- if Rodea's Armor Energy reaches zero, you die

- if you fly towards a row of Graviton, you’ll take them all automatically

- this will also boost your speed

- Boost Attack is performed by pressing “B” in midair

- defeat enemies to get machine parts, which make Rodea stronger

- Boost Attack boosts flying speed, which allows players to fly against winds

- more Gravity Energy is used during Boost Attack than in normal flight

- secret items include Legacy Medals, which unlocks various content

- replay cleared stages whenever you want




- no second stick for camera controls

- C-stick is not supported

- camera movements are done in 90 degree rotations with the “R” and “L” buttons

- cannot look up or down with a direct button

- if you move the cursor over to an edge of the screen, the view shifts in that direction

- movement of the cursor is slow

- use the gyroscope for camera control when in the air, but this doesn’t work on ground

- roughly the same content as Wii U




- use the Wii Remote without the nunchuck

- Wii Remote Plus is not required

- aim with Wii Remote pointing

- Rodea is launched with the “B” button

- Boost Attack can be performed with the “A” button

- move the cursor to the edge of the screen to move the camera

- Gravity Energy isn’t needed for flying

- flight distance is limited

- flight range is shorter than in the Wii U/3DS versions and thus targets are closer

- no character customization with machine parts

- obtain temporal boosts with items located around stages

- three different power levels at a given time: power up, normal, or power down

- taking damage lowers the power level by one

- getting an item boosts the power level by one

- each stage always begins with the normal power level

- flight distance is shorter in the power down state and you can’t use the Boost Attack

- if you take damage while in the power down state, you lose one life

- flight distance is boosted in power up state and the Boost Attack is stronger

- Rodea’s hair color changes in the power up state



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the Famitsu review translated in full.


Reviewer 1 – 8


You can feel it right away that this game was made with an obsession to flying action. The controls need a bit of getting used to but when mastered, the sense of freedom and thrill is wonderful. It is fun to reach different places of the floating stages. The atmosphere, characters and story get better the more you dive into the world. The game isn’t filled with the latest technology but it is carefully crafted.


Reviewer 2 – 7


You control the flying action by aiming where you want to fly and although the controls are a bit improper, it feels good to freely fly around the spacious stages. You can also feel the big scale in huge boss battles which is nice. It is inconvenient that you can’t set reverse controls for looking around and thus controls may feel hard depending on the person. As the Wii U version gives more freedom in controlling the viewpoint, flying in the sky feels more comfortable in that version.


Reviewer 3 – 8


It feels good to dash in the sky. After jumping into the sky, you fly towards the target area like a bullet. You can fire your gun while flying so it may feel hectic but when you get used to the controls, exploring becomes fun. It’s also interesting to challenge yourself and try how far you can fly without falling into ground. Game Pad is used in a unique way by showing a portrait of your partner and you can even set options like how frequently that partner talks to you.


Reviewer 4 – 7


There are somewhat frustrating things in this game like accidental deaths due to the viewpoint and putting too much info (reticle, energy meter, cursor etc.) into the middle of the screen as excessive info makes it hard to see. It’s a pity that elevation differences and positioning are especially hard to grasp in the 3DS version. Although the graphics are not so good, the game is action-packed and elements like character customization give a worthy reason for replaying. The exhilarating feeling of flying freely in the sky is excellent.


It should take around 15 hours to complete Rodea: The Sky Soldier. When replaying stages to obtain collectibles and such, you can expect approximately 30 hours of gameplay. I feel as though the Wii U version would have scored at least 5%(2 points) higher had the games been reviewed separately.

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That's the Rodea: The Sky Soldier Limited Edition. It's contents include:


  • Rodea the Sky Soldier (3DS or Wii/Wii U)
  • 5.25″ x 7.75″, 35+ page hardcover art book
  • 10-song, single disc original soundtrack with jewel case
  • Collector’s box
  • Bonus Item: “Key of Time” Pendant with Chain


It’s available from the NISA Online Store in the United States and is due for release on September 22nd. No word on a European release for this bundle yet.

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Both the European Wii U and 3DS Collectors Editions are available for pre order for £60 and £50 respectively on the NIS America website.










I may be wrong but I don't think this will sell well. It seems overpriced and a bit niche.

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Well either way, they've got one sale out of me!


I need the Wii game something fierce! (Not to mention that it'll probably end up being amongst the rarest Wii games ever to be released...)


If only we could get a digital version as well...

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I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get this, that pre-order bundle looks amazing. I've never used that site before though. Is that the one you ordered from @Dcubed ?


Could be wrong but I think this is the only place to order the Limited Edition. This is the games publisher(NIS America) shop website. Whether they're reliable, I couldn't tell you but £70 including shipping or pretty much €100 means there's not a hope I'd consider it. I've bought much more mainstream and complete Nintendo Collectors Editions for €60. This game isn't exactly working the Wii U into a sweat either. But in years to come this boxset could be fairly valuable if left sealed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rodea the Sky Soldier - Interview with Creator Yuji Naka and Director Zin Hasegawa




Creator Yuji Naka and Director Zin Hasegawa have sat down with us to introduce Rodea the Sky Soldier and delve into the process of creating the game, as well as their hopes for Rodea in the future.


About the game:

1,000 years ago, Emperor Geardo of the Naga Empire sent an army of machine soldiers to invade the sky kingdom of Garuda. Thanks to the efforts of Princess Cecilia and Rodea, a machine soldier who promised to protect Garuda, Emperor Geardo's assault was thwarted.


In present day, a spirited inventor named Ion discovers an abandoned robot that has fallen into disrepair in the heart of a scorching desert. Upon completing her repairs, the robot stirs to life and reveals itself to be none other than Rodea. Stunned to find himself in the future, Rodea learns that the Naga Empire is no more and that Garuda has known peace for 1,000 years.


But this peace was not meant to last, for the forces of Naga have returned to wage war against Garuda. Remembering the promise he made 1,000 years ago, Rodea takes to the skies to defend Garuda from the Naga Empire once again.


Keep up with all of the latest information by following us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/NISAmericaInc) and on Twitter (@NISAmerica). Visit More information: http://nisamerica.com/games/rodea-the-sky-soldier/ to learn more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was so hyped for this a few years ago but the more I see it, the more uninterested I become :( it just looks such a mess control-wise and graphically.


I dunno, I'd have to play it to get a feel for it but the gameplay videos I've seen have looked confusing and all over the place. Then again I did think that about Gravity Rush until I played it and then I loved it.

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I can't decide whether I want this game or not. It sounds fairly unique and interesting and it's exactly the kind of mid-tier game that's been missing of late, but I also can't really get my head around exactly how it's supposed to play and whether it will actually be any good. I suppose it's just one of those things that you need to try out for yourself to form a proper opinion on.


One thing's for sure, though. Looking at those videos, it'll definitely be the Wii version that I'm after if I do decide to take a punt on this. The remote controls just look better.

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