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Thank you very much guys and girls. Also, mega-thanks to the Ine for making this lovely thread for meee.


Yesterday was a good day. I started eet off by staying up late playing Cursed Mountain on the Wii, with my candles on in the background illuminating the room.


I had to wake up early to pick up my housemate from work. Then went back to bed, only to wake up to the sound of my phone. I spoke to my Mum whilst half asleep. Yees yees yess, mumble mumble, but it was a nice conversation. Although, I went back to sleep, then woke up wondering if that really happened or not.


I went to the gym and had an awesome chest workout, whilst watching some of the Merseyside Derby. Got home, had something to eat before tripping off to the pub to catch the United/Spurs game, which didn't turn out as great as I wanted/expected eet to be.


Got home, did some ironing and then ordered awesome pizza avec mijn housemates. I was feeling pretty tired for some reason, probably due to the food and drinkings. My housemates gave me my presents, which were a hello kitty car freshener thing (errr), Who Framed Roger Rabbit on Dvd (FUCK YEAH) and a loooovely incense box, which pictures of the moon and stars engrave on the side (megafuckyeah).


I had already received Ine's birthday presents for me when she came down. They were Muramasa, which is fucking awesome! Epic Mickey!!! Which I didn't expect. Aaaand:




THE ULTIMATE MR BEAN BOXSET! With Teddddyyyy. Best Present Evaaaaa.


I went upstairs after giftings to converse met de Ine, and lit my newly given to me Incense stuffs (I tried the vanilla first, and I've also used the orange stuff since. Mmm). My night then consisted of me, Ine, orange scented incense, and Sigourney Weaver heroically going into the Alien's nest to rescue Newt and beat that Queen. THE BITCH.

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