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NE13: Any Memories?


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The site's been around for a mentalamountoftime now. When the place started I wasn't even twelve yet!


What are your big memories nintendo-wise for the last 13 years?


For me, the N64 was full of multiplayer madness. Goldeneye and mario kart in the earlier years, then smash bros, diddy kong racing, perfect dark, f-zero, even ISS 98 and Turok: Rage Warso spent long hours in my machine when mates stayed over.


The GC was my first day-one purchase - even including games! Me and two mates bunked school, got the bus to town and picked up the GC with super monkey ball and Rogue Leader (I got tony hawks 3 shortly after, too) and we marvelled at the novelty of SMB for hours. The awe and excitement when Capcom unveiled plans to bring all the RE games to the 'cube, and their "5 new exclusive games" news was madness (if a bit... wrong...).


Oh! Going back to the N64, Blast Corps was, and still is, my most favourite game of all time. I remember going crazy with hysteria when the game kept on not ending and instead chose to give me more and more stuff to do.


Then shortly after 4 swords was released, Shigeru Miyamoto came to HMV on Oxford Street in London - again i was allowed to skip school, and I went and met the man himself! I must've been about 60th in line... the first 50 got a copy of the game :( I introduced miyamoto to gamesTM magazine (issue 1 :P) which he perused a little before signing it for me!


How about you? Any stick-out moments that made you proud to have a ninty console?

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I remember buying an N64, playing Mario 64 and then selling it (see, "I'm selling my Wii" is not new!) Then, in 1998 when a few new games came out for it, I went to Lakeside and bought a 2nd one with Banjo Kazooie. That Christmas Ocarina of Time was released and it totally redefined my idea of how immersive a game could be. I'll never forget playing it, accompanied by special bars of Cadbury's chocolate that were available at the time.


The next stand-out moment was Majora's Mask. I was at a point where I was getting bored with games, but MM recreated all the Ocarina magic. A strange memory I have of this is using a particular online FAQ to solve a puzzle in the Fire Temple. Many years later, when I got it on the GameCube, I looked up the same FAQ (unintentionally) and was surprised that my first playthrough of Majora's Mask was as "recent" as that, if that makes sense?


In all honesty I then had a few years in the wilderness, uninterested in games and not following the progress of the GameCube. One day, though, I was walking through GAME and saw the most amazing demo running on a screen - Zelda: the Wind Waker. They were the best graphics I'd ever seen, like a cartoon, and I knew I had to have that game and machine. I'd seen a few screenshots in magazines, and knew that I'd play it one day, but this rolling demo sealed the deal.


Getting the GameCube was fantastic. As well as Wind Waker (which I still don't think has been surpassed), Mario Sunshine impressed me in a similar way. That is to say, the extra processing power of the machine was well-used, with extra draw-distances. The controller, needless to say, was a dream to use, with analogue L+R triggers and all decent games using the C-stick for full camera control.


To me, the GameCube is the pinnacle of gaming, and I hope I enjoy another console as much one day.

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Phew, let's see...


By 1997/1998, I had a Gameboy and a Megadrive. I loved that Megadrive, not only did I have my own games, but many of my older cousins were starting to lose interest in videogames, so they started giving me their old games. The ones that didn't give me their games, let me borrow them, at least. I played a shitload of games, this way. Highlights include:


-World of Illusion. All of it.

-Beating my cousin's copy of Sonic 2 before she did it. And Sonic 2 was an amazing game to complete, with an awesome final boss.

-Joining said cousin's Sonic 3 cart with my own S&K cart to create something amazing. Turning into Hyper Sonic for the first time was mental, because...

-I was always a big Dragonball fan. I bought a DBZ videogame from a nearby store, and I was told this was a special cart, that needed a thingamajig... I now know that it was the NTSC-J version of the game, sold in a few places in France, Spain and Portugal, along with a special adapter to play it on PAL Megadrives. Not understanding this completely at the time, I simply noticed all the weird things, like the strange shape of the cart, the fact that everything was in Japanese, the shoddy boxart, with a Portuguese description (unheard of, at the time). I always thought I had bought the thing illegally, and treasured it :heh: The game was pretty good, too


But the Gameboy was the machine I played with my friends. We regularly exchanged games with each other, and we had great fun in the boring summer recesses. The GB's popularity was revived when Pokémon rolled around (in 1999, I think?). Highlights:


-Donkey Kong 94 was THE game of the time. Huge game that made everyone think, and many had it.

-Kirby's Dream Land 2 was fairly popular in our playground... And I was the first one to discover the collectables, and the secret ending, before anyone even noticed they existed.

-Pokémon Blue, and later Silver... What a craze. I'll never enjoy a Pokémon game like I enjoyed these two. It was crazy enough catching them all in Red/Blue, but we kept discovering new things and details in Gold/Silver, long after we completed them, it was insane.

Pokémon TCG and Pokémon Pinball were also very, very fun.


The pokémon craze made me buy an N64 in 2001, for the stadium games. I kept it for a year or two before selling (though I regret it). Highlights:


-Being surprised by Mystical Ninja and Tetrisphere, amazing games.

-Ocarina of Time. I wanted an introduction to Zelda (I heard good things of the series. Bought it used). Man, was I amazed by the whole thing. The game kept throwing things for me to do and explore. And it had such charm, Sheik's reveal is still shocking to me.

-Super Mario 64. I was always bothered because I never played THE flagship game for the N64, so why not? Amazed that it was as good, if not better than, OoT. Last game I owned before selling it, too.


During this time period, my best friend had a PS1, and he had loads of fun games and demos, that we played for hours, introducing me to so many wonderful ideas in gaming. It was at this time that I was properly introduced to fighting games in Tekken 3, and (J)RPGs in Final Fantasy IX

(I was staying in his house for a week around the time he was playing it. It was magical, simply watching him play this gorgeous game).WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role also deserves a mention, due to how simply fun it was.


My fondest PC memories are also from the turn of the century. Age of Empires II, King's Quest VIII, Theme Hospital, Worms Armageddon and Little Big Adventure 2 are classics.


In a videogame programme, I watched a certain E3, where the Gamecube was unveiled. I instantly fell in love for the thing. The controller, the amazing graphics in Starfox Adventures and Wave Race, the entire concept for Pikmin... One day, I hear that SSBM features Mewtwo, Ganondorf and Sheik as playable character and I am sold. My friends told me to get a PS2, saying that the GC was pathetic, and I'm so glad I ignored them. Super Smash Bros. Melee, Metroid prime, Wind Waker, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, F-Zero GX and Soul Calibur II, I'm still amazed at all the quality games here.


Meanwhile, my best friend had a PS2. Timesplitters 2, Tekken 5, Soul Calbur II, NHL 2005 were the ones where we spent more hours, but I had the opportunity to try a few single-player games, too.


Special mention to Medal of Honour: Allied Assault. Too many computer classes spent with the entire class playing in LAN.


After those awesome years of adolescence, I bought a DS in 2007 and a Wii in 2008, after some consideration. My best friend currently prefers to catch up on the PS2 games he missed, so I'm out of the loop when it comes to the PSP, PS3 or X360.

However, it was in 2007 that I joined N-Europe, so it was pretty much an era of hearing new viewpoints, not only from the users around here, but also Nintendo's new policy. I started experimenting new things other than what the "hardcore" crowd told me was good. So far, I'm liking these new horizons, and highlights include:


-The Phoenix Wright trilogy;

-The DS Zeldas;

-Soul Bubbles;

-Valkyrie Profile:CoP;

-Elite Beat Agents;

-De Blob;

-House of the Dead;



And my old, GC-era self is content with playing games such as Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Galaxy, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Bowser's Inside Story, etc.




Honestly, writing this gave me a HUGE nostalgia rush. They were 13 awesome years, and after all this, I can't help but post this:



I am optimistic for the future :)

Edited by Jonnas
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Best memories are with my gameboy colour. Trying to turn off the lamp quietly in my room at 5.00 addicted to pokemon and school the next morning and my parents in the room next door. I would have been killed if they heard :) Ah the old days where no backlight on the systems existed. I was some pokemon fanatic at the time.


I didn't really take to the gba.. I kinda had meh games at the time though. Sonic advance 2 probably being the best one.. I then saw sonic mega collection for the gamecube and knew I HAD to have it to feed my nostalgia. Thus bought a gamecube and bought gaming magazine and got the best games for it :)


and the the ds came along and it is my favourite nintendo system ever( I now own most of them). I can't believe it's still going strong.


and the the wii.. Ok look the wii is really innovative and I respect everything it has done for the industry but it's not for me...

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Interesting stuffs :D


This is how Beverage came to be

In the very begining when I was a child, I never really researched on what games that must be played. I still don't. I generally just played games that were around that I enjoyed. That being said though, thank the lord that my older bros had sweet gaming tastes. :bowdown:


I entered the gaming world by owning the Sega Megadrive. We had an enormous amount of games for that console that were really splendid. There came a time when we unanimously agreed amongst ourselves to temporarily trade our Megadrive for a family friends' SNES. What a life changing decision that ended up being for me! :D

After completing and having crazy fun on HEAP loads of games for the SNES for around a year and a half, I realized how magical NINTENDO were. Yes, that was when I volountarily allowed myself to get brainwashed! I was powered up in all sorts of different ways. :D


Sadly, me and my fellow siblings had to trade trade back - which wasn't TOO bad. :weep: The idea of getting our very own NINTENDO console was inevitable, but as we experienced everything the SNES had to offer we chose to catch up on what we had missed out on; the NES. Again, an epic machine! It was now confirmed that I was an official NINTENDO fan!


As time passed I upgraded to the N64, and NINTENDO proved to me how godly they still were. By this time, my other sibs were more leaning towards the Sony side of things. It was cool as we all experience even more different and great games. By the way, the Ps1 & Ps2 are responsible for injecting permanent hype into me with all the Street Fighters, Tekkens, SMACKITDOWNS, etvc etc.

Also at this time we were huge Pokemon fanatics so we had our Gameboys/Colors with our pokemon versions. We would trade pocket monsters to help fill our pokedex' etc and also have internal poke-tournies with eachother which was amazing :laughing: I remember battling some friends during lunch break at school. We would go to the 'teacher blind spot' and grab out our games boys and just go at it. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.! (The NeoGeo was cool too)


Anywho time continued to pass and I upgraded to the SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME & ULTRA SUPER COOL 'Cube. My other bros got the Ps2 & later the Xbox. We had blasts on all three! The only thing that got close to the fun that me and family/family mates had while gaming together, was when me and around six-to-eight other class mates/buddies would pit stop at one of our houses after school and just compete on SSBM, Mario Kart Double Dash, Burnout, Tekken, Need for Speed, Soul Calibur and Pes :D Those were fun times, all squashed up on the sofa gaming until late hours :laughing:


Anyway my eldest bro soon departed from home which left myself and the leader and founder of my ex-clan/organisation. :cool: My cousin told me NINTENDO had a new console coming out and I was like "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU ALWAYS KNOW THIS SHIT WAY BEFORE IT HAPPENS???". Anyways he showed it to me on Ninty's website (that's when I first learned on Ninty's site :D ) and I was like "CooOOooOOooL! But how will I kick ass on the new Super Smash Bros with that remote???"

Ooh, I almost forgot, some time back then we had the Sega Saturn (Nights, Bouncers & Sonic 3D we very welcome starters) and later the Dreamcast. Shemnue, Powerstone (not too bad, not too bad), Skies of Arcadia and Sonic Adventure stood out to me.


The time came where I obviously got the Nintendo Wii whilst my other bro got the 36o which were fun... before it caught that dreadful desease. :weep: Anyhow, he soon too left us and intrusted me with the task to ensure that my four younger siblings inherit my gaming knowledge, skills and achievements! :D

I wanted to have an Xbox Live experience with my Wii as I've always been a highly social gamer. So I searched on the internet for gamers to not only test my skills against with NINTENDO games but also for the fun :yay: I boast that every popular AND underground site that me and my fellow ex-clan comarades (who also had Wiis) defeated all that we had challenged, losing a few rounds but winning the overall war! These wars were mainly on SSBB and MKwii.


A few internal issues began to surface which led to a few 'ex-members'. I am one of these! There will be a day to settle our differences! :cool:

Anyhows I soon stumbled across... N-E! Lol a few o' you dudes would/should remember what went down, although there still is a little unfinished biznaz ::shrug:

Lol nah but seriously this site (and you guys :laughing: ) are so welcoming, cozy, cool and informative but most importantly FUNZ :bouncy: In a way, this site and you guys have sort of in away squeezed your way into that little part of my life. I will always like to game with you dudes : peace:


Well, that's how Beverage came to be. I'm just your Pr0'est N00B who is welcomed to troll this website :D :D :D

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