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Battlestar Galactica & Caprica


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Diageo, you do realise that the language you pick does seem like you're spoiling for a fight so please don't get upset when one comes to your door.


Also no one was commenting on you opinion of BSG rather that by the way you have written earlier, you make it seem like the entire concept of spiritualism, religion and the definition of "alive" are just dull despite them being some of the most heavily studied topics of all human existence.


I'm not going to bash you for not liking BSG but I think that your explanation of why could do with some work.

To me they are dull. I never said it was a crap show, I gave my opinion on what I thought of the show. I don't give even the smallest shit about spiritualism, someone could have told me that this was what the show was about, but no. Everyone went on about how stunning it was and that I should watch it, and I did, and was bored by it, by the theme. And that is what I said. I knew people would then have to defend the show like Chair did, and then we got into a completely different topic of judging people on their tastes.


And of course, "you can't hurry maturity" was in no way spoiling for a fight?


Watched the first season and was not impressed. The strong theme of religion, God and scriptures, robots wanting love, it all bores me.


I don't really see anything wrong with Diageo's post. He gave the show a try and didn't like it. You really don't need to slate him for it.... even if he is dead wrong ;)

Where exactly am I wrong. Was it my statement that "I watched the show," or was it where I said "I wasn't impressed," or maybe even "it all bores me."


Did I not watch it, was I impressed then, did it not bore me?

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Where exactly am I wrong. Was it my statement that "I watched the show," or was it where I said "I wasn't impressed," or maybe even "it all bores me."


Did I not watch it, was I impressed then, did it not bore me?


I can see why you're arguing with me here as you're in defence mode but I was mostly joking. You're entitled to not like it for whatever reason but I like the show so I think you're wrong for not liking it. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously.


*edit* actually fuck that, I was clearly defending you ;P leave off.

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I don't give even the smallest shit about spiritualism, someone could have told me that this was what the show was about, but no.


I absolutely don't care about spiritualism one bit. Yet it was handled so well in Battlestar that it wasn't a problem.


That's likely why nobody even mentioned it - there are so many other big themes of the show that you simply can't say one or a few.

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I can see why you're arguing with me here as you're in defence mode but I was mostly joking. You're entitled to not like it for whatever reason but I like the show so I think you're wrong for not liking it. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously.


*edit* actually fuck that, I was clearly defending you ;P leave off.


I'm not arguing with you. And I know you were defending me. But you can't call an opinion wrong. You can't be wrong for not liking something. You can disagree with me obviously, disagree with my opinion.

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Diageo is a filthy toaster-lover.


Bitch plz. Considering Trish is the best thing in my life.




And the stunning thing is that I'm so "... I hate shite" with regards to religion usually, but BsG makes it so classy and stunning. Like, you understand why Starbuck is spiritual (or at least you do when you learn her truths half-way through Season 2). You understand why Roslin is a stunner.

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Diageo is a filthy toaster-lover.

You mean I side with the Cylons? The ones that talk about "purpose" and "God" and "the plan" every three seconds. You don't know me at all.


I find it funny that even after all my talk of how much I loved a show like House, and all my previously mentioned scepticism and atheism, and all that logic stuff I go on about, people still thought I would like this. No one knows me.


Bitch plz. Considering Trish is the best thing in my life.




And the stunning thing is that I'm so "... I hate shite" with regards to religion usually, but BsG makes it so classy and stunning. Like, you understand why Starbuck is spiritual (or at least you do when you learn her truths half-way through Season 2). You understand why Roslin is a stunner.

I might keep going. It wasn't boring to watch and while the religion shite is annoying the show was entertaining enough. People went on about it like it was the best thing in the world, so I was bound to be unimpressed.


Even if it doesn't get better I might just watch it anyway so I can make fun of what you people consider amazing.::shrug:

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To me they are dull. I never said it was a crap show, I gave my opinion on what I thought of the show. I don't give even the smallest shit about spiritualism, someone could have told me that this was what the show was about, but no. Everyone went on about how stunning it was and that I should watch it, and I did, and was bored by it, by the theme.


Let's be 100% honest here. You're a bit of a fascist, is what you are. No offence, really. It's actually quite simple. I don't believe in spirituality either, nor do I give a rat's ass about it in general. However, whenever it is summoned up in any medium, be it a conversation or fiction, such as this case, I allow it to develop, as a topic, so I can at least properly judge and understand what drives this idea... after watching all of BSG (and being disappointed by the finale, as I'm sure we most were) and loving it, I am now nowhere nearer to being a spiritual individual. Just because I don't personally believe in it doesn't mean I cannot enjoy it, even if I disagree with it!).


Your take on things is quite different, though... you pretty much use the right-wing approach of disregarding something as soon as it clashes with your ideals in the slightest. This case illustrates it perfectly, just because you don't believe part of the themes being explored here, you chose to reject it. Which is fine, but leaves you missing out on many things.


Case in point, since you live in Ireland, you probably studied James Joyce, right? What did you think of him?


I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, it's just what I think, D.


Again, I wasn't serious in the slightest. Of course opinions can't be wrong.


Well, they actually can. The church's opinion that the earth was the center of the universe was quite wrong.

But not in the way we're discussing, no... especially since all he said was that he didn't like it. Not that it was bad.

If you were to say "in my opinion, The Wire is bad" however, your opinion would be wrong.

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all my previously mentioned scepticism and atheism, and all that logic stuff I go on about, people still thought I would like this. No one knows me.


People recommended it because other people like what you just described have loved the show.

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I might keep going. It wasn't boring to watch and while the religion shite is annoying the show was entertaining enough. People went on about it like it was the best thing in the world, so I was bound to be unimpressed.


Even if it doesn't get better I might just watch it anyway so I can make fun of what you people consider amazing.::shrug:


Have you seen the episode where Starbuck interrogates the Cylon guy?


That whole section is fucking amazing.

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Let's be 100% honest here. You're a bit of a fascist, is what you are. No offence, really. It's actually quite simple. I don't believe in spirituality either, nor do I give a rat's ass about it in general. However, whenever it is summoned up in any medium, be it a conversation or fiction, such as this case, I allow it to develop, as a topic, so I can at least properly judge and understand what drives this idea... after watching all of BSG (and being disappointed by the finale, as I'm sure we most were) and loving it, I am now nowhere nearer to being a spiritual individual. Just because I don't personally believe in it doesn't mean I cannot enjoy it, even if I disagree with it!).


Your take on things is quite different, though... you pretty much use the right-wing approach of disregarding something as soon as it clashes with your ideals in the slightest. This case illustrates it perfectly, just because you don't believe part of the themes being explored here, you chose to reject it. Which is fine, but leaves you missing out on many things.


Case in point, since you live in Ireland, you probably studied James Joyce, right? What did you think of him?


I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, it's just what I think, D.




Well, they actually can. The church's opinion that the earth was the center of the universe was quite wrong.

But not in the way we're discussing, no... especially since all he said was that he didn't like it. Not that it was bad.

If you were to say "in my opinion, The Wire is bad" however, your opinion would be wrong.

I didn't study James Joyce.


I watched a whole season to see if I enjoyed the show. Gaius Baltar, the only guy who seemed to have a bit of scepticism, was portrayed as a man with delusions, as a coward, who turned to prayer at the moment he was imprisoned. I thought this was badly done.


I believe that the world will move away from religion more and more as we enter the future, and the fact the so many people were religious in this future world, I thought was unrealistic.


The robots wanted to become human, they wanted to feel emotions, something I don't think robots would ever come to do. I thought they would view religion and emotions as pointless, and feel superior for it.


I didn't really see any development of the spirituality side of things. The robots just spoke of the plan of God and everything it entailed, and seemed to somewhat be able to predict the future. The Asian girl cylons seemed extremely bi-polar. Fearing the fact they were cylons one minute and trying to kill herself, and then planting charges and shooting the general guy in the end.


Then came the thing about that arrow and the fact that they had to follow scripture to save themselves. It's a story that has been told many times before and I got bored of it ages ago.


There was also the thing where the ship had years worth of water, lost 60% of it, and then had only like 5 days of water left. However, I may have misinterpreted it.


Although I don't understand a lot of things, the show didn't captivate me, and didn't make me feel like there was greatness to come. I didn't dismiss it as soon as I heard the word God. I watched the whole first season. I don't know why I should just keep waiting for it to get really good if I'm not captivated by the whole first season. I don't see how watching the first season means I didn't give it a chance.


Have you seen the episode where Starbuck interrogates the Cylon guy?


That whole section is fucking amazing.

Yes. And I don't see why the cylons would care to want to become human, to be scared of admitting they aren't.


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"An opinion is a subjective statement or thought about an issue or topic, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts."


Real opinions can't be wrong because it's down to your own personal thoughts on something. In other people's opinions you can be seen as wrong but neither side is ever truly wrong because it's all subjective.


And the church thing you mentioned is theory not opinion.

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I didn't study James Joyce.


I watched a whole season to see if I enjoyed the show. Gaius Baltar, the only guy who seemed to have a bit of scepticism, was portrayed as a man with delusions, as a coward, who turned to prayer at the moment he was imprisoned. I thought this was badly done.


I believe that the world will move away from religion more and more as we enter the future, and the fact the so many people were religious in this future world, I thought was unrealistic.


The robots wanted to become human, they wanted to feel emotions, something I don't think robots would ever come to do. I thought they would view religion and emotions as pointless, and feel superior for it.


I didn't really see any development of the spirituality side of things. The robots just spoke of the plan of God and everything it entailed, and seemed to somewhat be able to predict the future. The Asian girl cylons seemed extremely bi-polar. Fearing the fact they were cylons one minute and trying to kill herself, and then planting charges and shooting the general guy in the end.


Then came the thing about that arrow and the fact that they had to follow scripture to save themselves. It's a story that has been told many times before and I got bored of it ages ago.


There was also the thing where the ship had years worth of water, lost 60% of it, and then had only like 5 days of water left. However, I may have misinterpreted it.


Although I don't understand a lot of things, the show didn't captivate me, and didn't make me feel like there was greatness to come. I didn't dismiss it as soon as I heard the word God. I watched the whole first season. I don't know why I should just keep waiting for it to get really good if I'm not captivated by the whole first season. I don't see how watching the first season means I didn't give it a chance.


Were you actually watching the show!? The only people that actually believed in the scrolls were the shit Gemanese, and Roslin, because she was on drugs. And of course, the Cylons, who are the villains. The first season is really biased against religion.


It's just so well written, because over time you learn and understand truths.


Also, the point of Sharon/Boomer is that there's 2 of them, and one of them doesn't know she's a Cylon. It's not explicitly ever stated, but its pretty obvious that's whats going on...


Yes. And I don't see why the cylons would care to want to become human, to be scared of admitting they aren't.


They don't necessarily want to be human, just to realise God's plan (/whatever - its not important).


Just the fear on his face when Roslin is like "Throw him out the airlock. We don't co-operate with Cylons." After he had poured his soul out. That scene alone tells you the most about the Cylons in the first half of the series. Roslin is pretty fucking insane. And that's why the whole show is so stunning, because you're made to have faith in this fraking right-wing insane benevolent tyrant.

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I don't mind giving another season a go then, see how I feel then.


There's 2 Boomers on the ship itself?


No, there's Boomer [on the ship], and then Sharon on Caprica with Helo. [Obvs there's others too, but they don't have lives worth talking about]. Sorry if I confused you / was pointlessly stating the obvious.

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Diageo; a lot of your opinions are based on beliefs and estimates. You believe the future of humanity will move away from religion, you think taht robots would never want to be human, you assume that if you wake up buried alive that you'd simply hold your breath 'til you died.


You seem to have a lack of modesty, and your mannerisms mean you come across in a way that isn't self-effacing, a social demeanor that is, unfortunately, often required when dealing with issues of tact and politeness.


Essentially; you are not polite in giving your opinion, despite knowing that it would cause an outcry. You then assume a hurt, childlike defense of semantics and definitions rather than attemptiong to confront what has been said by both parties objectively. You appear unable to compromise. Which will just make other people less willing to compromise and thus more likely to push their end of the stick harder.


I do not like puddings. I understand that this is pretty much wrong, yet it is a personal choice. Yet I don't go up to someone enjoying an ice cream and say "I think ice cream is shit. Tried it once. tasted crap. Even ate a whole tub. Still shit. The sweetness, the flavour... it bores me."


By insinuating that you found boring what others found thrilling you suggest that your interpretation of 'thrilling' is harder to attain, which indirectly assaults the character of anyone who believed differently to you.


So yeah. Can't you understand how you're being a dick?

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