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Anyone here like Doctor Who?

Guest Anakha6

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That's not exactly fair. I love DW, especially the new series. However, a lot of the old stuff is just unwatchable. Some stories are great from the old days, but come on.


Yes, a lot of the stories were pretty crappy, but the good ones make up for that.

Besides I thought we were talking about the Doctors regenerations, not the stories.


I just don't have access to it and I don't buy DVDs.


That's your problem, not the Doctors.

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Doctor Who is ace, nuff said.


Ive loved each series, ive really enjoyed series 5 as it changed it a bit and so was a bit different. I think if series 5 was more of the same with actors etc then it may have started to get a bit samey.

My main problem with it from the get-go was that there was too much change right off the bat. New Doctor, new TARDIS interior, new companion. Usually, they phase it and have an anchor between it

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I'm in the same camp as Dazz and The Mad Monkey. :santa:


I thought David Tennant was great as the Doctor- despite not liking him at the beginning. He really grew into the role and made it his own, imo. There was cheese and melodrama, yes, but thats part and parcel of family television, but he also gave the Doctor a serious and believable edge I thought. I became sympathetic to him when they started playing up the fact that he's the last of his kind and how lonely he is under the happy go lucky, adventuring exterior he shows us. I wish he had some better writing, but its in spite of this that I think he shone so brightly as the Doctor.


Contrast that to Matt Smith and the latest series. Somehow the show has decided its "cool" and is swaggeringly overconfident as a result. I watched the full series with the Doctor and Amy and didn't truly enjoy any of it, no matter how much I wanted to click with it. The Weeping Angels return was crap, River Song used to be interesting and intriguing but is now a crap recurring character. The dreaming episode was maybe the best of the bunch for me, I think, but it still felt like they could have done so much more with it. We have this guy Moffatt at the helm who was responsible for some great episodes in past series but he hasn't come near to replicating his past glory, imo. I know he doesn't write every episode now he's in charge, but doesn't being in charge mean... he ultimately controls everything...? Get it sorted.


I'm not looking forward to the Christmas special but I will try to catch it (I made sure to watch it in the past). I hope that having had time away from Matt Smith and now coming back to him I will be more used to him as the Doctor and the show on the whole. We shall see.

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I never said that. Tennant was no better than Smith in my opinion, they're both OK, not great Doctors though, I thought Ecclestone was better than both of them.


I meant in the not liking the current Doctor/ latest series stance we have. :) Feel free to prefer Ecclestone and when crossing the jungle don't forget to look left, right then up for falling monkeys.

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I'm in the same camp as Dazz and The Mad Monkey. :santa:


I thought David Tennant was great as the Doctor- despite not liking him at the beginning. He really grew into the role and made it his own, imo. There was cheese and melodrama, yes, but thats part and parcel of family television, but he also gave the Doctor a serious and believable edge I thought. I became sympathetic to him when they started playing up the fact that he's the last of his kind and how lonely he is under the happy go lucky, adventuring exterior he shows us. I wish he had some better writing, but its in spite of this that I think he shone so brightly as the Doctor.


Contrast that to Matt Smith and the latest series. Somehow the show has decided its "cool" and is swaggeringly overconfident as a result. I watched the full series with the Doctor and Amy and didn't truly enjoy any of it, no matter how much I wanted to click with it. The Weeping Angels return was crap, River Song used to be interesting and intriguing but is now a crap recurring character. The dreaming episode was maybe the best of the bunch for me, I think, but it still felt like they could have done so much more with it. We have this guy Moffatt at the helm who was responsible for some great episodes in past series but he hasn't come near to replicating his past glory, imo. I know he doesn't write every episode now he's in charge, but doesn't being in charge mean... he ultimately controls everything...? Get it sorted.


I'm not looking forward to the Christmas special but I will try to catch it (I made sure to watch it in the past). I hope that having had time away from Matt Smith and now coming back to him I will be more used to him as the Doctor and the show on the whole. We shall see.

I pretty much agree with all of this.


I also think the Christmas Day episode looks pretty rubbish from the trailer, and for the first time in a while am not actually all that fussed about watching it.


This last season of Doctor Who has basically undone all of what came before aswell. All the heart ache Tennants Doctor went through, loosing Rose, being the last of the timelords, coming to terms with the way in which he must live his life... ooh look, time can be rewriten now! :rolleyes:

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I pretty much agree with all of this.


I also think the Christmas Day episode looks pretty rubbish from the trailer' date=' and for the first time in a while am not actually all that fussed about watching it.


This last season of Doctor Who has basically undone all of what came before aswell. All the heart ache Tennants Doctor went through, loosing Rose, being the last of the timelords, coming to terms with the way in which he must live his life... ooh look, time can be rewriten now! :rolleyes:[/quote']

The "Time Can Be Rewritten" bit has been in it for a while. Heck, even David Tennant's incarnation of the Doctor says it.

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As late as The Waters of Mars though no? and he was only beginning to speculate.


Regardless' date=' all the rest still stands.[/quote']

Before then actually.


The most prominent example (mostly because it has those exact words, but it has been dealt with in other episodes);



Another, about 50 seconds in;



Then there's the whole Pompeii episode, The Doctor & Rose in the basement in The Unquiet Dead and countless other instances

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