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Favourite riffs?


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Was listening to this:


(I'll instantly hate anyone who posts Walk)


My favourite riff!


So... I rembered to make this thread. And yes, it's mostly metal, sorry.


This isn't "best riffs", it's favourite riffs, remember that.


(anyone who says the beatles are overrated clearly never heard Revolver)


(I am aware of the fact they're retards, yes)



Black metal bands really should work more on their vocals... except Emperor and Anaal Nathrakh.




(Ah, Dimmu Borgir before they sucked!!! Skip to 0:47, that's the part I mean)


Bad band, good riff. Skip to 0:56.








This one is also one the best, in addition to being a favourite!




Say what you want about RHCP, frusciante packs a mean guitar. So warm!



Getting tired, will post more eventually.

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Me thinks a limit should be placed on the number of videos in each post. Just my opinion but it kind of defeats the purposes of asking what everyones' favourite riffs are if you're going to post 10+ in one go.


That being said, I love the opening riff for this (shame the fool doesn't realise the song is The Spirit of Radio and not Spirit of the Radio):



And of course the start to this as well:



edit: Just remembered this as well:


Edited by Ganepark32
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Don't like Nickelback, but this is a great riff


Holy shit, how did this happen? Oo It really is good!



Oh, fuck yeah!!!


Also, I know it's not guitar here and the song is quite shit... but the keyboard "riff" at the beginning of this is absolutely stunning if you pull it off right with a guitar, which I finally managed to do after a year or so trying sporadically. Anyway:

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The majority of Nickelback songs sounds like that, you've just been blinded by the weak ass singles that play on radio.


Wrong. I don't speak about what I don't know. I used to love them, back when I was stupid.


I actually own their 3 first albums. And they're one of the worst bands ever. No doubt whatsoever in my mind. This is one of those "one hit wonder" kind of things. Also, apart from the guitar, it still sucks. They're just so ridiculously generic. I hate that "serious rock guy" voice of Chad's.

Also also, it makes me lol that they're universally hated by anyone with a shred of musical knowledge.

Also also also, they got stoned at a concert here in Portugal. I participated in the stoning. =D




Also also also also, I also like saying also.

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I have no opinion on a lot of stuff in here, but yes RE; Bambi.


I need that album.


Also is this strictly guitar riffs? Is that was a riff is? I always think of "riffs" as just bits of songs that are kinda the backing/beat and run throughout. Not necessarily guitar.


Until I find out the truth, here's something to stun your appetite:

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I have no opinion on a lot of stuff in here, but yes RE; Bambi.


I need that album.


Also is this strictly guitar riffs? Is that was a riff is? I always think of "riffs" as just bits of songs that are kinda the backing/beat and run throughout. Not necessarily guitar.


Until I find out the truth, here's something to stun your appetite:


Wikipedia reference-linkIn music, a riff is an ostinato figure: a repeated chord progression, pattern, refrain or melodic figure, often played by the rhythm section instruments or solo instrument, that forms the basis or accompaniment of a musical composition.


So yeah, whatever you wish, pretty much. :heh:



first min or so - Epic.

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Been getting into this album a lot recently and I would suppose the outro is my favourite riff from the album, or at least the most immediate. Such an odd band, it feels like their stuff shouldn't work but it does. Normally the guy's voice would irritate me but it fits so perfectly with the music.

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