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Cataclysm: World of Warcraft


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OK team:


Had a chat with a guy at work today and reminisced about Wow...I might get back in to it....


So would I have to play through all of WOTLK content in order to play Cataclysm? I have a 70 from back in the daaaaay.



Cataclsym is basically re-vamping all of WoW areas, tbh I'd say levelling a new character for cata just because it'll be a lot different and you haven't played for a while.

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nooooooooooo! not official forums!


I'd miss my warrior though. She might have looked like a low rent hooker in her metal chaps but I really like the class.


No, the website, not the forums. :)


The warrior I don't quite know the ins and outs but you'll still need wotlk to progress through I think?

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Hmm...something appears to have happened. I appear to have become useful and I've no idea how. I've been second on the DPS meter for the past couple of instances. I only seem to come second to whoever has a decent AOE (I have none, damn Rogues). I used to almost always be second last only to the healer. Someone actually congratulated me on getting such high DPS. Somethings not right, I shall investigate...


People will look back on the Cataclysm and remember it for the weird and new experiences. My weirdest experience of the whole thing will be becoming usefu

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Is there a realm that a few N-E peeps are on? The one I'm on at the moment has my ex and a guy who used to be one of my best friends, but is now with my ex on it. It's messy.


I am on Boulderfist. With the Horde. Lvl 80 but might try a Goblin.

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When I played, RP realms always had a rep for being much more mature than standard PVP. It was a way to play the game in full (no carebear) without encountering the dregs of society who ganked STV on the regular.




I can't find my WOW discs! I found BC but my original game might have perished in The Great Annihilation I visited upon my room recently. Pah!

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Not sure I ever signed up to B.Net- would a trial version of WoW + my log in work?


^ Exactly.


RP just isn't something I'm into Dan, you have to be so serious and have back stories and be friends with his sisters brother who is a ninja for stormwind. ARGH I hate it.


I also don't like pvp very much even though my hunter is on one. But never mind.


I never RP'd there- I just played with friends looking for an actually adult place to play the game.

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