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Star Wars Mafia: The Game Thread


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I'm sure I've now been set up by the mafia, killing Jonnas because he suspected me. To be honest, I've been really busy with uni lately and I didn't count the numbers of votes yesterday, I just went with the crowd. I'm in a uni class at the moment and am going out tonight but will try to get online for a bit when I get home. I'm wicket the ewok! Trust me and please investigate me!

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To be honest I'm more suspicious of Sméagol. I'd like to know what your role is and which character you are as I think you're the only one who hasn't said so yet.


It looks like the mafia are going for the confirmed townies which is smart because once they're gone there's no one to fully trust. Which means myself and Marcamillian are prime targets for the mafia.


Actually I've not got any info on Jayseven either, has he said anything?


Vote: Sméagol

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The maifa have indeed done well... left with a list including quite a few of little activity.








Marcamillian (confirmed good)

ThePeeps (confirmed good)


I've compiled all of the posts (that weren't automerge or first day) from the suspects. Reading through them I'm pretty convinced of mr-paul so I shall leave my vote where it is. Feel free to give it a read.



Vote: No Lynch


Great, it's short, makes it easier :p.



Being a Jedi narrows it down somewhat, for both of them. One is a tracker, the other a protector. The other man is an investigator.. I'm wondering if it's good or unfortunate the investigator got stopped. A final comment at the bottom.

Likely Boba, perhaps Jango, and wouldn't it be cool if it was Greedo. Looking at the nature of a mercenary, I wonder if this character in-game is a vigilante or something, not doing anything now because of being careful.


Han Solo? The masked character could be any number of characters, but most obviously Darth Vader. Appears to be a roleblocker.


Mrreeewhh. Poor wookie!


I'll try to keep this up.


Uhm, final comment, I have a feeling he (MadDog) is sticking closely to the source material. So for example.. Jedi are good (well, the day 0 write-uop makes this clear too). Which makes me wonder what the investigator was investigating, as a alignment investigator probably isn't as necessary as usual.


Forgot to comment on the drink. Perhaps another roleblocker, or a silencer. In the last case, we won't hear more about it untill next day.

I would think there was some drink poisining in Star Wars, but I can't remember it. Perhaps I'm just confused with Mass Effect, which is "also in space".


That's not very Jedi-like.



I suggest you :p.


Nada here.


Anything, anyone?


Doesn't look like it, no :(


vote: no lynch


Well if we wait longer, we can see who isn't participating, right, Diageo?


It's nighttime, in real life that is, for most of us. There won't be much activity for the next few hours anyway, which also means no more "no lynch" votes for the moment.


I'm guessing this day has ended then?

Does the night end 24 hours from when MadDog next checks this thread or from 5pm?


I missed that it said tomorrrow up there. But i'm guessing nothing else is coming out :(


Indeed, makes it harder for us to speculate what roles there are. Especially when the write up seems to use 'follows' a lot.


I still think this is a neutral vigilante or similar. But his target was protected.

So we have one Jedi protector. And a Jedi who may be a tracker, who in that case would know who has been protected (from perhaps certain death). No clues here about the nature of the target though.


Hmm, they were in an event together on night 1, and now they target the same player. The masked man however doesn't seem to have roleblocked the mercenary this time, like he seemed to do with the gambler on night 1. So maybe it's something else he does. It's not made clear here what he or the gambler do to the mercenary. Like heroicjanitor points out, he's very sick, and most likely because of night 1 (as opposed to something the masked man and gambler did to him). It's obviously something that has a delayed effect, since the mercenary operated just fine this night. I hope it's nothing too damaging, unless the mercenary is evil of course, but I don't think that's the case.


Ah, last night I suspected the gambler to be Han, and heroicjanitor suggested it was Lando Calrissian instead. Looks to be the case then, because this must be Han. Again, no real effect here.


Another Jedi with no real clue as to what he does. But we should keep an eye on him to see if his conditions worsens.


Hmm, nothing to add. Wonder what he did though. Didn't seem to be particularly productive tonight, but I guess we'll just find out at the very end.


Ah yes, forgot to add that. I assume Diageo is the mercenary, unless the mercenary didn't come forward with this last day.. In any case, I suggest the other sick person come forward as well.

Reading Diageo's post again, I suggest the doctor targets either 1 of the 2 (but keeps quiet).


Smart move MadDog, giving the doctor something else to do!


That's because I assumed someone who would need a doctor would have come forward immediately, and therefore the sick people get a note when their illness worsens (so on day 2). I never take the simple explanation ;).


Possible that the mercenary indeed didn't come forward, perhaps he was inactive last day / night (he clearly wasn't this night).


Anyway, like I said, the other sick person must come forward. I'm fearing it may be a delayed kill, to force the doctor to take action.


If the dark side has a protector, they could prevent a sick person being healed, which is why the other person must come forward, because that increases the chances of healing someone.


Hmm, seems to evil to me to be a vigilante thing. And the delayed kill is a something I speculated, it could be something else. But to me it looks to be more serious than merely some delayed roleblock or something.

A delayed kill would probably too extreme yes, but still.. I think the doctor should take a look at them.


Now that would be something.


Just posting to say I'm alive/not ill etc.

I'm interested too as to what Diageo's role is, and the alignment of the poisoner and effect

Both roles sound like they maybe neutral, but equally could be evil. It just seems a bit odd if a mafia had two killing powers. Unless there's several groups?


We'll just have to wait and seeeee.

Are there no investigators with any info??


Boba or Jango Fett (his dad).

Also, could we question whether the gambler, if he is Lando, is good or neutral? In Empire Strikes Back he betrays Han, although you could argue he had no choice in that and makes up for it at the end/in the sequel.


What the deuce? I'm posting now- happy Jonnas!?


Just letting you all know I'm alive and good. Good! :grin:


There's hardly any info to go on, so I'm going to Vote: No Lynch until we learn something new. :)


In all fairness, you're the one who brought it up yourself.


I'd say, reward him if he's going to be of use to us (i.e. do absolutely nothing untill we have a target for him), it's not like he can get away with any more mistakes. Plus, like others have said, at the very least we'll get to find out what the poisining does.


I'll await Marcamillian's report before taking any actions (if any).


I must stress that killing off inactives may appear to be good 'for the game' but it can easily reduce the majority vote number. What if one of them is the doctor? If anything, I'd be happy keeping diageo alive so long as he swore not to kill anyone until we knew with relative certainty that someone was killed. He says that he wins when the town wins, but he also wins when the mafia wins. It's in his favour to do as the town needs until a point in the game where he decides to 'rebel' and turn on the town and get two kills in a night phase.


For now it may be fine to let him amble around... but we have two people poisoned, the other most certainly a jedi. Would we not be better off staying a step ahead of the poisoner and curing them?


Rez's post is swaying me the most at the moment, but I need to re-read the thread to be sure of my thoughts.


heroicjanitor; he went after someone last night without really caring what alignment they were. That's what's at stake here.


Killing off inactives should be a last resort, I agree.

It's a difficult situation with Diageo, whether to trust him not to kill anyone.

We'd need someone to roleblock him every night that we don't have someone for him to kill.

He's too much trouble I think.


Why are we waiting for Marcamillian? Is he an investigator? I thought he was Jar Jar???


Very good! So who's good with statistics?


These statistics will be very useful as the game goes on!

Nice job :)


So do we forget about the neutral diageo?


Lol Danny I don't think anyone would state they are mafia!

Info seems good but it's still a big list to narrow down really.....




His info is clearly wrong, Jar jar is stupid and is trying to mislead us all!


That's an odd power!

Has it got limited uses or can you do it whenever?


Hmm interesting. So what is the actual point of being able to double or single vote? Because you're Yoda you can have extra influence if you want but you don't have to?


I'll add on a


Vote:Paj Meen Ah.


Need to keep an eye on Diageo though. He's dangerous.


We'll have to take your word for it for now!


It depends on the role Diageo. If their role says they can effectively use someone elses power, thats more of a controlling power than a simple misdirect!


And marc, my name has a dash, not an underscore!


I think your totals are right Dohnut, chair had voted earlier but he changed his vote to Diageo.


Change vote: Paj


Not sure of all the intricacies.. We learn that people who have been poisoned, die on the second night after the night they've been poisoned. But Diageo seems to have targeted someone, but didn't get to fulfill his task. Another important thing to note.


The info we could have gotten is irrelevant at this point. Since I personally didn't feel Diageo's alignment (neutral) was being questioned, I don't think this was Chair, more likely a tracker, because that would've been relevant info if he were still alive. If it was a tracker, he doesn't have to say anything at this point of course.


Still not clear to me what to make of this, nobody really mentioned being roleblocked or something I think?


Like the masked man, no real clue as to what he does.


The gambler being poisoned most likely means he's good. He has 2 more days to live..


Myeah, nothing to get from that.


We have to hurry. I'm getting anxious, almost enough to start a random bandwagon, however, I'll wait for anyone with hopefully some relevant info, although reading the write-up it doesn't look like we'll get any.


Keep in mind, the jedi who got poisoned last night should've gotten a private message, unless it was Chair or even ReZ who got poisoned. If not, this person will die tonight, I assume, eventhough there doesn't seem to be a direct mention of someone's condition worsening (which would make sense in ReZ or Chair's case). There probably isn't a way to cure them now, if there is, I hope this person knows what to do.


Your post wasn't there when I started posting. Although it's confusing if you would have been referred too as 2 different characters, as it is clear the gambler and the smuggler are 2 different people. And, I have to read back, but I think the masked man targeted 3 different characters so far. So you may have been affected by something else, or you're correctly implying MadDog made a mistake, or you're simply creating some more confusement.




This is what we should focus on. There's already a bandwagon going for Ellmeister.

2 things to note / people should realize if they don't already: with the lynching of Paj, Dannyboy is confirmed good.

Assuming we succesfully lynch a mafia member, if it's one of the 4 candidates apart from The Peeps, then the Peeps is automatically confirmed good.

If it is one of those 4, then automatically, one of the others is one too. If we can catch that one too on the next day, we can clear everyone who has posted on that page Marcamillian has investigated.


So I'd say, we pressure those guys, at the moment it's Ell, but I think I want to hear from all of them before this day is over, so we know exactly what to do next turn.


Hmm. Well, I personally think you're good. But it could come in handy if both you and Nintendohnut just state your complete roles, just to clear up confusement, and to make sure Nintendohnut's poisoned.


Since I also believe heroicjanitor is poisoned (could be a used as a ploy, but I don't think it has been in his case), that leaves Cube, Jonnas and Ellmeister.

I'll wait for a vote count before I vote myself, but I'll be hopping on the bandwagon. But like I said, I want to hear from all 3 people.


I do think you only get a private message on the day you die. Diageo got it on the 2nd day after he had been poisoned. If you're the gambler, I'm betting you get a private message next day. Heroicjanitor should be a Jedi.




Oh and vote: Ellmeister


Hmm, I had to google that one :rolleyes:. But as far as I can see this Plo Kloon guy is good. Which would leave Jonnas and Ellmeister.




If cube's the masked roleblocker then I'd bet he's mafia. No offense to him, but he's done more wrong than ell. I'd like to hear from all three of these guys (I don't think peeps is maff) before the end of the day, thus;


Vote: Cube


To keep the phase going 'till we hear from ell and jonnas!


Why would Nintendohnut know you're good? Are you the Jedi who was halted by the gambler?

Might help if you tell more about yourself.

Anyway, I don't think there are any vigilantes, unless one has been keeping a low profile so far. He could come in handy right now.


To be honest, I'm not entirely sold on Cube's claim either. Like I said, I had to google it ;).

If Jonnas tells a bit more about himself, and if Ellmeister comes on to defend himself, we'll figure it out.


I think I've heard all I need to hear. Go for Ellmeister today, and Cube tomorrow. The Peeps is good.


Danny; my logic being that Ell's suspicion yesterday was in not voting for Paj, while Cube has been identified in teh write-up but not referred to as a jedi when wiki clearly says he ought to be. 'The Smuggler' and 'The Gambler' are surely han solo and calrissian - they're not jedi, hence the description. While they're probably not evil, I just think that Cube is lying about his character, and I don't think Maddog would be that varying about his descriptions. I understand that Jonnas has some backing now, but I would again rather we had a fair trial and heard from all candidates before we shoot first. Why waste this chance of pressure?


We've been suspecting you and Cube because of maths and Jonnas's & heroicjanitor's claims.

Who are you, and why / how do you know Cube is Darth Vader?


Yeah, but you should be asking why he would reveal Darth Vader. Perhaps he's more valuable than a roleblocker.


Well, perhaps Darth Vader could be a neutral vigilante.. Sort of.


Haha. Well, after Cube mentioned Darth Vader should be something grander than a mere roleblocker, I remembered you mentioning in another mafia you were a neutral Darth Vader. Something about your Chewie plushy :D.


Let's get on with this. One maff down, two in the bag. Game over man, game over!


Changevote: Ellmeister


Bring it.


I didn't realise I was! Well we've already had a lynch bomb so I feel ok.


Or at least I FELT alright. Now I'm all kinds of paranoid...


Vote: Cube




Vote : Cube[\B]


Sorry, on my mobile and can't remember what the bold function is!


Once again, missed all the fun (?).

Congratulations Cube.


Heh. One thing you must know about me, I love sarcasm at its best when I'm dead serious about it ;).


That's Marc's list again. Everyone who's not crossed out is good (or dead (or undead)). As I don't expect anyone will have some real info (looking at the write-up, which doesn't require a analysis I expect by the way, so I'll skip this one), so I'd say pressure someone randomly from the remaining players who isn't on the list. Apart from me that is. Of course. And Marcamillian himself obviously.



I said an analysis isn't necessary, but I notice now; nobody seemed to have been poisoned. Oh and neither on night 4, which I missed. Like I suspected, perhaps Ellmeister was the poisoner, giving us some breathing room again.


I'm wondering what heroicjanitor's new role is >:).


I assume there are 3 left, but with the poisoner seemingly gone (or inactive), they need 3 turns to win unless we lynch the wrong people.


Hmm vote. RNG says..

vote: Aqui1a

(who has posted very little I believe)




Wait, never mind. Jonnas's post wasn't there when I was posting. No use in voting for someone different then.


vote: Gmac


Ah I forgot. That'll give us even more breathing room then.


I don't think so.



As for me.. No targets. No info.


Yeah, sorry about the inactiveness. My character is R2-D2, and I'm good. I have the ability to see who targets me. Just letting you know so we can further narrow the choices of posible mafialings.


Vote: Gmac



I think I've only seen him post once in this thread!

Sorry I missed the last day guys, had my girlfriend visiting for our anniversary.

There can only be a few mafiosos left.


I'm sure I've now been set up by the mafia, killing Jonnas because he suspected me. To be honest, I've been really busy with uni lately and I didn't count the numbers of votes yesterday, I just went with the crowd. I'm in a uni class at the moment and am going out tonight but will try to get online for a bit when I get home. I'm wicket the ewok! Trust me and please investigate me!


You damn midget chewies are the jar-jars of the 70's.


I want to hate you BUT YOU'RE SO HUGGABLE


I'm just going with a hunch here... something fishy. I'm gonna go with Peeps and


Vote: Smeagol



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After skimming through all of that I do agree that Mr-Paul looks more suspicious changevote: Mr-Paul


I don't think this game is going to move along unless we just keep lynching - which is unfortunate. No one seems to have any info they can bring forward so it'll have to be a random lynch-off I guess.

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Damn. I really want to hammer the guy, if I was earlier, I would've already voted. But as I do keep[ track of majority, I'll give him a chance to say a bit more. Personally, I find the claim to be an ewok suspicious. MadDog has used only the important characters so far, and who here could actually name the Ewok, if mr-paul didn't already mention it?


As for me, The Peeps, I'm going to be an ass, and not reveal my character, just for fun, as a personal win condition. I'll see if I can keep this up just like the DIY mafia. Anyway, I guarantee you all love me.

I do want to state my powers though.. I think I've mentioned it before, but I have no nightpowers. Like Marcamillian, I have a one-time daypower, only far less usefull for town. I can stop a lynch. But I'm going to be selfish and use it on myself when / if necessary :rolleyes:. So voting for me means wasting a day one way or another. I pretty sure I have never appeared in the write-up, unless I was an unspecified target of someone.

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Seems to be quite a few daypowers around.


And smeagol; wicket. Duh.


(but I do love the ewoks)


Frankly I've felt quite exterior to this game. We have seemingly everyone accounted for in the write-up. If everyone simply lists their roles and targets for all nights then we'll easily pin the mafia. I'm fairly sure there's at least one mafia left, not sure if there's a neutral as well. Shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.


Frankly I've felt quite exterior to this game. We have seemingly everyone accounted for in the write-up. If everyone simply lists their roles and targets for all nights then we'll easily pin the mafia. I'm fairly sure there's at least one mafia left, not sure if there's a neutral as well. Shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

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Han Solo - Tracker

Night 1 - HeroicJanitor - I received no PM so I assume I was roleblocked

Night 2 - Paj Meen Ah - targeted no one

Night 3 - Tracked Diageo - Roleblocked again but I received a PM telling me so this time

Night 4 - Nintendohnut - I thought there may be a slim chance that, as Han Solo and Lando are linked in the films, I might be able to help him in some way. He died though :(

Night 5 - Jayseven - targeted no one


So I can offer 0 help.


Who wants to go next :heh:

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Right, finally got a bit of time!

Like I said, I am Wicket the Ewok, if you don't know who he is, shame on you! Crucial part of Return of the Jedi. I have a day power, so I won't have appeared in the write-ups at all. As leader of the Ewoks, I can send out my patrols to find out information. This is done in the form of quoting someone's post to MadDog and he/my patrol of ewoks will tell me if someone is telling the truth or not. This can be used once a day, there has been a day or two that I have missed out though, or there haven't been any posts that were lie detectable.


Day 1: Nothing (everyone just saying no lynch)


Day 2:


Ah might as well come out, I believe that heroicjanitor is good. Well he is good. I'm not an investigator though. Leave it at that.


I was told that ReZ's suspicions were correct.


Day 3:


Well if it's true then I am not mafia and you shouldn't be voting for me.


I'll tell you I am neutral, but seriously, if I tell you anything else it will be worse for all the town, assuming the mafia have a certain role.


I was told that Diageo was indeed neutral, and us ewoks should stay away from him as he was dangerous.


Day 4: The day with Ellmeister's lynch, I missed it all.


Day 5: Not much worthy of quoting because of the obvious lynch of Cube, so I chose this:


Vote: Cube


So I was sure that it's me that's ill, because I sent in a PM tonight and only 3 people did, so I must be in the write-up. Therefore I must be the gambler. BUT I haven't received a PM from maddog saying I'm ill, so maybe I'm wrong. Either way I think if anyone can cure me it would be awesome *thumbs up*


Let's hope Cube is evil - then we've narrowed down the list without killing any townies, and confirmed three (four? Don't remember) people as good. Which is useful. But we're going to have to hope for another lead tomorrow or we're preeeetty screwed.


And it confirmed to me that he was the gambler.


Yesterday I didn't use it because of the silly quick lynch against gmac - really wasn't paying attention on what was going on - had a bad week.


I have yet to use it today either.


The other part of my role said good things would happen if I found my idol. I took this to be C-3PO, as the ewoks worship him in Return of The Jedi. Who knows what would've happened, maybe my powers would've been advanced.


I'm sad as an ewok that I stupidly put the final vote on him :(

Maybe he'll rise from the dead like Jesus!

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Withdraw Vote






I suspect Sméagol and Jayseven the most really as they've both declined to state their character when everyone else did so willingly.


So far evil characters from the film have been mafia so claiming an evil character wouldn't be smart. And now we have a way to see if people are telling the truth when they claim.


So unless Sméagol or Jayseven posts their character I'd say that mr-paul should use this quote:


Well by default I can offer no information, myself. If there's a logic to the killings then a protector, if there is one, may be of serice... But then me saying this may affect it!


I have no targets nor any information.


Red... something! Standing by.


Which should help take suspicion away from Jayseven if he's good or confirm him as mafia.


mr-paul, when do you receive your intel? Is it straight away or do you have to wait until night?



This day phase will end at 4pm on saturday

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That's fine, it's just the only quote I can see that will benefit us/you. You're telling the truth so mr-paul can back it up and we'll all love you.


Also, I'm fairly sure you're a pilot from your subtle clues ;)

Possibly Wedge Antilles or someone


Which would leave Aqui1a and Sméagol.


Aqui1a has already freely said he's r2d2 which could be a lie but given that Sméagol decidedly withheld his character I suspect him more. Even though his posts make him seem good.

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