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Why would you want to use that instead of a mouse and keyboard? o.O You would seriously get destroyed so bad. lol


Anyway, I think it would be cool if you have any adventure games or something. *shrug* Haven't tried it out myself.

  Pit-Jr said:
How much does a wired 360 pad cost? Im thinking of replacing my old sidewinder pad with it if will work decently with roms, not that i have any.



another good reason.



oh and as for why not use a keyboard....it feels like im abusing my hands every time i use one. games belong on control pads.


Ive seen someone play CS with a control pad at a LAN party. But i dont see the need on a pc myself, you cant get the responsiveness when aiming in firefights


IGN played Halo PC with it, theres a funny pic of a Master Chief doll lying on it conspicuosly :smile: I think they liked it, I dont have Insider to find out.

  Dan Dare said:
i just hate arrow keys. thats about it really. hate them with a passion. pads are just so much better.


Then use WADS, arrow keys weren't really designed to be used in games. It hurts your fingers trying to use them as it leaves your little finger not doing anything... leading to paaain!

  Jordan said:
Then use WADS, arrow keys weren't really designed to be used in games. It hurts your fingers trying to use them as it leaves your little finger not doing anything... leading to paaain!



I use both wasd and the arrow depending on the game, if it's cs then i use arrows, and my little finger does the jumping and or crothcing, by use of right shift and ctrl, it works realy well, but on games like cod i use wasd.


u use the arrows on cs? wtf?


WASD all the way for cs, u get switch to previous gun on Q, use on E, R for reload, everything is so easy to reach.


Do you use a mouse mario114?!

I mean... are you left handed or something?


with arrow keys i put stuff like reload on the key block above. end for reload, stuff like that.




still sucks though. hl2 on the x box is way nicer to play.

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