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Fantasy Life (26th Sept)

killer kirby

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I think it's more that this game is designed for people with light OCD. Maybe you're just free of that beastly curse? Be proud!


No, no, I'm truly hooked!


What I mean is that there is no actual gameplay to the main story/quest, but you still need to go through it to access new areas. Now personally, I wanted to make it all available as soon as possible (hence me rushing through it, rather than playing it the right way like yourself). The way I played Fantasy Life, I didn't get much reward from it until I'd put in many, many hours. It's just unusual for me to misunderstand a game like this, that's all.


Current progress:


Paladin - Hero

Miner - Hero

Blacksmith - Hero

Mercenary - Master


Miner was the easiest and most enjoyable, and I'm closest to becoming a "Legend" in that Life (just need more Luck for the rare finds). Blacksmith, I actually find quite hard. Need a better hammer, but also need many of the materials. At least I can fight the Napdragon comfortably now, and get the Dragon Scales.

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Have people been dipping all the Lifes, or just a few? I'm currently an adept/apprentice mix of Woodcutter, Paladin, Miner, Blacksmith, Carpenter - the last two being the apprentice ranks. Not done much of the story, depending how much of it there is(just done the mountain bit). Thoroughly hooked, about 13 hours on the clock so far. Contemplating branching out on the jobs soon - maybe a bit of everything. Just gotten to the town west of the Grassy Plains. Port Puerto or something is it?

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No, no, I'm truly hooked!


What I mean is that there is no actual gameplay to the main story/quest, but you still need to go through it to access new areas. Now personally, I wanted to make it all available as soon as possible (hence me rushing through it, rather than playing it the right way like yourself). The way I played Fantasy Life, I didn't get much reward from it until I'd put in many, many hours. It's just unusual for me to misunderstand a game like this, that's all.


Current progress:


Paladin - Hero

Miner - Hero

Blacksmith - Hero

Mercenary - Master


Miner was the easiest and most enjoyable, and I'm closest to becoming a "Legend" in that Life (just need more Luck for the rare finds). Blacksmith, I actually find quite hard. Need a better hammer, but also need many of the materials. At least I can fight the Napdragon comfortably now, and get the Dragon Scales.


Fair enough. I do have my problems with the game, though. There are serious balance issues with the game. One being ores/wood. Most areas are sparse of them, and by the time you get to them you can bulk buy them all for essentially pennies. Some items are so rare there's literally no point hunting for them, and simply buy them for next to nothing. Other than for rare unbuyable gathering items, those Lifes become pointless. It's kind of depressing. It's pretty obvious through certain quests/items needed, that the game expects you to blitz through the first three towns before going at a leisurely pace, though; since some adept levels require stuff from that far into the game, and that's a low Life level. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the game and beyond hooked (spent several hours earlier transfixed crafting stuff...), I just wish everything was balanced better.


Oh, and whatever the Postman Life was; there's so much Postman stuff left in, it leaves it so obvious it was one of the cut Lifes. I know we have a a second update coming, but I'm praying for another massive DLC; new multi-area game world, new big town, new ranks, items/craftables, SOME CUT JOBS ADDED BACK IN etc.

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I can see where you're coming from MMX2, and I have a feeling I've played the game similar to yourself. I'm 17 hourish in, adept at blacksmithing on my previous post, and an apprentice Angler and Mercenary in addition. Soon gonna take cooking and alchemy for a spin, and probs tailoring and hunting/archery whatevs too.


I agree with your points on the ores/wood and more importantly the idea of blitzing the towns(I've only just gotten to the second myself, not sure how to advance the story as I came across a bitch of a mob when I thought I was going to do a bliss challenge though haven't tried exceptionally hard). I haven't noticed the postman stuff so much, though it's arugable I haven't poked around town too much either.


Btw - does anyone know what bonus some the lives offer? For example with smithing vs mining etc:

With mining/woodcutting you get the bonus item by being that Life when undertaking such actions, is there any similar bonus in Smithing, Carpentry, Angling etc? Bonus for being Paladin/Mercenary? Like other than the life stat bonuses, are there those more active bonuses to any of the lives?


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I can see where you're coming from MMX2, and I have a feeling I've played the game similar to yourself. I'm 17 hourish in, adept at blacksmithing on my previous post, and an apprentice Angler and Mercenary in addition. Soon gonna take cooking and alchemy for a spin, and probs tailoring and hunting/archery whatevs too.


I agree with your points on the ores/wood and more importantly the idea of blitzing the towns(I've only just gotten to the second myself, not sure how to advance the story as I came across a bitch of a mob when I thought I was going to do a bliss challenge though haven't tried exceptionally hard). I haven't noticed the postman stuff so much, though it's arugable I haven't poked around town too much either.


Btw - does anyone know what bonus some the lives offer? For example with smithing vs mining etc:

With mining/woodcutting you get the bonus item by being that Life when undertaking such actions, is there any similar bonus in Smithing, Carpentry, Angling etc? Bonus for being Paladin/Mercenary? Like other than the life stat bonuses, are there those more active bonuses to any of the lives?


Being those specific Lifes nets you the power/auto moves when your gauge fills up (Adept rank)? They don't really transfer. I think the things you listed and the auto/power moves are it for exclusives (at least at my point, with most up to Expert except some fighter Lifes).


As for mobs, you may have bumped into an uber monster, such as Napdragon and the various big fat elemental birds (did you bump into it on the West Grassy Plains?). You'll be bumping into plenty of them, but most require backtracking with a powerful fighter class later on, though some can be cheaply finished off.


I'm sure how slow I'm going through the game would put others off, no doubt I'll still be tracking through the game long after most of the board is done. I did however hit my first Master and got a treat (every class has something special), but then I realised Master is like halfway, isn't it? Anyway, it was Carpenter. One of the easiest as out of nowhere you get really easy tasks that net you thousands of Life star points. 2,000 just for 4 treasure chests...LOL


On the subject of missing Lifes such as Postman; You know all those wells you keep seeing? They were meant for the Archeologist Life, and I assume they were meant to be explorable areas in them. Those two Lifes seem to have most of their stuff in the game, and could no doubt be easily patched in.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the game and beyond hooked (spent several hours earlier transfixed crafting stuff...), I just wish everything was balanced better.


It's crazily addictive, isn't it? I've seen it compared a lot to World of Warcraft and, though I've not played WoW, Fantasy Life does seem to be a constant juggling of fighting, crafting and gathering.


Anyway, I've become a Legend in Mercenary! I thought Miner would be the easiest, but somehow the challenges for the former became more achievable. Going for Paladin next (just two challenges to go), then Miner. Out of the four vocations I've tried, I think Blacksmith will be the hardest to achieve Legend, as a) it's difficult to get the materials, and b) the rhythm game is not so easy that you can craft high-quality items every time.

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Being those specific Lifes nets you the power/auto moves when your gauge fills up (Adept rank)? They don't really transfer. I think the things you listed and the auto/power moves are it for exclusives (at least at my point, with most up to Expert except some fighter Lifes).


As for mobs, you may have bumped into an uber monster, such as Napdragon and the various big fat elemental birds (did you bump into it on the West Grassy Plains?). You'll be bumping into plenty of them, but most require backtracking with a powerful fighter class later on, though some can be cheaply finished off.


I'm sure how slow I'm going through the game would put others off, no doubt I'll still be tracking through the game long after most of the board is done. I did however hit my first Master and got a treat (every class has something special), but then I realised Master is like halfway, isn't it? Anyway, it was Carpenter. One of the easiest as out of nowhere you get really easy tasks that net you thousands of Life star points. 2,000 just for 4 treasure chests...LOL


On the subject of missing Lifes such as Postman; You know all those wells you keep seeing? They were meant for the Archeologist Life, and I assume they were meant to be explorable areas in them. Those two Lifes seem to have most of their stuff in the game, and could no doubt be easily patched in.


Ahh yeah, just unlocked some of them specials in each of my Adepts. Hoped there might be a bit more(can often live without them). Have you tried every job so far? I'm planning to get apprentice/adept at all by the weekend maybe. I've been going through as slow, if not slower than, you have I reckon tbh!


As for the mob, I didn't see Hughes in the castle, I assumed he was still up on the mountain peak, I appeared to come across a monster and a blocked off part - assumed it might be a 'defeat to progress' sort of dealie, bit like the mob groups in the Waterfall Cave. I may have just been lost/mistaken/unforunate of the game's programming. Will try again in a bit!

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^Got most of my Lifers to Expert (just a few lower), and Carpenter to Master. I've had to actually go further ahead with Magician to complete tasks not currently listed as the points you get for them challenges is bloody small! It actually wants you to beat big Wraiths, but magic at that level is pitifully small, it makes it either impossible or and hour-long battle! LOL I guess that's what I get for levelling stats evenly.


Using Magician gives it a proper ARPG Baldur's Gate type feel. I thought Mercenary was overpowered, but Hunter is insane. Most normal shots push enemies back so they never really have a chance. Put stun/sleep in there... Does this class have any drawbacks other than range, which is pretty good? LOL Having too much fun/addicted with this game. I think I'm going so slow just so it lasts. I hear the DLC is big...but c'mon give us more!


^I hear this game did so well, that Level-5 has turned it into a series. I hope the sequel is simultaneously translated as production is ongoing. But considering the wait between Layton's, it's going to be a year plus, right?

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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50 hours played and still a lot more to do! :) Gotten strong enough to beat all bosses I run into, although with a lot of potions.

My stats

Lv. 63

Paladin: Hero

Mercenary: God-in-Training

Miner: Hero

Woodcutter: Hero

Blacksmith: Hero

Carpenter: Hero

Tailor: Master

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3DS is finally off for repair, but I got myself aqcuatined with the final life of magician just at the end. I was wondering - have you guys been distributing stat points evenly? Didn't touch Alchemy or Magic til now and finding my low...focus(is it?) is obviously a hinderance, but also feeling like it's just one stat and maybe I shouldn't be too focused on bringing it up, for risk of ending up generally average across the board, if any of that makes sense.


Nonetheless I find myself hooked on the game - just done the pirate's questy bit iirc. The sameness of the 'minigames' is a bit jarring, but yet I'm still addicted. Definitely hope there'll be a sequel that'll improve the variety/diversity of that system and possibly adjust the pacing somewhat.


Re:streetpass - what's the good/point of it? I've had a few, but couldn't really figure out what good it was but admiring folk's status of the time.

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Lv 75, 75 hours played and Legend in all Lifes but Cook. Going to head onto DLC content and earn some Lunares coins there so I can get the x2 skill items for the Cook first. You have to reach skill level 15 in all categories and that takes a while.


Edit: Have reached God rank with Paladin, lv 77, max strenght(100 in dlc), Jouyse sword, Hero equipment and over 600 hp. Attempted to take on the Life's God boss but I did 1 or 0 damage and just his minions could damage me with around 300 dmg let alone the boss himself. Another time!

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Lv 75, 75 hours played and Legend in all Lifes but Cook. Going to head onto DLC content and earn some Lunares coins there so I can get the x2 skill items for the Cook first. You have to reach skill level 15 in all categories and that takes a while.


What exactly is it that the DLC offers and how much for it? I've kind of avoided it as I generally don't do DLC so don't know a lot about it, but you're the second person to mention it in the last couple days!

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What exactly is it that the DLC offers and how much for it? I've kind of avoided it as I generally don't do DLC so don't know a lot about it, but you're the second person to mention it in the last couple days!


No point in adding people unless you are going to play with them, no.


Bought the dlc. Can see myself spending a lot more time with the game, and the dlc will be nice to have then. It's a quite a lot of new content.


For later:

- Brand new content for lvl 50+ (Big island.) Pretty much the size of the grassland, snowtop mountain and elder woods, plus what looks like a sizable tower I haven't touched yet.

- Two more Ranks for every Life. Technically, you get God-in-Training automatically after reaching Legend and talking to a guy, then you get all the quest you need to reach God rank.

- Level cap from 100 to 200.

- Stat cap from 50 to 100.

- New pet (Dragon)

- Lunares coins and special items http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/971712-fantasy-life/70197198

- God boss for every rank upon reaching God rank.


Available from the start:

- Roughly two more hours of story.

- New pet (Birds)

- Happiness system. Petting dogs will make them happy, adventuring makes you form closer bonds with your allies. Increased happiness makes their stats increase.

- New customization for character creation, such as new eyes, hair and stuff.

- Loading screen is improved.

- Three more houses in different areas than the others.





I have reached expert with the crafting jobs and master with Paladin.

Posted this on a spoiler tag earlier. No spoilers though, aside from mentioning what you get in the dlc. Some others wrote, some I added myself.


I'm guessing it's around 6£ in the UK.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Folks still going on with this? I've been dipping into it for a bit most days - currently thinking to get everything up to Expert then finish the story. Last bit of story I ended up up there, so I made the most of buying some tools to help me out with the lesser tasks. Did my first bit of online last night with Marcamillian and his girlfriend(who's been blitzing the game much more than us) with a bit of Steam voice chat in the background - though we weren't 100% focused in what we were doing(beyond going to the Deepsea cave) and Marcamillian insisting on playing pure Carpenter for the whole of his game, it was really quite enjoyable! Makes me miss the lack of online in Nintendo in general(though I have, and will continue to, covered that in depth elsewhere).


Really enjoyed the online though - like how items appear for all it seems, and whilst bounties are individual, the fact it appears to scale rewards for players was nice too. Hoping to play a bit more at some point - wish we'd gotten into the online sort of at the same time character-wise though. Also I've totally now understood the point of streetpasses. Anyhow - cracking little game and I'll def be on any sequel(srsly considering DLC), it's basically MMO appeal in small form.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just started playing this, really enjoying it but I'm a little unsure about the progression and what I should be doing next. I picked the woodcutter as my starting Life and have made it to the Apprentice rank.


Should I stick with this Life until I master it or should I change to a combat one to make exploring the world easier? It seems I need to head to Mt Snowpeak and Elderwood to do a few Woodcutter challenges, but should I get better at fighting enemies first?


Loving it so far, seems quite a polished game full of content. Reminds me of Zelda in a number of ways.

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Just started playing this, really enjoying it but I'm a little unsure about the progression and what I should be doing next. I picked the woodcutter as my starting Life and have made it to the Apprentice rank.


Should I stick with this Life until I master it or should I change to a combat one to make exploring the world easier? It seems I need to head to Mt Snowpeak and Elderwood to do a few Woodcutter challenges, but should I get better at fighting enemies first?


Loving it so far, seems quite a polished game full of content. Reminds me of Zelda in a number of ways.


PERSONALLY; start the 3 gathering Lifes until you've done their starting stories (Angler/Woodcutter/Miner) then switch to and focus on one of the top row four classes (hunter/paladin/mercenary/magician) and start progressing the game. This way you can be mining/cutting/fishing collectables as you go. Crafting is entirely optional,, and probably should be left until later when you have more items.

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Thanks for the advice. Should I get to the next rank after Woodcutter Apprentice or is now a good time to switch? I'm just finding that I seem to be struggling against some of the larger enemies already and just wondered whether moving to a combat orientated Life might help. There was this floating big oak tree in Elderwood but surrounded by 3 baddies that seemed a bit too tough for me.

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Thanks for the advice. Should I get to the next rank after Woodcutter Apprentice or is now a good time to switch? I'm just finding that I seem to be struggling against some of the larger enemies already and just wondered whether moving to a combat orientated Life might help. There was this floating big oak tree in Elderwood but surrounded by 3 baddies that seemed a bit too tough for me.


Mr Master's given what's an arguably efficient way to go about things - but tbh you really can honestly do it however you like, which is what I like(d) about the game. I think I sort of felt I got to points though where progressing as I was quest wise was getting difficult, so I'd maybe switch up to something else and see how I go. How are you going with story quests, if at all, btw?


There are different levels of difficulty in the game(ie hard things near easier things), the things you described might have been spirits of the earth? Little green things? The tree I think you're talking of took me much much longer to get round to cutting, anyway. Have you been given options to invite anyone into your party yet btw? Having someone with you can be helpful if you aren't combat oriented(what are you fighting with items wise atm?)


Have people been dipping all the Lifes, or just a few? I'm currently an adept/apprentice mix of Woodcutter, Paladin, Miner, Blacksmith, Carpenter - the last two being the apprentice ranks. Not done much of the story, depending how much of it there is(just done the mountain bit). Thoroughly hooked, about 13 hours on the clock so far. Contemplating branching out on the jobs soon - maybe a bit of everything. Just gotten to the town west of the Grassy Plains. Port Puerto or something is it?


^ @Ronnie - this was me after a couple of days with the game. Not sure it gives any insight, but just thought I'd say(it's hard to place myself in your shoes now, having done more of the game).

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I've barely played any RPGs before with a couple of more basic exceptions like Mass Effect and erm, Paper Mario (?) so the whole thing is a little daunting at present, it just seems like there's so much to do.


Yeah those things that kept replenishing their health must have been spirits of the earth. I have one more fledgling quest to do which is get 3 elder oak logs and I thought the floating one was the way to get the final one I need, but if you say that there are difficult areas everywhere that's probably one of them. The whole Elderwood section seemed filled with monsters I would struggle badly against.


Not been given an option to invite anyone yet, I'm only a couple of hours in. Story wise a meteor has just hit my house so it's probably really early on. Basically I'm just a little unsure about how soon to switch lives, but I guess it can be done anytime from what you and Mr Master say.


Currently fighting with just a basic dagger I think, that's probably why I'm struggling. Maybe I can find a place that sells better weapons?

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Yeah probs. I mean, I'd still say diversify into something or other. It's hard going at first cos you're trying to be something from essentially nothing. I have a strong feeling I know the tree you speak of, and it isn't an Oak per se. I'd say, do some of Flutter's bliss requests and advance the story a bit to take some time up.


As for buying stuff - well, you've got options. As a woodcutter, you could sell everything you've cut and make Dosh that way to buy other stuff. Or, if you wanted to go so crazy, become a carpenter and make the raw materials into workable materials, and sell those for Dosh. OR then make those workable materials into items that you don't need/want(but fulfil quests) and sell THOSE for Dosh. The game has 12 lives, and you can definitely single life it, but I don't think it's generally intended like that. The problem is everything sort of feeds into everything else, and that in itself makes it feel very hard/indecisive on what to do early on. I found the main story sort of anchored me to a point(given some challenges are geographic dependant, and story is req to get there, and i felt i spent too much time not doing story whilst diversifying elsewhere) that helped to keep me on track/progressing. Don't leave it too long, I'd say.


Theoretically(admittedly not tested) every life can make enough to get by without the other lives, but working them together can maybe maximise that(at the cost of losing absolute focus on what you're doing but hey, you bought the game to play it all right? So play it all!).

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I've barely done any selling so far, think I'll probably do what you suggest and save the raw materials to craft various things, then sell those later on when I need the Dosh.


Thanks for the tips, having done all the woodcutting challenges in the local area I moved on to mining and did likewise for that as well, I'm an apprentice in both now. I'll switch to Palladin and then look to explore more of the world.


One question though, can you complete challenges even if you're not part of its Life yet? Say I'm a paladin and I end up mining 100x ore, I assume the challenge still gets completed even though I can't see it on the Quest screen?


Also should if I come across lots of ore, should I warp back to the Guild office, switch to a miner and then go and mine the ore? Or is it not worth the hassle?

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I believe the floating one is a boss tree. As far as I can tell the trees; small, big, boss. I think regardless of your stats, you can only harm a boss tree if you're at a specific Life rank. You could literally have the stats to bring it down in 5 hits, but without the proper Life rank do zero damage. It's the same with the Miner rocks Boss stones (though not for fishing...early Lord fish are surprisingly easy).


As for Elder Logs. They're just extra special versions of that tree's logs. You don't have to beat a boss tree to get them, though you have the most chance of receiving them from boss trees. Pretty sure you can get Elder logs from normal and mid-tier trees, though good luck and repetition may be in order.


If you already have the Miner skill there's no reason to travel back to the guild and switch Lives (other than a minor stat boost).


As for blue star quests; yes, you can complete other Life quests (complete Miner quests while a Paladin), though to turn them in you must be the appropriate Life. You can even complete Quests from higher Life ranks even if they're not listed yet. (There's a 500 minable/cuttable spots quests...so umm, get smashing stuff!)

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I've barely done any selling so far, think I'll probably do what you suggest and save the raw materials to craft various things, then sell those later on when I need the Dosh.


Thanks for the tips, having done all the woodcutting challenges in the local area I moved on to mining and did likewise for that as well, I'm an apprentice in both now. I'll switch to Palladin and then look to explore more of the world.


One question though, can you complete challenges even if you're not part of its Life yet? Say I'm a paladin and I end up mining 100x ore, I assume the challenge still gets completed even though I can't see it on the Quest screen?


Also should if I come across lots of ore, should I warp back to the Guild office, switch to a miner and then go and mine the ore? Or is it not worth the hassle?


Mr Master gave some answers, but I'll expand.


Worth changing to miner for lots of ore? I'd disagree and actually say yes - being the miner life you get bonus ore from the rock. Same with woodcutter and trees. You only get the bonus whilst being that life on completing the cutting down - so it's good for gathering(imagine 10 rocks, you're getting an extra 10 items!). Later you get skills that can only be used whilst being that life, too.


As for completing challenges - yes as Mr Master says BUT some quests are 'Kill X as Life Y' - you HAVE to be that life for those, as it suggests. Interestingly, for the 'Kill X and cash the bounty as Life Y' you can kill it as any life, but you just have to cash it as the required life. Given you can change lives and cash bounties in the same place, it's perfect to kill it as something else if you're better like that, then change life and cash. I've done this for like 3 bounties where one's a monster, one's a fish, one's a tree/ore etc. quite a few times.

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