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New Videos


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Hi guys. As part of our new site - http://www.blueprintreview.co.uk (whore whore whore) we're doing regular videos, eventually released weekly (4 separate videos one per month).


Anyways, we've got the ball rolling with our first. So please watch it, give us some feedback for future editions and if you like it forward to your friends, would be greatly appreciated :)


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Cheers guys. Appreciate the comment Retro, will sort it for future vids.


Also just to say that we will be holding competitions pretty much every week to win DVD's. We have a competition this week, and in all honesty I really doubt people will apply so if you want to have a great chance of getting a free copy of Black Christmas then had on over:



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  • 4 weeks later...

For the most part I enjoyed it, but the sound was all over the place, when I'm working on videos I always make sure to watch the levels of the audio and make sure it stays fairly steady for at least one playthrough so that I know that the user won't have to adjust their audio a lot.

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Thanks a lot guys. The second one is nearly done and video number two - (Called Over rated) will also be out very soon. Our third video, celebrity critic isn't quite working so that may be scrapped.


Anyways, we have a competition on the site, and trust me, we barely get any entries so a good opportunity to win a free dvd - excellent film too. Should be fodder for you Res :)



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