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Justin Bieber vs. the World, Hitler and Puberty

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  Dazz said:
So how come you said nothing about Spice Girls? They only say two numbers! :p


Well they're obviously describing a mathematical structure where 2 is the multiplicative identity.

  Diageo said:
Well, with his main audience being girls, it's somewhat understandable. The "hit songs" are just the names for each colour, and it's not like he's going to wear them. He just has his name on it, which will make girls lap it up.


Well, That's the problem. From what I can tell it's for money, and it's a bit obvious that it's for nothing else. It's not like there's a lack of nail polish and Bieber is acting all chivilrious by supplying them with much needed nail polish.


For me, he just loses so much respect from me, not that I had much to begin with :p Im fairly impartial to him as I've never heard of his music but this is just a cop-out.

  chairdriver said:
Well they're obviously describing a mathematical structure where 2 is the multiplicative identity.


The Proclaimers is saying if you travelled 500 miles and you walked 500 more, you'd be the guy who walked 1000 miles, hehehe :p


...and Feist teaches you how to count, haha.

  nintendo-master said:
Well, That's the problem. From what I can tell it's for money, and it's a bit obvious that it's for nothing else. It's not like there's a lack of nail polish and Bieber is acting all chivilrious by supplying them with much needed nail polish.


For me, he just loses so much respect from me, not that I had much to begin with :p Im fairly impartial to him as I've never heard of his music but this is just a cop-out.

There's not like there's a lack of perfume or clothes, but artists make their own brands of that too. It's normal in celebrities.


Your beautiful Gaga does it too.

Like her or hate her, Lady GaGa boasts a very strong, distinct personal brand. So last October, the artist's management moved to protect her brand by trade marking everything GaGa. However, a look at recent updates to the trademark show that GaGa, or her management, may be on the verge of ruining everything.

The documents show that the Lady GaGa trademark covers, among other things, "caps, visors, boxer shorts, headbands, sneakers, swim wear, bras, scarves, hosiery, pajamas, and robes." Oh, and Lady GaGa sweatpants. The update is more worrisome, however, as it includes vinyl covers for cell phones, MP3 players, laptops. It also claims rights to Lady GaGa "gift certificates which may then be redeemed for goods and services."

No one should be surprised that the talented singer/songwriter is lending her image to an imaginative array of endorsements, but even the most ardent fan has limitations, and saturating the market with one's personal brand brings with it the risk of backlash. After all, part of what makes Lady Gaga so appealing is her ability to be different -- fans naturally want a piece of that, a piece of her brand.


Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, Ninety-nine bottles of beer.

Take one down, pass it around, Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.


If lipstick would sell and earn me money I'd put out a brand too.


I suppose you could argue Team Gaga are just copyright protecting. Knock off merch is bound to happen but at least this way they can either a) sue or b) create their own anyway.


But still, there's something so seemingly apt about rip-off Gaga merchandise...


oh, never heard about that. You sure it's actually advertised by Gaga and her company itself? Because from just that extract it kinda sounds like the merchandise that any famous person would have.

Whereas the lip-gloss is actually a Justin Bieber product.


The only company I know that gaga is a part of is the Haus of Gaga, which does indeed sell stuff like T-Shirt's and clothing.

They're aloud, in my opinion, though because they create stunning things like the "Living Dress" :p



No, unfortuantly I didn't :p

Feel free to punish me. I think I can still use the excuse that it was quarter to one in the morning and I was using me iPod. ;)


If they are allowed because they make stuff you like, we're just getting back into the subjectivity argument.


And it's nail polish, not lip gloss.

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