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More original songs please! What do you guys think?

I think I just stepped through a time portal to six weeks ago.


I really liked Loser Like Me. I know it's the kind of generic pop you hear every day on the radio, but I kind of like generic pop like that. :blank:


Though obviously Trouty Mouth was the best original song.

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It's a nice change though. I can't stop listening to Hell to the No, it just sounds like something CeeLo Green should sing...Also, Loser Like Me gets cooler and cooler every time I listen to it.


True. Also, Magnus is right, Trouty Mouth was awesome. Then again, Santana just rocks my world.

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I think I just stepped through a time portal to six weeks ago.


I really liked Loser Like Me. I know it's the kind of generic pop you hear every day on the radio, but I kind of like generic pop like that. :blank:


Though obviously Trouty Mouth was the best original song.


Took me a second to realise what you were saying, haha. It's just been aired on E4 tonight and was surprised they wrote original songs. I liked them a lot, I hope they do more.


Trouty Mouth was funny, how is there not a full version of it?!?!



True. Also, Magnus is right, Trouty Mouth was awesome. Then again, Santana just rocks my world.


I know right. Especially with Brittany...: peace:

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  • 1 month later...

Ryan Murphy has confirmed that a large portion of the cast will graduate (and leave the show) at the end of season three. Which... um... sounds like a pretty terrible idea, to be honest. Of course, there's plenty of time for him to change his mind. Wouldn't be the first time!


Not sure if this was worth bumping the thread up for, but I had to voice my dislike somewhere. :heh:


At least he's planning on keeping Sam around. Whew.

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I don't really care. He can chuck them all. I'll miss Santana, though.


I thought they'd bring a new bunch of students in while the old ones where still around and then graduate the old ones at the end of the season.


Not bothd either way, though.

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I think it's ridiculous that he's planning to get rid of a large part of the cast after three seasons. It really shows that the focus on the show is on the music, not the writing. Which has been the case since the back nine of season one, but ugh.


It's especially stupid since they've done such a bad job with the characters they already have. Artie's spent two seasons rapping and his only storyline (if you can call it that) has been dating Brittany. Mercedes has had a couple of episodes about her weight/being a diva, but nothing that has really led anywhere. Tina's such a non-entity that I had to look up her name.


They tried introducing a couple of new characters in season two, but they didn't do a very good job at it. Other than walking around shirtless, Sam only had one episode with what felt like actual character development. Mostly, he just had scattered scenes here and there, but he was so inconsistently written they were all pointless in the end. The only thing I remember about Blaine is how he had so many solos it was ridiculous.


So yeah, sure, ruin the show like you ruined Nip/Tuck, Murphy. I'm sure that by the end of season three, I'll be past the point of caring, anyway. :blank:

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It really shows that the focus on the show is on the music, not the writing.


lolwut?! Why on Earth would you watch Glee for the writing. Its writing is unsurprisingly horrendous. Like most pulp American TV. At its best the writing on Glee is abysmal.

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I'd say its spectacularly worse than pulp TV in terms of writing :p Although they've actually hired some writers this year who know what they're doing (I forget all of them but I know Jane Espenson is one) so perhaps it'll improve.


Oh and yeah I totally see the main characters making frequent visits back or getting jobs at the school.

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Oh and yeah I totally see the main characters making frequent visits back or getting jobs at the school.

Murphy was asked if any of the kids would stay around after graduating, and he said that he didn't like that idea. So bar any changes of heart/executive meddling, it sounds like the best we can hope for is occasional guest appearances.



lolwut?! Why on Earth would you watch Glee for the writing.

Because... why would you watch any non-reality TV show if not for the writing? :hmm:


Glee was never going to be the next Mad Men, but the first thirteen episodes managed to be a surprisingly fresh satire on high school and other teen shows.

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Ryan Murphy says a lot of things ;)

Tell me about it. I still remember when Sam was going to be gay. :blank:


I'm kind of counting on even him being smart enough to realize that you don't announce that you're cutting a large part of the main cast if you don't really mean it, though. But as I said, he could still change his mind. If Prison Break can reattach a woman's head due to fan outcry, I'm sure Murphy can find a reason to have the kids stick around after next season.

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Tell me about it. I still remember when Sam was going to be gay. :blank:


I'm kind of counting on even him being smart enough to realize that you don't announce that you're cutting a large part of the main cast if you don't really mean it, though. But as I said, he could still change his mind. If Prison Break can reattach a woman's head due to fan outcry, I'm sure Murphy can find a reason to have the kids stick around after next season.


Why would he change his mind? What's the problem with changing the cast after three seasons? It just makes sense seeing as they're all (or most) likely to graduate and move on. Have them win nationals at the end of season 3, end on a big high, then start fresh for season 4 with plenty of new faces.


I'm hoping the writing improves for season 3, as some of the episodes this year were dire and the writing has taken a nosedive. Character writing has been all over the place and inconsistent (Quinn, Mercedes, Santana)


Pleased to hear only 1 tribute episode, far less guest stars and about 4 songs per episode episode next season. Four songs in a row in 'Funeral' + all the songs in New York when there was plenty of story they should have been developing, nearly put me so sleep.


I also think they need to put more emphasis on adult characters like it used to be at the start of season 1.


+ more Dalton Warblers please, they were awesome.

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I hate The Warblers. They should have called them The Blaines. I'm fine with them returning as long as it doesn't mean Blaine's going to sing at least one song every episode.


Why would he change his mind?

Because he seems like a pretty flaky writer. See: Sam being gay. I know there are more examples, but I can't think of any right now.


What's the problem with changing the cast after three seasons? It just makes sense seeing as they're all (or most) likely to graduate and move on. Have them win nationals at the end of season 3, end on a big high, then start fresh for season 4 with plenty of new faces.

I think there's a reason every high school show moves over to college once the kids graduate. Before Glee turned into 'cover of the week' in season two, it was about the characters. So we spend three seasons getting to know these characters and then, what - we start all over again with a bunch of new characers? Haven't you ever watched a TV show where an actor leaves and you find yourself thinking, "man, I wish he/she was still around"? Imagine having half the cast disappear overnight. :blank:


It's not like they've exhausted the storyline possibilities for their current characters. A whole bunch of them still haven't had a storyline that has lasted for more than an episode.


The only way I can see it not being a total disaster is if people really do just care abut the music. But in that case, they should just drop the pretense of having a story and actual characters and just do forty minutes of covers every week.

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I did care about the music and the characters but I liked the characters more. Season 2 wasn't really so great but it was still good enough to keep me entertained. I also don't get the hate for The Warblers but I do at the same time. I do like The Warbler's version of Somewhere Only We Know and Raise Your Glass but the rest are just so "meh/yeah, alright then".


Apparently there's going to be a Glee movie coming out later this year. I think it's just the live show shown in 3D though, I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that Gwyneth Paltrow will be in it.

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The Warblers were annoying because they just took time away from the main characters. They Blaine also had way too many songs for someone who wasn't even a main character.



There's been some news on cast upgrades/non-upgrades. Blaine will be a series regular next season, which isn't surprising, but meh. He's been dull as dishwater so far. Mike will also be a series regular now, which... I mean, he has been in pretty much every episode, but he's never had a storyline and he can't act at all. Sam will not be upgraded to a series regular, which is a bit surprising. He could still be in most episodes, of course, but it doesn't exactly bode well. :hmm:

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Alternatively, the Warblers were a breath of fresh air to the series and introduced a fun new dynamic to those 6-8 episodes. Hey Soul Sister, Raise your Glass, Candles and in particular the performance of When I get you Alone in the GAP store were fantastic IMO.


As for Murphy changing his mind, there's a difference between a minor decision like making Sam gay or not, and a huge cast change that'll affect the entire series. He wants it based on reality, and in reality these characters will graduate and move on.


It seems pretty obvious they'll set next season up for ND to win nationals and then end on a high, the perfect opportunity to bring in new kids and freshen things up. They're already struggling to find storylines and character development for these characters. Quinn's character seems inconsistent, Mercedes going diva for an episode scraped the bottom of the barrel and the endless couple swapping amongst the club just seems a bit lazily written.

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Alternatively, the Warblers were a breath of fresh air to the series and introduced a fun new dynamic to those 6-8 episodes. Hey Soul Sister, Raise your Glass, Candles and in particular the performance of When I get you Alone in the GAP store were fantastic IMO.

Or alternatively again, they were a waste of space and dragged down every episode they were in. The songs were fine and so was the singing (Blaine overload aside), but if I wanted to watch people I have no emotional investment in sing songs that have nothing to do with any storylines, I could just go to YouTube.


I saw someone say that Ryan Murphy is to Glee what Tim Kring was to Heroes. That made me laugh. :p


The fact that they've been struggling to find storylines for their current cast has nothing to do with the characters - it's because the writers are hacks. Wasn't the first two seasons mostly written by just three people? It truly amazes me that you think that bringing in new characters will suddenly fix the inconsistency and lack of character development and storylines, like that's somehow the characters' fault. You don't think the writers could have come up with one actual storyline for Tina in two seasons? If anything's going to fix Glee, it's the fact that they're bringing in some new writers for season three.

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We'll agree to disagree on the Warblers then. You didn't like them, I loved them. The Gap store performance was one of the highlights of the season for me.


I never said bringing in new characters will fix inconcistency and lack of development. I agree new writers for season 3 will go a long way to fixing the series, they're definitely needed.


Look I want to stick with these characters for a few more years, but I accept that storyline wise that's not possible. I think the format of the show allows a cast change once they've achieved their 'objective' and it could be good for the series which is already showing signs of fatigue.

Edited by Ronnie
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They shot themselves in the foot right from the start when they made winning Nationals the ultimate goal for the characters. We knew they wouldn't win in season one and we knew again that they wouldn't win in season two. We know they're going to win next season, and then that's that.


But I don't think introducing new characters will actually help with the fatigue. We'll just have a bunch of new kids joining the glee club and then their ultimate goal will be to win Nationals. Been there, done that - new characters notwithstanding. Unless they find something new for them to aim for, but then there's only so much they can do with high school kids.

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  • 8 months later...

Total mess? Glee? Never! :p


To be fair, this season has been a lot better than season two (not that that's saying much). It's nice that there are actual storylines now, inane though they may be.


Mostly I'm just glad Sam's back.

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