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From what I played, it was certainly very different from past Resistances. When everyone is using their abilities at once it's absolute mayhem. Just got into a game and it was pretty damn fun. Got the Auger which is now a killstreak and it's thoroughly entertaining to use.


Edit:Just scored a 21-5, man this is fucking brilliant. The gameplay suits my playstyle amazingly well. I'm so glad this has turned out how it has, certainly worth the wait.


Edit 2: Other than the assault shield being completely overpowered, the beta really well and is surprisingly balanced.

Edited by dwarf

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Edit 2: Other than the assault shield being completely overpowered, the beta really well and is surprisingly balanced.

I believe the sniper's secondary fire will punch right though it once upgraded, and I'm pretty sure there's something else that can knock out shields, too; I don't think it's in the Beta build, not that I can remember what it was!


My only real complaints are technical. The game's definitely sub-HD which makes things a bit fuzzy, but this is further compounded up some rather overzealous motion blurring in spots. It can be a bit nauseating.

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The Deadeye breaking through assault shields is almost a moot point because I don't usually roll with it, and the shield is best used in close quarters. You probably won't hit them with a charged shot when they're strafing towards you on uneven terrain.


A couple of times I've had the assault shield in waiting whilst getting tailgated by a chimera who's peppering my spine to shreds, only to be able to activate the shield, turn around and fire at them point blank for a few seconds before bayoneting them in the mouth. They're completely helpless in that situation. It's funny but it's unfair and it works both ways.


Bubble shields would be OK but they don't fit this type of multiplayer. Deploying them on a whim is to cheat death, it works in Halo because the maps are expansive, it's more team based, and they aren't doled out every five seconds.


'The Boss' class is awesome i.e. spawn with a carbine, a shotty and a sniper. You do notice that you're missing out on useful combat abilities when using the three weapon berserk though, like 'cool barrel' or whatever it is, which makes any mid-range weapon very effective.


I've reached the level cap, still haven't tried some of the abilities. Barely touched the mutator either, honestly don't see the point in using that farce.

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Bubble shields would be OK but they don't fit this type of multiplayer.

Have you not been playing Chain Reaction? Naturally bubbling is far more useful in objective based matches.


As for the Mutator, it used to be lot more powerful but was nerfed in order to bring it in line with the other weapons. Its Corpse Bomb effect is meant to be the real draw and that aspect is unchanged

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Have you not been playing Chain Reaction? Naturally bubbling is far more useful in objective based matches.


As for the Mutator, it used to be lot more powerful but was nerfed in order to bring it in line with the other weapons. Its Corpse Bomb effect is meant to be the real draw and that aspect is unchanged


Of course there are the objective modes but as I said, the fact the shields can be deployed regularly, almost instantly means it is spammed. When capturing nodes I can see the teamwork aspect creeping in, but usually it's used selfishly by an individual in the middle of nowhere as a free pass to avoid death. It should be removed from deathmatch variants.


The mutator - the bomb thing is cool but the gun is so tricky to use. In a one on one firefight the thing is a waste of time.

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I see. Can't say I've run into too many people doing that, but an alternative solution would be to require the player deploying the shield to stand still for a second with the d-pad held down in order to activate it. That way it's still useful when holding ground but not viable when you're trying to run away from someone.


Are you charging shots when using the Mutator? It's not really my style of weapon, but I've seen several people use it to great success.

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That's a good solution. The solution to assault shields would be to nerf them massively or to remove them from the game, the latter of which won't happen.


I've not given the mutator a fair go, but I would've expected a fully charged shot followed by a few spray shots to take somebody down. It didn't when I tried it. When somebody is bearing down on you, rarely will you have the time to charge a shot and then follow it up with a flurry that lands on target. You can barely walk when fully charged so you can't prepare it on the run (this makes sense from a gameplay standpoint I guess).


I can imagine it as a nice option to have on the weapon wheel for hectic group scenarios/packed objectives.


Been rocking the Bullseye, it's probably too good. So fun to use as well. Had a complete tear when I mutated with the 9 streak, it was fucking hilarious, I was laughing like a psychopath as futile opponents/debris tried to flick me off. And after the transformation ended I didn't stop.


Not had this much fun with a videogame for a while.

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Bold claim but I think this is the most fun FPS since Halo 3 (multiplayer at least). Shits so fucking hard on COD that it isn't even funny.

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King of nonsensical comparisons!


One aspect I'm questioning is the longevity of its appeal, but I'm guessing with the weapons/abilities/maps/modes they've omitted, this won't be a problem.


It is very tasty though.


Dwarf's top tips.


Best class going in beta -


Dead eye ------ Hedgehog (use as a mine to protect your back when sniping in a building)


Ammo Beacon (Fills so quick you don't have to reload, you'll always have grenades handy, and you can spam the sniper charge shot) ------ Decoy (Also good protection when sniping)


Bandolier (for the two secondary fire shots on sniper) ------- Strapped


With strapped use the Rossmore as secondary and the Carbine as tertiary. Remember where each one is on the weapon wheel and swap between them depending on the situation. In most cases the carbine isn't needed so you can play long range, and step into cover if there's enemies nearby, in which case lure them in and pound em with the shotty. Decoys are ultra useful in that situation.


It's good to have the carbine for the journeys once the action has died down and spawns have swapped. The secondary fire on the Deadeye is absolutely brilliant, and it's very similar to the Fareye in the previous Resistance games in that snap headshots are quite easy to nail down.


It's honestly joyous going Rambo and changing your style on the fly, you can do the weapon wheel swap so quickly, many times I've had people about to enter a doorway and yet still there's time to quickly switch to the close-range powerhouse when it's stuck in the tertiary slot. You feel like a God sometimes when you have the answer to every question and you go on a tear with the mutation.


I think what makes this a class a good option is that it's quite easy to pick up the odd snipe without having to find the action. This occasionally nets an assault shield/invisibility, which allows you to move up if you want to, or you can snipe around if the number of targets remain fruitful. The headtracking with the sniper upgrade is really useful for picking out the odd moving enemy, follow their path with your aim at a constant speed as they run through a building, the amount of sneaky charge kills you can get through walls is quite alarming.

Edited by dwarf
Automerged Doublepost

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I might have to use a bit of my student loan whilst at Uni to get this. Cheeky, but the right thing to do!


Haven't put much thought to the campaign. It's not going to blow Half Life away in atmosphere terms but it should be a fairly entertaining romp.

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Pffft, I bought a Desktop and a DSLR (among other things) on my student loan.

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Yeah well my Grandparents gave me a grand for that shit so hush yo' mouth bluuuud.


I'm happy to take this outside.

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Yeah well my Grandparents gave me a grand for that shit so hush yo' mouth bluuuud.


I'm happy to take this outside.


You must have nice Grandparents!

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I had a blast of the beta the other day. I think it looked a little rough but it played well. I got a pasting though as I was matched up with people who were higher ranks than me.

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I had a blast of the beta the other day. I think it looked a little rough but it played well. I got a pasting though as I was matched up with people who were higher ranks than me.


Glad to hear you are enjoying it despite getting a pasting. I'm hoping my new found skills in Killzone 3 will translate over. I'm going to see how I feel about the beta before buying the game.

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The rest of my student loan went on hired thugs so bring it.



I'm bulk buying feta cheese and will use it to top the biggest cracker ever made.


What you gon' do 'bout dat?

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What is there in the modes department for multiplayer? I loved warzone in killzone 3 and the opportunity it gave for levelling up! Whilst I'd still love to keep up killzone 3 a lomt of my friends seem to have moved on from playing it. So now R3 is looking like a go!

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The reviews are starting to come in now.


IGN gave it a 9.0/10



CVG gave it 8.7/10



Joystiq gave it 4.5/5



Eurogamer gave it 8/10


Edited by Hero-of-Time

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Yeah all sounding pretty solid as well:




Resistance 3 isn't just a great game full of marked, inspired improvements over its predecessor -- it's a declaration of intent to become the new heir apparent to the sci-fi shooter throne.




Offers the same polished experience as the last two games in the series, only this time the action is more focused and tightly structured. Insomniac clearly wanted to make this game a more harrowing and personal experience, and by focusing its attention on a smaller, more personal story within the invasion, it has succeeded without question.


EUROGAMER- slightly less enthused.


First-person shooter design has reached an evolutionary ceiling and desperately needs some mutant DNA to push it onwards and upwards. Resistance 3 could have provided that genetic jolt; but Insomniac has chosen to look back to how we used to play rather than grapple with how we could play in the future. As understandable as it is, that cautious approach results in a game that is extremely enjoyable, but never as imaginative as you want it to be.

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Eurogamer pretty much describe what I think about Killzone.



I think I'll rent this after I'm done with Deus Ex.

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