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Pokémafia LifeLight - Game Thread


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Okay, first of all, this is my last day playing this. Tomorrow, I will go to Rome for holidays.


Now, I believe the only mafiosa left is Eenuh. And she's probably the one who killed Paj Meen Ah on the first night.


Now, the thing is, I'm currently Neutral, and I'm the pale green Pokémon that's been around killing people. I used to be part of a group with Paj Meen Ah and Martinist, but since Paj was killed on the first night, we gained killing powers, became Neutral, and were doomed to not win the game until we killed Paj's murderer (That's how Martinist knew I was silenced a while back)


On the 2nd night, Martinist killed Coolness Bears (on my advice, because he tends to not participate).

On the 3rd night, I killed Moogleviper out of suspicion. I was correct, but martinist was killed by the mafia. This meant that I was also, in turn, supposed to kill his murderer (who was probably Zekrom/Dyson).

On the 4th night, I tried to kill Jimbob, but he was a gigantic pokémon that needed two hits to die. I thought he was Zekrom because of this, but I was wrong.

On the 5th night, I tried to kill Eenuh, but she was protected by that majestic blue pokémon (who is probably Ellmeister, by exclusion)


A small green Pokemon was close to its goal, it struck but the defending Pokemon was still standing. A light blue majestic Pokemon watched from afar, as the defending Pokemon stayed completely still.


From last night, I assume the majestic blue pokémon (which I'll call "Suicune") has the power to protect and roleblock at the same time, which is why Eenuh couldn't kill anyone last night, either (notice how immobile she is in the write-up).


The thing is, I need to kill Paj's murderer myself before I can become a townie. If Eenuh is the murderer and we lynch her, I lose.


Which is why I ask you to Vote: No lynch and end the day early so I can kill her and join you in victory. MadDog should roleblock Eenuh to stop her from killing anyone. If the majestic blue pokémon protects her again, then there's at least one more mafioso out there.

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I actually agree. Willing to go with Diaego for the minute, though I'm still suspicious of him and Jimbob.


Change vote to Dan-likes-molly


partly as, despite being investigator, he only investigated two different peopl over the 5 days..

This actually took me by surprise as well. I literally didn't realise before going back and checking my targets today that I had been targetting the same two people. I felt kind of stupid when I realised.


I don't really know what else I can say in my own defence. I can only curse at ReZ for making me an electric townie.

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Well i don't know what to think of Jonnas's post.

But if we kill Dannyboy instead of Eunuh or no Lynch, and you kill Eunuh during the night phase, will we all not win regardless? even Dannyboy if he is indeed townie. And if he is mafia then we killed a mafia. I don't see why we couldn't just kill Dannyboy in case he is mafia, if you say we are about to win anyway.


If however you don't want to lynch Dannyboy, then I would be suspicious of you.

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Well, I'll go with whatever's faster, but I think Dannyboy's story is credible. He's been doing nothing but investigating, and he wouldn't admit to being Raikou if he was part of the mafia. Honestly, I think Dannyboy is a red herring purposefully planted by ReZ for the lulz.


But if the game continues after I kill Eenuh, feel free to suspect and lynch whoever you want.

By the way, ReZ, if the game continues beyond tomorrow, feel free to find someone to replace me.

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Regardless of how credible it is, if the game is over then it is a safe bet to have him lynched. He could still be a neutral or one of those crazy things.


Yeah, but it wouldn't be fair on Dannyboy. Since he's not harming the town, at least wait until Eenuh is dead.

If the game continues, you were probably right about him. If not, then he celebrates alongside the rest.


Also, something I just realized: Raining_Again is still playing. What if she's the majestic blue pokémon that protected Eenuh?

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But when the game is over, all townie's win, even the dead ones.


Do you believe Eunuh is the last mafia or not?


Actually, dead townies don't win. Not usually, anyway. At least that's how it has been around here.


And yes, I believe Eenuh is the last mafia. I was suspicious of her for a long time.

But if I'm somehow wrong, I was just saying we don't know anything about Raining_again (or Ellmeister for that matter)

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Well I think a no lynch vote would be stupid at this point in the game.


I don't think Eunuh was protected. I think she is just a strong pokemon. And the blue figure roleblocked her, and that is why there was no killing. So the blue figure must be good, or at least not a mafia. So if they roleblock Eunuh again tonight there should be no deaths if she is indeed the only mafia left.


So if any roleblockers block Eunuh, and you kill her like you say you can, and no one dies. Then the game should end. But if someone else dies, then there is another mafia member around. So I suggest roleblockers target Eunuh tonight. Will get a few things sorted out. But if Eunuh doesn't die, then we should be looking at Jonnas as a mafia protecting Eunuh with this elaborate story.

Just getting a few thoughts down if I happen to die.

Edited by Diageo
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I don't think Eunuh was protected. I think she is just a strong pokemon. And the blue figure roleblocked her, and that is why there was no killing. So the blue figure must be good, or at least not a mafia. So if they roleblock Eunuh again tonight there should be no deaths if she is indeed the only mafia left.


Quoting from ReZ's PM: "on this night, a strange aura surrounded her". It isn't inherent of Eenuh

Maybe the person who protected her and the person who roleblocked her happened to be different people, but I think at least one of them must be the majestic blue.

For the record, I don't think the majestic blue is mafia. I can't think of any electric pokémon that fit that description.


And if Voting No Lynch is a bad idea, what about voting off Raining_Again? We don't know anything about her, and she's not speaking at all.

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Hang on, I just noticed something. Jonnas claims to be the green pokemon, and yet so does MadDog. If I am right then I would like some clearing up. Someone here is lying.


Well, I'm the pale green pokémon that's been around killing people (except for the first two nights).

MadDog is both green and a fighting type. His stories have been checking out in the write-up.


To sum things up:


dan-likes-trees - ??? (the quick pokémon. Confirmed as townie, I think)

DannyboyTheDane - Raikou

Diageo - Wurmple

Eenuh - ??? (most likely mafia)

Ellmeister - ??? (most likely townie, as he was silenced before)

Ganepark32 - Blastoise

Jimbob - "Gigantic pokémon"

Jonnas - Leafeon

MadDog - Breloom

Nintendohnut - Small and red

Raining_again - ??? (I have no idea)

Rummy - Purple pokémon (with double vote. No reason to suspect him)

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New Post: Wait, I was wrong about something:


Ganepark32 is Oddish

Rummy is Shiny Blastoise


Both of you are saying you are the green one who last night, targeted a pokemon but was interfered with by a blue pokemon.


He's wrong, then. He saw a green pokémon in the write-up and thought it was him, but his power definitely worked (he roleblocked dan-likes-trees, right?). We see the quick pokémon blocked and injured, but it doesn't show us who did it (MadDog).


My power definitely failed, though. That's me.

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roleblock and protect


What would happen if you targeted yourself? :P


Anyway, so we'll let MadDog roleblock Eunuh and you can protect me I guess :), because I can't investigate tonight.


Then Jonnas kills Eunuh, bob's your uncle we win.

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roleblock and protect


Yeah, that would make sense and fit with everything. Are you a townie or a neutral?


I believe Jonnas' story but if we let him kill Eenugh (sp?) then potentially he could be lieing and he would win instead of us townies


Also, the Dannyboy thing, I still don't know. The electric thing could just be a, wait for it




Thanks, ill be here all night.

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Yeah, that would make sense and fit with everything. Are you a townie or a neutral?


I believe Jonnas' story but if we let him kill Eenugh (sp?) then potentially he could be lieing and he would win instead of us townies


Also, the Dannyboy thing, I still don't know. The electric thing could just be a, wait for it




Thanks, ill be here all night.


I was suspecting that but I wasn't sure. Eunuh is likely to be the last mafia though...

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Okay then, Raining_Again was the majestic blue, and it explains everything.


So...please Vote No Lynch (or someone else)? This is my last day (in real life), and it would be nice to see this through the end. I don't know if ReZ will accept a PM saying "when the night comes, kill Eenuh" :heh:

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