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Killzone 3


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Badass teaser trailer.




When I think about it, Killzone is probably the flagship series that makes me happy that I'm owning this system and not another. Obviously there's a big variety of games that make the console good, but for me personally, this is the equivalent of Halo's 3, and not just because it's an FPS.


I just loved the online on it, but it does need to be expanded.


Yeah gimme this over Halo any day of the week.

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Halo rapes KZ in terms of gameplay any day. However, I love KZ's look.

I can't agree with that. I'd say at any one point, for me at least, I want 2 styles of FPS to keep me interested. Halo's slick arcade feel is totally win, at the same time KZ is a lot more weighty, maybe a bit more tactical and slower paced. Well, it isn't tactical but you get the point that they are both unique to each other in the online experiences.


Sometimes I'm in the mood for one, the next I'm in the mood for the other. I wouldn't say gameplay really has much to do with it. The map designs are better on Halo, Bungie have done well in that regard, but you'll get the same level of fun from either title.

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Halo rapes KZ in terms of gameplay any day. However, I love KZ's look.

I can't agree with that. I'd say at any one point, for me at least, I want 2 styles of FPS to keep me interested. Halo's slick arcade feel is totally win, at the same time KZ is a lot more weighty, maybe a bit more tactical and slower paced. Well, it isn't tactical but you get the point that they are both unique to each other in the online experiences.


Sometimes I'm in the mood for one, the next I'm in the mood for the other. I wouldn't say gameplay really has much to do with it. The map designs are better on Halo, Bungie have done well in that regard, but you'll get the same level of fun from either title.

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I get that but the gameplay in KZ is flawed. Starting with the amazingly narrow field of view forcing you to turn constantly (and really slowly). Also, the fact that the camera is at hip height is dumb.

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I get that but the gameplay in KZ is flawed. Starting with the amazingly narrow field of view forcing you to turn constantly (and really slowly). Also, the fact that the camera is at hip height is dumb.

That's true. The character models are too big in comparison to the environment/corridor size, so it's hard to actually hide or use stealth well. It means battles are too condensed, far too... 1v1-ish.


It doesn't look like they've addressed that either. Maybe they can't with the engine?

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It sounded to me like they had rectified the issue tbh. I guess we'll see more at E3 but from the interviews I read it seemed they've gone slightly more arcadey while keeping the weight.


What sauce have you been using? I'm just going by the gameplay video I posted earlier, it looks like it has the same viewpoint.

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I'll be very happy, and think it would be a great idea, if when they show this at E3 they show the blue jungle level they mentioned.


My immediate thought was "Blue Jungle, that's retarded, jungles are green." That was followed immediately afterwords with "This is Sci-Fi, no reason a jungle can't be blue, that'd be awesome to see."

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The teaser looks nice. When is the main trailer out?


They just need to improve on the last and i'll be happy. Playing alot of COD and BF makes me appreciate KZ2. I hope they expand on everything. More modes, weapons, etc. as while multiplayer was extremely addictive it deserved even more content. Also an improved version of the clan system with better tournament browsing would go a long way. Other games barely even bother with a clan tag...

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Killzone 3 4-player co-op confirmed


This week’s FirstPlay — the digital magazine for the European PSN — features a nice juicy Killzone 3 preview. It doesn’t reveal any new footage of the 3D-enabled shooter but does confirm something that we’ve been waiting to hear about for a while; co-op.


The inclusion of a co-op mode has been rumored before, but the preview now tells us that despite not knowing much about multiplayer, “we do know that Guerrilla is working on a special objective-based 4-man co-op mode to go with the standard 2-player stuff.”


Fucking sweeeeeeet.

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Co-operatively holding out against waves of enemies. If you still have it, pop in ODST which has Fire Fight. Horde belongs to Gears 2.


The game modes are an absolute blast, although I'd attribute much of that to good level design and variation of enemies. Not the strongest points of Killzone, of course more than half the maps in Horde mode are terrible.

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Uncharted also had a horde mode, which is kind of average because there's little reward for doing it on different levels.


What I'm surprised at is this bit

to go with the standard 2-player stuff.

I'm guessing that means campaign co-op, or even better, competitive online co-op ala Resistance 2. Either way that is a win. Especially because Killzone 2 was strictly 1 player only. Strange that they said 'standard 2 player stuff' seeing as there wasn't any before. (Maybe they were referring to the original game, which had split-screen, but was pretty average/poor).


I take it 3D wouldn't work with splitscreen though.

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I'm a sucker for co-op so I'm good with this. I find it hard to believe they won't do something a little different too (maybe like the rolling objectives in KZ2 which is awesome).


It seems a kind of trendy thing to do now. World at War had it with Nazi Zombies and MW2 wasn't far off with some of the spec ops challenges. Left 4 Dead got in on the action, too.


It's a brilliant idea, really. Cut the story and reduce 4 player co-op to what basically boils down to a single, massive set piece/ chat room. I'd be amazed if kz3 wasn't doing something similar because now that a few developers have done it, it's the kind of thing everyone wishes they'd invented first.

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