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Are we going to have the semi-active clan again. Winning matches with 2-3 people was actually fun sometimes (seriously). Thanks to cooky, I pre-ordered the same pack as himself. Also pre-ordered the special edition for a mates birthday, but I also have his psn account info so ill get the bonuses that way too :P


Yeah let's get a clan going - I'm totally up for that!

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Posted (edited)

If any of you haven't ordered this yet - perhaps this classy launch trailer will help to persuade you!


Hello everyone,


It is my pleasure to announce that Killzone 3 is out in stores this week. After two years of hard work by the talented developers at Guerrilla, we are thrilled to bring you the most intensely immersive first-person action game the PlayStation 3 has ever seen. Killzone 3 has become a true showcase piece for the PlayStation 3, making full use of its considerable capabilities – including stereoscopic 3D and PlayStation Move compatibility. And with support for the PlayStation Move sharp shooter, Killzone 3 is accessible to experienced and casual players alike.


I would like to take a moment to extend my gratitude to the fans in the Killzone community, who have supported and cheered us on over the course of Killzone 3′s development, and to everyone who participated in the online multiplayer beta trials, for helping us make Killzone 3 the best game

possible. We hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to seeing you in Killzone 3′s online multiplayer mode.


Now, without further ado – go out and buy it!


Hermen Hulst

Managing Director, Guerrilla Games


Edited by Cookyman
At last Zaavi have got off their arse and posted this today. I'm having it delivered to my work so if it doesn't arrive tomorrow. I won't have it till Monday!

If this happens, just shout




You'll feel better for it.

Game looks and sounds great. Quite impressive for a measly console. Lots of sharp textures. Amazing sound effects. Need to play more.


Really, really pumped for this - it better arrive tomorrow, I'm jealous!


Do you think Vader was Helgast in a former life?




I read on the KZ forum late last night that someone had rang GAME that they would get e-mailed the code. (i got my code 10 mins ago, as ive arrived home from work).


Looks like they just 'forgot' to inform people that it was a pre-order bonus and as such would get e-mailed it rather than in the box. Bad advertising! :shakehead




It's just really more of the same. It looks better, they certainly improved aspects of their engine, and their network code (though I hate not having a server browser). But basic mechanics like still seem a little off, aiming is better than what it was (though I haven't played KZ2 is ages so I don't know if they made more improvements to that or not) but still feels odd. That may just be me getting use to the controller still though.


The story and acting is still pants though.


Shotgun Pistol awesome. Game not saving what weapons I had after I quit and come back to play later pretty freakin un-awesome.


I'm glad the game was free.

Posted (edited)

Hurrah got it today! - not played yet but will have a dabble shortly.


Who's up for some online shenanigans tonight? Say from 2100hrs till late.


Good practice for the NE Killzone 3 clan! :grin:


Here's Cookie!!!


Edited by Cookyman

Where has squad/proximity chat gone?


I was getting rather annoyed last night when i just wanted to hear/chat 2 Cooky and Mat and i kept hearing other ppl chat shit where ever i was on the map!


Killzone 3 = fucking awesome multiplayer. I'm having such a good time with the game.


Everything that was wrong with Killzone 2 has been addressed the controls are sooo much better. I also downloaded the retro map packs and it's great to go back to these old maps but they look so much better.


I've only played a small part of the single player and it's solid enough but multiplayer is where it's at - it's so good it makes cookie monster want to sing!


Mike, Cooky, and anybody else for that matter. Fancy a game tonight?


We need to set a clan up too.


Can't tonight dude going out for a meal with "she who must be obeyed". Tomorrow night though, I'm game!

Mike, Cooky, and anybody else for that matter. Fancy a game tonight?


We need to set a clan up too.


I'm game. Any particular time?


Think i'm going to activate my 24 hour code today!

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