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Killzone 3


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Got my copy today. Had some fun. Mainly did multiplayer. Warzone and Operations.


Single player was ok i really liked the opening practice part lol. The bits after that are ok mainly a COD style affair so far. Definitely more appeal than KZ2 based on my first hour, but i hope they bring in more fun AI situations.


Multiplayer is pretty good. Still have not seen all the maps. Small tweaks here and there. Had alot of fun.


Game looks and sounds great. Quite impressive for a measly console. Lots of sharp textures. Amazing sound effects. Need to play more.

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Maybe. His red lights are faulty though.


Played more campaign and its brilliant so far. Killzone now embraces the overtop aspects of action games(how is a one man army realistic anyway?). You get the absolute best bits of KZ2 done better and much more. Really enjoying it. The artwork is tremendous. One part looked like a PS3 Metroid Prime. Did some stealth,done vehicles and even some very strategic encounters. The setting is very epic and I am sure many of you will enjoy it too. Not spoiling anything. :grin:


Played another new map on multi and was fun. Have not redeemed my code yet. Just looking for a good 24 hour period, maybe Sunday to play.


P.S seems like GAME lied about the Special edition they were selling. The 3 points and 24 hours of all unlocks and double xp were only for the Helghast edition. Probably to make their deal seem better. That info could have swayed me and other people to get the one from HMV... The actual game case, promotion and website do not mention these extras but just the map pack etc.


Stupid GAME.


edit: They updated their website: http://www.game.co.uk/Games/PlayStation-3/Shooter-First-Person/Killzone-3-Collectors-Edition/~r353461/?s=killzone+3


I want to complain, feel cheated.


edit2: Gamestation and gameplay websites still have not corrected their mistake. amazing. http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/playstation-3/killzone-3-collectors-edition/_/PX2129/productpage.html


We should be able to get a refund though. I have not used my code :) may return and go HMV for Helghast edition.



edit3: Holyshit at the GAME defenders on killzone.com We have some here on N-E as well though ;)


final edit: Problem sorted. Online buyers will be emailed and shop buyers just need receipt at GAME. We get the codes :p

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I read on the KZ forum late last night that someone had rang GAME that they would get e-mailed the code. (i got my code 10 mins ago, as ive arrived home from work).


Looks like they just 'forgot' to inform people that it was a pre-order bonus and as such would get e-mailed it rather than in the box. Bad advertising! :shakehead

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It's just really more of the same. It looks better, they certainly improved aspects of their engine, and their network code (though I hate not having a server browser). But basic mechanics like still seem a little off, aiming is better than what it was (though I haven't played KZ2 is ages so I don't know if they made more improvements to that or not) but still feels odd. That may just be me getting use to the controller still though.


The story and acting is still pants though.


Shotgun Pistol awesome. Game not saving what weapons I had after I quit and come back to play later pretty freakin un-awesome.


I'm glad the game was free.

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Finished the single player on medium. I would say comfortably the best single player fps I have played this gen. Huge fun to play. Superb set pieces. Lots of variety. Does what other games hype or touch upon but KZ3 actually does them :) The shoot outs are brilliant. Some stuff returns from KZ2 but you have better playgrounds in a sense.


Ending was on the abrupt and short side(in a bad way) but other than that it was awesome. The story was more of an excuse to let the action flow and for epic set pieces. It doesnt fall into the negative side of the Michael Bay trap, its simple and does the job much like a saturday morning cartoon or epic sci fi. It improves upon KZ2 single player in every aspect and adds much much more. AI is still good but I need to play hard to really find out.


Someone set up a clan. Who will be the organiser and leader? Sort that stuff out. Clan leaderboards are already up.


Had a terrible session of multiplayer earlier in the day but played at night and couldn't go bed :p I would advise unlocking abilities mostly over weapons at first. Tried all the maps. The retro map pack is nice but Blood Gracht is only Guerilla warfare. Which is a shame because it was a popular clan map(for tiny matches and for engineer to pwn on). Good news is most random matches have people who know what to do. Most are doing objectives in my experience. :)

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Killzone 3 = fucking awesome multiplayer. I'm having such a good time with the game.


Everything that was wrong with Killzone 2 has been addressed the controls are sooo much better. I also downloaded the retro map packs and it's great to go back to these old maps but they look so much better.


I've only played a small part of the single player and it's solid enough but multiplayer is where it's at - it's so good it makes cookie monster want to sing!


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Yeah multiplayer is really good. I got into the groove now. Winning and killing like mad.


I am earning 3 unlock points per rank now. IMo abilities really helped. Way behind on guns right now. My fave class and gun are the same as KZ2. You can also use nromal guns to shoot through the glass of the Mech cockpit, to kill the driver. Done it afew times today. Glad the mechs are not all that now :p


I seem to always get matched into games with good teamwork. I think Guerilla Warfare has taken most of the team deathmatch type players. Warzone is much more focused and so far not noticed anything really unbalanced just yet. In KZ2 players had to disable rockets for example, nothing like that here so far.




Re single player carry on beyond the first hour. It ramps up fast.

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So I decided to pick this up as my last purchase from Tesco's VAT Free games sale along with a Nav controller - paid £47.38 for both after discounts - so that I could try out Move with y'know... a real game. :p


I haven't played it yet but I just wanted to know how well people think it actually controls with Move... I'm assuming it's much better than a pad and that I haven't just wasted money on another sub-controller that I don't need.


As for the game itself, I have no worries about it beeing good etc as it'll be the first in the series that I've bothered to play so I'm sure I'll be blown away etc by it. ;)


Also, what are the optimum settings for the motion controller? i.e how much dead-zone do you need etc, or doesn't it matter that much...

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