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Is it just me or does that first screen shot look like Michael Ford is about to go in a stand-off with Captain Falcon? :laughing: And the dude to the side is the ref, if anyone cheats he'll shell 'em!

Falcon looks as if he's about to chuck his weapon and generating his FALCAAAWN KICK to hit Ford and the ref :D :D :D

Falcon looks as if he's about to chuck his weapon and generating his FALCAAAWN KICK to hit Ford and the ref

You know, if that would to happen this would instantly become a Day 1 purchase for me, no matter what.

  • 2 weeks later...

Conduit 2 is looking really nice - HVS have really upped the ante as far as the art direction goes. It seems more cohesive than the first game, by a long way. Good to see a snowy level in there too. I love snow levels in FPS games: Prime's Phendrana Drifts, the first level of Timesplitters 2, Goldeneye's surface levels and Perfect Dark's hangar all bring back fond memories!


Btw, if anyone's interested I've knocked up a quick article full of suggestions for Conduit 2 on my blog (link is in my sig). They're a bit tongue in cheek but I think some of them would be good to see in the game.

  LostOverThere said:
I read your article, daftada and enjoyed it. You make some good points, but thinking back I remember Goldeneye being quite linear. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.


Silo & Siberia stand out as 2 levels where i got lost quite a bit. It's linear in that you do this, then this, then this, then this, in that order... but wandering around the levels are not linear at all, compared to more modern FPSs like Modern Warfare, Bioshock, Dead Space, Prey, Doom 3 and of course the first Conduit.

  • 5 weeks later...

Vote for your favourite Conduit online map to be added into the Conduit 2 :-


Facebook Link


There gonna choose two. Streets will defintley win and I guess we'll probably see Pentagon (which I voted for), Infirmary or Warehouse as the runner-up.

  Zechs Merquise said:
Pleased it's optional. Motion plus was great in Red Steel 2, but for a straight shooter I'm not sure what it can add?


I think it adds more precise movment when your reticule leaves the screen, rather than stalling or spinning you round. Both big problems with Wii remote controlled FPS in my opinion.

  david.dakota said:
I think it adds more precise movment when your reticule leaves the screen, rather than stalling or spinning you round. Both big problems with Wii remote controlled FPS in my opinion.


Its probably going to be this.


I think the developers said this was what they were planning on using Motion Plus for in the original game (as well as some melee based weapons), but they had to take it out due to time constraints, or something like that.


Yeah the art style is suddenly lacking in this game after all the amazing announcments at E3. This will be a tough sell to me, what with all the amazing new Wii and 3DS games on the horizon.


I like it!





...Hey! That's what the 3DS needs. DUCK HUNT.


Also, I'm placing bets on critical acclaim will go like this:

COD 7 > GoldenEye > Conduit 2.


I sort of feel sorry for HVS now, actually. :(


I'm surprised this and The Grinder weren't really shown off at the conference. :\


Even if they were simple teasers they would have gone hand in hand with the list of Wii games Nintendo were throwing at us.

  LostOverThere said:


...Hey! That's what the 3DS needs. DUCK HUNT.


Also, I'm placing bets on critical acclaim will go like this:

COD 7 > GoldenEye > Conduit 2.


I sort of feel sorry for HVS now, actually. :(


I second that! Black Ops is looking hot right now, and genuinely looks like an interesting direction for the series. Goldeneye looks good and first impressions are promising. I actually haven't heard anything of this or the Grinder at E3 :(


First Look/Developer Interview:




What with SO many awesome games shown at E3, the Conduit 2 is really gonna have to go some way to get any attention from me tbh!

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