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Rock Band 3


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When you get the golden border on the side of the track you're in a special overdrive section which counts for double - sort of like a unison bonus, except it's solo :heh:


Ah right, had noticed the golden border, but I though it was for all overdrive sections.


Just attempted Free Bird and as expected got my arse kicked, don't think I'll ever be able to do that on guitar. Although I 5 starred it on expert bass with ease so at least I can say I've done it on expert :heh:

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God i hated those streakmania challenges, Here I Go Again gave me the most trouble for that for some reason, (i play hard difficulty).


I completed the game today and i also noticed a lot of tweaks and changes to the gameplay. The overdrive meter glows differently or at least i think it does and that instant overdrive you get happens when the fret board around the white notes is a yellowy colour. No idea why they added that but more overdrive = win.


Oh and i went for it and played Free Bird and it seemed to match the difficulty of guitar hero 2, perhaps a tiny bit easier and instead of the pause before the guitar part kicks in you have some notes. Still has the awesome factor though, love playing that song!


Again though this is hard difficulty, but i imagine it to be truly challenging once again on expert.


Edit: missed seeing the last 2 posts so if the post seems a bit odd, yeah oops. ::shrug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have been spluttering out my thoughts on this for hours through various means. It's not necessarily a bad thing, though it does mean that they'd lose their ties with MTV and therefore a big portion of the music industry, which is a shame. More thoughts to come.

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Not to sound dumb, but what is the rock band network?! It's not in the wii version now and just wondered what it was before making any purchasing decisions!


It's not actually anything that great, it's just users creating their own RB tracks or something to that effect, but it's limited like the XNA as in I think you have to pay for it... there are a good few RBN songs but honestly I've never bothered to download any.


Anyway, Pretty Hate Pack 01 is gonna be availabel today! It contains - as you may have guessed - four tracks from Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails it's their first album and it's still considered to be their best and the track selection is excellent...


Terrible Lie

Head Like a Hole


The Only Time


Also being that the pack has '01' on the end it suggests that we may get more from that album which would be awesome, either way though I'm happy, more NIN hells yeah! :D

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I think you've got the wrong idea there about the Rock Band Network, SCG.


Basically, it allows anyone to put music up there on the service for download to receive a 40 (or 60, can't remember) percent cut from the sales. The tracks are all masters, no midi stuff ala GH. It means that smaller bands that wouldn't have the marketing power to get their songs on Rock Band can get their stuff on there with no costs.


Even those bands that don't have the skills to do so can get an authoring company to get their songs on there. All the songs are peer reviewed through XNA before they're allowed for sale so there won't be any charting errors or absolute crap getting through.


It's great. I have 3 songs from the RBN - Midnight Ride from Left4Dead 2, Even Rats (because it was on GH1 - awesome track) and...something else I've forgotton :D. I'm eagerly awaiting its return to RB3 as there are gonna be some Super Meat Boy and VVVVVV game tracks up there. :D




But yeah, it's been removed from the Wii due to lack of implementation and support on the console. Since it runs through XNA it's essentially the Xbox 360's baby.

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  • 2 months later...

Wow.. great price! They're still £70 everywhere else.


I'm gutted as I finally saved the money for one of the fully stringer Squier guitars only to discover they're not in production anymore. I was trying to decide if I wanted one and decided to go for it only to discover this news. I AM NOT HAPPY.

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