danny Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 He's saying it's easy to attack the police as they are a visible soft-target for your anger. But also that people make unfair generalisations and over-simplifications about their work and the manner in which it is carried out. He's implying that if you made the same line of accusations against minority groups, then there would be hell to pay. But as the police are public servants and supposedly "Supra-citizenry" somehow their actions must be viewed in a much harsher light. Thank you for explaining my point better than i could. They're all of the same horrible variety though' date=' no misconceptions here. Got pulled over by the Police this morning on my way to work, no issues apart from my car is registered as a white convertible Honda motorbike (wtf?). Had a good chat with them, seemed like really decent people actually.[/quote'] I would pull youm over for friving a white convertible honda bike. Does it have one of those snazzy folding metal roofs?
Kirkatronics Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 So we should ring them up before hand if we're going to be burgled? Seems fair enough' date=' can't expect them to react to things as they happen.[/quote']Thats not what i said. If its not an emergency they try to come out within 3 days, unless you agree a date with them. They're all of the same horrible variety though' date=' no misconceptions here. Got pulled over by the Police this morning on my way to work, no issues apart from my car is registered as a white convertible Honda motorbike (wtf?). Had a good chat with them, seemed like really decent people actually.[/quote'] Its like in every line of work. you get your nice people, and the knobheads.
Beast Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 (edited) I dont blambe the police for this. They cant be everywhere and as bad as ppl smoking weed on the park is there are worse things. I blame the laws of the land. 10/15 years ago when i was a lad if we had got up to half of this someones dad would have come and told us to fuck off and give us a clip round the head. Communitys could sort of police themselves. But now if anyone did this they would be locked up. (By the way, when I said kids can't go into parks, I meant in the holidays) I know this. It got really bad at one stage. I think it's partly the police and partly the community (when I say communities, I mean half of the parents round where I live). My mate's uncle works in the police and even he said half of the time, they're half-arsed. But it is ridiculous sometimes, the police that walk round are no good. Like this horrible little cretin who used to go to my school now sells drugs and knives to teenagers on the street and he got caught and was given a caution...a caution! The law is ridiculous to be honest and the police could be there faster, maybe then they'll catch the crook faster! It is a fact that the fear of crime is alot higher than crime itself. Police act on intelligence, if no-one tells the police anything, they cant do anything (example: times & places incidents are occuring). People need to ring the police so they know what is going on (another way to look at this would be that the police dont like big figures coz it makes them look bad, ppl keep ringing up bout the same problem would cause that so they would have to act). Kids hanging around shops in large numbers is not a policing problem, unless something else is linked to it such as being roudy, drinking alcahol etc. Even if kids are there i can understand it makes ppl uneasy but unless they are doing anything wrong they are just as welcome to be there as adults. Oh I know but by my area, there's some sort of code thing like you can't hang around doorways of shops if you have 3 or more people with you or something (don't exactly know it) and they're still there and they walk past them. Oh, and the teens are known for getting drunk/high and causing trouble (one of them used to be in my class, I didn't like the kid and he hated my guts) Edited February 19, 2010 by Animal Automerged Doublepost
Rummy Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 Crime is a Problem. The Police are the widely pushed solution to that problem. If there is still Crime, then clearly the Solution isn't good enough, blame the Solution! If the Problem is worsening, then so is the Solution! Deliberately aggressive and acting like a twat, it's no surprise they walked his way. I wouldn't like it if someone started filming me. And at the end of the day, the officers were young/inexperienced and it's unlikely you'd know every law (particularly the less important ones) to know whether filming them was legal or not. I don't know everything about my subject off by heart, either. Besides, what you see in the news/Youtube is generally outnumbere by 100,000 daily processes that all go smoothly. To write off the police because of incidents that draw attention is a bit silly. He was defensive, imo. Still not a saint, but he reacted accordingly given the aggression from the police. You wouldn't like someone filming you? You're not an on duty police officer. They didn't know whether filming was legal or not? Well, get informed! Don't just CLAIM it's illegal without good basis, if you don't know the law and you're a representative of it, don't just fill the gaps with your own stuff. If they actually geniunely and reasonably believed it was an offense(ie at some point in their career/training were told so), then they're being badly trained and need updating. They didn't apologise for their mistake, didn't give their names or numbers, and asked for his details without a good reason. I support his stance, though maybe not his attitude. You do raise the good point though. Videos and stories of police NOT doing their job are to be much more common and noticeable than the millions of incidences where they do, a video of the police doing their job is hardly as interesting as them not. Especially when there's a pre-bred attitude of disliking them. Which this thread made me realise. I thought I hated/disliked the police! I still do think I do a bit. But I don't know why! I hear alot of stories about them, and find the 'bad' stories more memorable I guess, or those are the only ones I hear. Then I actually thought of the personal dealings I've so far had with the police(outside of work, it's a bit shit when 6 geared up officers bring a floridly psychotic and aggressive person to the ward, leaving them immediately at the door), and realised I don't really have a bad experience. When I was younger, myself and a few friends once got searched for weed(rightly so) and they were nice and friendly and jokey(though of course we were apprehensive), and only took away the dude who had it. I called them once when I was drunk and thought I'd get mobbed by a massive group of chavs who'd been shouting at me and following me, and their response was good and reassuring. In fact, they do do a rather good job! However, I've heard more 'bad' stories than I have good, or had good experiences, so it's a human flaw of thinking that plagues us I think. My friend's dad ended up in a cell because an off-duty officer started a fight with a friend of his son. It's the people in the force that's the problem, just like the people out of it, not the force itself. We expect better than that though! How dare these people be human beings! BUT ANYWAY. Just because they do a good job and are better than the forces of other countries doesn't mean we should excuse criticism where it's due. The criticism and questioning is needed in order to improve and keep the force a good one. Maybe. I dunno. I'm hungry...
danny Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 Crime is a Problem. The Police are the widely pushed solution to that problem. If there is still Crime, then clearly the Solution isn't good enough, blame the Solution! If the Problem is worsening, then so is the Solution! Im sorry but the police are a uniformed service and follow orders. If the police arnt up to the job then you need to look at the people at the top who give the orders and the powers for them to do there jobs. If the police arnt performing then the govenment are directly resposable for getting a grip of them and making them up to the job.
Rummy Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 No, I'm with you on that one. Deliberately and candidly filming the police can only really have one of two purposes: either to get them to come over as you're acting suspiciously so you can act like a self-righteous dickhead, or to monitor their movements in planning of a crime. Or an amateur/professional filmmaker/photographer who's using the police as a subject? Or somebody attempting to capture on film the injustices/malpractices of the police? Or is that not allowed? I never expected you to be one to be guilty of a false dichotomy! I personally think we should have a right to be able to film them if there's no harm intended. Though whilst attempting to look into this, I've just found this; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7888301.stm It says it was updated on Feb16, but I dunno if thats when it was originally published, if so then it's real recent. It's an Interesting read about a law(under terrorism related law, suprise suprise) outlawing pictures(and presumably therefore video) of any member of the Armed Forces. It interestingly points out the Royal Family come under such a banner too...
Ashley Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 Or an amateur/professional filmmaker/photographer who's using the police as a subject? Or somebody attempting to capture on film the injustices/malpractices of the police? Or is that not allowed? Anti-terrorism laws ahoy! But yeah, its not really allowed. Or, if they don't want you doing it they'll implement these laws to their will. Its not like the legislation says "thou cannot film the police." Personally I have no problems with the police. The ones that arrested me were quite nice.
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